Ch. 2

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Heres the Chapter 2 in my Nevermore book, I hope you guys like it :)

Chapter 2

       Well, it certainly caught them off guard. Everyone stared at me, including Dylan, with their mouths open. Fang was the first to recover himself and look away going back to ignoring me. He nudged Angel and Maya getting them to snap out of it. 

 “Your what?” Jeb asked his eyes wide.                                                    

 “Me. And .Dylan .Are .Going. To. A. Dance. Club. Tonight.” I said word by word. He rolled his eyes.

   “No, you’re not! You aren’t even old to get in!” Jeb burst. 

 “Yes, we are going. Who’s gonna stop us?” I smirked. “You?”                                                                                                                       

“Ugh!”He snarled knowing I was right. He didn’t stand a chance against Dylan and I. He put his hands on his hips and eyed the ground probably thinking a way to win this argument. I turned to Nudge.                                                                                                                                                                          “Nudge, will you help me get ready? I asked. Her face lit up with joy. She smiled widely and ran down the hall to my room. “Ill take that as a yes,” I turned to Iggy and Gazzy.” Iggy, you’re in charge. No bombs, fireworks, or stink bombs. Just stay here. I’ll have the cell phone so you can call me if you anything goes wrong.” Iggy nodded.                                                                                      

 “Same with you.” Iggy smirked. I turned to Dylan who was smiling.                                                                        “What?” I asked.

 “This is gonna be fun.” He said. I wasn’t so sure, I’ve never been to a club before but there’s a first time for everything I guess and I can’t handle sitting around her all night watching Fang drool over Maya and Maya babying Angel like I use too. No way, not gonna happen. Tonight will be my time-off as flock leader and the careful, tense Max. I’m gonna have fun and be stupid.

It took Nudge an hour to get me ready and I have to say she did an amazing job, considering how much I complained about the makeup and the hair but in the end I had to admit I was hot. I wore a short slim spaghetti strapped black dress, with a pair of black high heels I had a hell of time walking in. My hair was curled to perfection. My makeup was done well, highlighting my face. My eyes were gorgeous, my skin was flawless, and my lips were silky. I was barely recognizable. I gathered enough courage to go out my bedroom door. Dylan was in the living room. Jeb was in his room on the phone with my mom so I took this time to bolt before Jeb saw me. I knew there’s no way he would let me leave looking like this. I know he couldn’t stop us but I really didn’t feel like hearing him complain again. It was like hearing a bee buzz in your ear.                                                                    

 I walked down the hall to the living room. Fang and his gang were watching the news not noticing me. Iggy and Gazzy were eating at the table. Suddenly Gazzy looked over  at me and spit his mouthful of food all over the table and Iggy getting everyone’s attention.

“Dude! What the hell are you doing?!” Iggy yelled. Gazzy still looked at me his mouth open.

 “Max looks hot!” He yelled. Everyone looked at me their mouths dropping. Everyone, but Fang. His eyes glued to the TV refusing to look at me. I looked at Dylan who was totally in awe. His eyes were wide and his mouth open.                                                                                                                                            

“Ready?” I asked smiling. He nodded his mouth still open like an idiot. “ Dylan, you’re going to have to snap out of it, or they will never let us in. I ordered. He nodded closing his mouth but still staring at me. I smiled rolling my eyes. “Come on.”


My heart stopped, and I knew she was in the room. I kept my eyes glued to the TV not even taking one small peek, knowing I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from staring at Max. Maya muzzled deeper into my arm, and I didn’t push her off like I should have. I know she was doing this mostly cause Max was in the room. Suddenly Gazzy started coughing and spit out his food over the table and over poor Iggy. Who wasn’t too happy. When Gazzy said Max was hot I was about to turn my head and look at her like everyone else but I stopped myself and watched the TV. I blocked out Max and Dylan talking which thankful was kept short. They went out the front door into my view. I saw her. She was beautiful. She was always beautiful though. She was Max. Her eyes were captivating, her smile was breathtaking. She went out the door with him. Dylan. I’ve never wanted to kill anyone more than him right now. I wanted to break his arm if he touched her. It felt as if a chain was wrapped around my heart pulling tighter the further she went away from me. I wanted her. I wanted to hold her in my arms. Feeling her heart, knowing she was safe. I love her. I always will.

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