Ch. 1

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This is my first fanfiction so forgive me if its horrible. I dont know about you guys, but I cant wait for Nevermore to come out!! Im only gonna post the first chapter that I wrote cuz im nervous. If you guys like it I will post the 2nd chapter then 3rd and so on and so on. :) Thanks!

Chapter 1

It has been 10 months since I’ve seen Fang. Since I’ve seen Angel. Sure, I was relieved and happy to find out she was alive and safe, but then I found out she was off with Fang and his band of merry mutants.

I hadn’t spoken to any of them. Not Fang or Angel. Yet, they talk to the flock all the time filling them in with all the juicy details on the doomsday group. Not me though. I’m not trying find out anything on the DG. I’m going to let Fang and his gang, or whatever you want to call them, deal with it. I’m on vacation. As for me and Dylan, well we aren’t together, but I have to admit we have become awfully close the past few months. He’s now one of my best friends, if anything he is my best friend.

“AHHHHH!!!” Dylan screamed into the canyon, only making me laugh.                                                                 “AHHHH!!!” I screamed. We stood on the edge of a cliff in the canyon. Yes, screaming. You would be surprised how unbelievably wonderful it felt just to scream. To just LET IT OUT! Especially right now, knowing Fang and his gang were at the house. They had come early today; apparently Jeb had told them it was okay for them to stay with us for a few days. To recharge and rest in a safe place, yet they weren’t safe. Not from me anyway. Dylan and I made sure we weren’t there when they arrived, so we left first thing this morning and spent the day hiking and flying around the canyon. It was pretty fun, but now the sun was going down and pretty soon it will be dark so we have to go back to the house.

I’m not sure how I’m going to react to seeing Angel or Fang. I might break down in tears and fall to my knees. The first few months they were gone I barely left my room and I cried 24/7. Now I’m pretty sure I’m out of tears, but there’s always that chance they will come back. I’m not completely sure how Angel and Fang will react to seeing me, I looked different. Since Angel wasn’t around to keep Nudge occupied I had too. She went shopping with me and got me tons of clothes that weren’t super casual but weren’t super dressy either. They were cute and I actually wore some of them. Anything pink, I wouldn’t touch. I was cleaner too; I showered everyday and apparently got older looking. Whenever my mom and Ella came to visit they gushed at how beautiful and grown up I’ve gotten. I’m 16 now; well at least I think I am. The Flock and I had another birthday; we all turned a year older. But I barely looked 16, I looked more like I was 18 or 19 maybe.

“Ready to go?” Dylan asked me. His wings were unfurled making him look like an angel I hated how hot Dylan was, it was unfair. I can’t tell you how many hours I have wasted just gaping at him like a love-struck idiot.                     

 “No, but we should go anyway.” I grumbled. I leaped off the edge unfurling my wings. The wind quickly caught them and I was off. I didn’t bother to look back to see if Dylan was following. I knew he was. Soon the house came into view. I let out a full blast scream not caring that everyone in that house could hear me. Let them. Dylan screamed along with me and when we stopped we were laughing .We flew around the house to the back deck, and then landing gently. Then walked inside only to see a room full of people. Iggy was in the kitchen cooking what looked and smelt like spaghetti. Gazzy say on the counter in the kitchen helping Iggy when needed (which wasn’t very often). Nudge sat on the armed chair reading what looked like a fashion magazine. Jeb stood in front of the two couches talking. Holden, Star, and Kate sat on one couch, Ratchet, Maya (my clone), Angel, and Fang sat on the other. Maya sitting close to Fang, and Angel sitting nuzzled into her like she once did with me. My heart ached and I felt as if someone was sitting on my chest because I couldn’t breathe. Fang and Angel looked different too. Angel had grown so much. She looked more like she 10 or 11 than 7. Her curly blond hair had gotten longer but it was held back with a pink scrunchy. Fangs hair was shorter now still lush and dark but not as long. It actually made him look even more gorgeous. He had grown up as well. Looking more 18 or 19 than 16.                                                                                       

 Dylan nudged me with his arm. Then I let out a breath realizing I was holding my breath and that Jeb was talking to me.                                                                                                                       

 “What?” I asked.                                                                                                                             

 “I said what did you guys do today?” Jeb repeated. The room had gotten quiet and I knew everyone was listening. I could feel Fangs eyes on me, piercing through me like knives. I realized I was holding my breath again and breathed calmly. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I looked at Dylan for help.                                                                                                                            

“Nothing much, we hiked around the canyon, went flying.” Dylan answered casually. “What time did they get here?” He grumbled.                                                                                                                      

  “You know “they” can hear you?” Star snapped obviously not liked being talked about when she was right there. I know that feeling. I remember Star, she’s the one who eats faster than she talks and isn’t very good at keeping her thoughts to herself.                                                                                              

“Yah, I really don’t care.” Dylan pointed out. Star barred her fists and stood up incredibly fast. Kate grabbed her arm and pulled her back on the couch.                                                                     

  “It’s not worth it, Star.” Kate said. I also remember Kate, the girl who looks like an Asian supermodel. Who ironically is super strong.  Star slumped in her seat crossing her arms over her chest looking mildly defeated.                                                                                                 

 “So, what was all the screaming about?” Jeb asked me ignoring Star and Kate.                             

“Oh, that’s just something we do.” I said finally able to speak. I was proud how casual and bored I sounded.                                                                                                                                                 

“You scream?” Jeb asked confused.                                                                                                                              

“Yah.” Dylan smiled. I nodded, my eyes drifted back over to Fang and Angel. Fang had his arm up on the couch so Maya leaned into the curve of his arm. None of them were looking at us now. A knot had grown in my stomach and I felt sick. I wanted to do something outrageous something that they aren’t expecting, something stupid even, but what exactly? Then it came to me                                                                                                                                       

 “Hey Jeb, me and Dylan r going to go to a club tonight.” I say.  

Thanks for reading!! :) Comment!! and  let me know if you like it  

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