(CH.2) recruiting

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"Good morning." he greets her and gestures for her to sit down on the chair opposite his huge desk.

"Good morning, father." she replies and politely bows before moving to sit.

When he doesn't seem to speak out further, Nayeon looks up at him questioningly.

"What did you want to talk to me about? Jihyo said it's urgent."

He nods and holds her gaze for a moment – silently studying the facial features of his daughter as if he was looking to find something there.

"I was wondering if you have thought about what I said to you the other day."

Nayeon furrows her brow because she had no idea what he was talking about.

"About loosening up."

Nayeon just stares at him then, completely at a loss. Not this riddle again.

"To be honest, father. I have no idea what you're implying with that. If you want me to step down from work, just tell me and I'll force myself to a holiday – but otherwise I don't know what..."

"That's not what I mean." he interrupts and shakes his head. "Not quite, anyway."

He clears his throat and sights – obviously not sure how to explain further.

"I'm concerned about you, Nayeon. You work hard, as you should, but I'm afraid that you have zero outlet of relief whatsoever. You do everything in your life on your own. You won't let anyone else do anything for you – even your secretary is out-of-work most of the time and I'm afraid you've become quite... uptight."

Nayeon blinks rapidly – her fingers fidgeting with the hem of her skirt. She can't believe what she's hearing, and from her father of all people.

"I'm living my life the way you always taught me to. I don't know why that's suddenly a problem. My lie is the same as yours, father."

"I know that I'm most likely partly to blame – but you see, Nayeon, our business partners seem to have picked up on your tense energy and they back down from investing in our company because they're afraid that once you take over the business for good, you'll tire yourself out and lead the company to ruin."

At that Nayeon gasps, because it's the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard in her life and she almost wants to laugh – if it wasn't for her father's serious glare.

"You must be kidding me..." she says, gritting her teeth. She feels anger build up in her stomach and gulps down all the other things she wants to say – knowing better than to add fuel to the fire.

"You see, I know you live your life according to my lead, Nayeon – but you seem to forget that unlike you, I always had your mother by my side who helped me out outside of work."

"So what?" Nayeon asks – her tone way harsher than any other time she's talked to her father ever. "You want me to get married?"

Dark eyes focus on hers and then he laughs – a sound she's not used to because her father almost never laughs out loud, and she's not sure if she feels relieved or offended.

"No, Nayeon. I want you to find a way of relief for yourself. No matter in which area of your life and no matter by what or thanks to whom. Just make sure that our investors don't just see you as a dogged and unbalanced businesswoman. They need to see that you're human asap."

Nayeon shakes her head at the memory of their conversation – feeling her pulse in her temples as her head starts to hurt again at the thought of it.

She had been silent the whole rest of the day – working her butt off so she didn't have to think about it anymore, glaring at Jihyo every time she so much as looked at her. She never was in the mood for small talk – but any other day that knowledge didn't stop Jihyo from trying. Today, thought, one look at Nayeon's angry face had been enough to shut her up entirely.

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