(CH.25) flourishing

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To say that she's nervous would be an understatement.

To say that there's a good enough reason for her to be this edgy on the other hand – not so much.

Nayeon's had her fair share of nerve-racking moments in the past – given her rocket rise in the business world – and yet she's never been this jittery before.

It even went so far that Jihyo had already given her a chamomile tea at noon as well as a headshaking, knowing smirk.

"For your nerves, pussy." were the exact words she had used, before the door had fallen close behind her again – leaving Nayeon and her thoughts alone again.

Her thoughts were all over the place – debating whether or not it was really a good idea to put herself out there like that, if her nerves could handle it or if it was better to just cancel and schedule for another day when she wasn't constantly dropping things because her hands were so sweaty.

But then a certain pair of light-brown orbs had appeared before her inner eyes and Nayeon knew that there was no way she could ever deny them anything – and plus, she was missing them so desperately already that it would be suicide not to meet up with their owner that day.

So when Nayeon left her office around 4 p.m., she is a human mix of excitement and tension – feeling like she's 10 all over again, on her first ever roller-coaster-ride. Not knowing if the ride will bring her the greatest joy or the biggest fear ever.

She doesn't even realize how Jihyo stares at her in utter shock as she rushes back to her desk from the storage closet, because Nayeon's completely lost in thought – grabbing her jacket from their shared wardrobe and putting it on without really looking up at her secretary once.

"Um... excuse my French, but where the hell do you think you're going? Do you realize what time it is?" Jihyo asks as she eyes up her boss in a not-so-subtle manner.

Nayeon glances at a somewhat breathless Jihyo quickly before checking the time on her watch.

"It's 4 p.m. sharp. And I'm heading out now."

There's silence filling the room and Nayeon rolls her eyes when her secretary makes a show of tearing open her mouth and eyes – portraying sheer horror.

"Oh my Lord..." the raven haired Korean then gasps, as she jumps out of her seat and runs over to where Nayeon is standing – pressing one of her hands to the woman's forehead.

"Are you sick? Do you have a fever?"

Nayeon groans and swats away Jihyo's hand before glaring at her sternly.

"You're seriously the most annoying person I know."

"And that's exactly why you love me." Jihyo completes, before wiggling her eyebrows and sending Nayeon a suggestive wink.

"I don't love you." Nayeon grumbles – her eyes moving over to Jihyo's desk, before her facial expression changes into a playful grin.

"But my assumption is solidifying that someone else does. Really now? New flowers again?"

Jihyo narrows her eyes and steps in front of the small bouquet of roses sitting on top of her desk – blocking Nayeon's view of it.

"It's not like it's the first time I have plants on my desk, you know. And also, I bought these for myself." the older girl informs - her voice is everything but convincing and Nayeon just laughs at her.

"Oh please, you don't even like roses."

"I do now."

"Who made you change your mind?"

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