(CH.4) commissioning

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Nayeon eyes the half-empty bottle of expensive Merlot that is placed on the coffee table in front of her for a long time. She's never really been a red-wine-type-of-girl – the rare occasions when she actually does drink, she prefers the taste of Champagne or maybe a dry Martini – but today she's made an exception.

She recalls finding the box in front of her attic apartment when she got home from work – the exaggeratedly large, white rose attached to it already hinting at its content.

Still, her heart had hoped for her head to be wrong – something inside her still hurting a little bit at the thought, even though she had long since come to terms with it.

She had heard about the engagement from her father and was thus prepared for the inevitable - and yet, when Nayeon had opened the package and had seen the wedding invitation in front of her, her stomach had dropped, and her throat had closed up. She couldn't help but feel the betrayal yet again, when she'd read the names of her former boyfriend and his fiancé.

*We cordially invite you to our wedding and hope very much for your attenArt*

Nayeon snorts spitefully when her glance falls onto the little white card with the golden font lying beside the bottle of wine, which was sent along with the invitation as a little preview of the celebrations.

It never ceases to amaze her how easily her ex-partner pretends they're still friends, after he left her for another woman just like that. They had been dating for three years when he suddenly decided that he was in love with someone else, "someone who doesn't only live and breathe for work 24/365" – and here he was, sending out wedding invitations to the person he had replaced in the blink of an eye not even a year later.

Nayeon shakes her head and her hand moves almost automatically towards the wine bottle. She stops before her fingers can touch the bottle though – squinting her eyes and biting her lower lip. She really shouldn't drink any more in this state, knowing full well that drowning her sorrows in alcohol cannot lead to anything good – but then she remembers how Sehun had surprised her with a trip to France that one time, where they went to see all the good vineyards in Bordeaux where Merlot is made – and then the bottle is in her hands not one second later. She doesn't even bother to pour the wine into a glass and brings it straight to her mouth like an addict.

She doesn't care right now though – and maybe, just maybe, the feeling of intoxication will help her relax and let go of the tension in her heart.

It's ridiculous to think that she – Im Nayeon – could suffer from an emotional issue, because she's been brought up to live like she doesn't have any feelings whatsoever. Or at least handle them like a boss – like a Im – by not acknowledging them or suppressing them through a shit ton of work. That had always been her answer to everything in life: her job.

And it had worked quite well so far. The few times in her life that her feelings had taken over, she simply hadn't left the office until she was back to normal again. A tactic her father had taught her.

Her father who had overruled said process only a few days ago – making Nayeon's life that much more complicated.

"I want you to find a way of relief for yourself. No matter in which area of your life and no matter by what or whom. Just make sure that our investors don't just see you as an unbalanced businesswoman. They need to see that you're human asap."

Nayeon clenches her jaw at the memory and her grip on the bottle becomes firmer.

What on earth is this man doing anyway? Who does he think he is, turning her world upside down with this statement?

Nayeon takes another huge swallow from her wine and then mouths out the words 'loose up' in a hushed whisper. She repeats them a few more times – and each time she becomes more aware that she has no idea what that really means. What the hell does 'loosening up' mean?

She's tempted to google it even – but for some strange reason there's suddenly an image appearing before her inner eye. A very vivid one – one that brings a real blush to her cheeks, not like the soft pink caused by the red wine.

There's a tingling sensation in the tips of her fingers and before Nayeon knows, she's replaced the bottle in her hand with her phone – her thumb scrolling through her contacts until it's finally hovering over a number with no name.

Her eyes are fixed on the digits, but something in her stops her from making the call. She's not entirely sure what it is that prevents her from doing so. It's probably her mother's voice in her head telling her that acting impulsively is not a behavior a distinguished young lady should display.

But then there's her father's voice as well, pushing her to ease up and find a way of relief – the two opinions in her head clashing and causing a headache.

"Fuck it." Nayeon lets escape her mouth and presses the call button.

It rings once. Twice. Three times and then a sleepy voice answers the call.


"Son, it's Im. I need you to come by my place."

She realizes that her tone is very strict, but that's exactly how she talks in a business context. And this was nothing short of that.

There's rustling on the other side of the line – like someone pushing away sheets and crawling out of bed.

"Um. Like, right now?"

Nayeon rolls her eyes – something about this girl evoking her short-tempered side.

"Yes. Right now. Is that a problem? Do you have somewhere better to be?"

This time the answer is like a shot.

"No. Of course not. It's just... very spontaneous."

Nayeon hears a door open in the background of the call and then a hushed voice saying something that she can't quite make out.

She tells herself not to care and focuses back on the person on the other side of the phone-call.

"Get used to it. We have a contract. I call – you run."

"Ai ai, sajangnim." the other girl answers in a giggle that only makes Nayeon's head fall backwards against her couch in annoyance.

"Do you... Do I need to... I don't know. Wear or bring something special?"

Nayeon can briefly hear the insecurity in her voice and she's actually tempted to smile at the thoughtfulness of her new 'staff member'.

"No. Just get here quickly before I change my mind."

There's a laugh audible, before the sounds of keys jingling drown out the laughter and then Nayeon hears a door being slammed shut.

"Believe me, Miss Im. You won't ever change your mind after tonight."

Nayeon wanted to let lose a laugh then – but something about the mix of cockiness and seductiveness

in the girl's intonation makes it get stuck in the back of her throat and she decides to play along.

"Is that a promise or a threat?" she asks without realizing how her tongue darts out to wet her lips after that.

The girl on the other end of the line pauses for effect before answering in a voice that, just like that, sets Nayeon's entire body on fire.

"Whichever turns you on more, hot stuff."

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