(CH.14) tumbling

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Nayeon takes a few calming breaths before her hand reaches out to open the door to her suite. Her hand trembles before she even touches the doorknob and for a moment she just stares at her shaking hand – mentally trying to make it stop but it doesn't work.

She had known. Of course she had known that there was a slight chance of meeting him here. His father's investment firm was one of her biggest partners, after all. But still, she was convinced that Mr. Oh wouldn't send his son to this conference.

Therefore, she had been all the more surprised when she had spotted Sehun sitting in the meeting room – dressed in a way too expensive suit and with a smug grin on his face.

He had greeted her as if he was her friend and not someone who had left her alone and in pieces not too long ago.

Nayeon had felt grateful that she was still a little high on Chaeyoung's touches from before, because otherwise she would've probably declined his attempt to pull her in for a hug.

She had barely been able to bear his closeness, but the thought of showing this type of weakness in front of her business associates – in front of him – was reason enough for Nayeon to put on a beaming smile and return the gesture. She certainly did not want to give him this type of satisfaction.

Which didn't mean that seeing him again for the first time since their break-up was an easy pill to swallow. Nayeon had never really dealt with the end of their relationship – other than going into workaholic-mood – and maybe she should have.

Maybe then her hands and her heart wouldn't be so shaky right now.

She shakes her head one more time – trying to clear her mind from all this useless crap and opts to open the door.

She has no idea what she expected, but it was definitely not Chaeyoung sitting on the edge of the bed they just had sex in some hours ago – all dressed up in her beige pantsuit, make-up and hair done – looking like an absolute boss.

Nayeon's eyes go wide and for some reason, her bare nerves that were making her all giddy before, seem to calm down a bit.

With the way Chaeyoung looked, Nayeon suddenly felt comfortable again. She knew dinner would be a success. It just had to. There was no way in hell that any of her investors would be able to resist Chaeyoung.

Especially not Sehun.

Nayeon gulps – that sudden thought putting her nerves on edge again and she feels something twist in her stomach.

"I got your message." Chaeyoung draws the attention to herself as she waves her phone in her hand. "How did the meeting go?"

"It was fine." Nayeon nods and tries to shake a certain image from her brain she's sure she's going to have nightmares about.

She really doesn't have the time for her heart to start acting up and beating strangely erratic right now. And it's not like there's a genuine reason for her chest to tighten at the prospect of Chaeyoung and Sehun sitting at the same table in less than 30 minutes.

"That doesn't sound very convincing. Did something happen?"

Chaeyoung sends her a questioning look, which the older girl waves away with a quick motion of her hands.

"You're not here to ask questions, remember?" the Korean states, raising an eyebrow at Chaeyoung who gulps and then falls silent – her gaze never leaving Nayeon though.

If she's not completely imagining things today, Nayeon's quite sure that she can see Chaeyoung's nostrils quiver a little bit while deer-eyes bore holes into her face.

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