(CH.12) slipping

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Nayeon spends the next three days barricaded in her office - tied to her laptop to make all the necessary preparations for the coming weekend.

She doesn't even go home to sleep. The pull-out couch she had purchased after her separation from Sehun coming in handy once again – making it possible that she doesn't have to leave her workspace at all.

In a few moments of weakness – or carelessness – Jihyo succeeds in getting her to eat something that's not only nuts or granola-bars from the vending machine in the canteen.

But other than that, Nayeon limits her social encounters and possible distractions to a complete minimum. She works like a maniac, because that's what she does best and it's absolutely crucial that she's well prepared for the conference at hands. After all, it decides whether the IPO of her firm stands or falls.

And Nayeon hasn't worked like a madwoman for the past few years just to screw it all up now.

But she also knows that her talent and elaborate planning will unfortunately not be enough for the investors and congressmen. Even if the world was slowly changing - the patriarchy was still too deeply anchored in the Korean culture - and women in leadership positions still had a hard time.

Nayeon had learned the hard way that her business associates still cared more about her beautiful looks and her consent to entertain them during a meal, rather than her intellect and brilliant business ideas.

Nayeon was absolutely not a fan of this, however she did what she had to do – always only the bare minimum of it though. Her pride preventing anything else.

Until now.

So far, she had deliberately ignored her father's requests to finally bring someone to these events. She knew he only wanted her to take along one of her rich girl-friends to help woo these creepy, older men. But Nayeon didn't like that kind of manipulation, and she wouldn't have known who to bring with her anyway.

She might have taken Jihyo with her, but the way her secretary behaved half of the time, she would probably have scared off the businessmen more than anything.

Nayeon's not entirely sure that this isn't what's going to happen with Chaeyoung as well though – because yes, where the girl is undeniably beautiful and therefore perfect for a job like this, she also hasn't got a very sophisticated tongue.

Nayeon hopes that this won't come back and bite her in the backside sooner or later – as she listens to Chaeyoung repeating herself for the tenth time since they boarded the jet: "Holy shit. You're like really fucking rich rich rich!"

Nayeon shakes her head slightly while she indicates the flight attendant to bring them some Champagne and watches as Chaeyoung's eyes roam around the plane – almost falling out of her seat as she cranes her neck to take in absolutely every little detail of it.

"I hope you're aware that you can't use language like that when we're dining with my business associates." Nayeon snarls and sends the younger girl a pointed look. It's the first time she's actually saying a whole sentence directed at the other girl since she had picked her up at her dorms almost an hour ago.

So it's no wonder that Chaeyoung's head snaps back in surprise at Nayeon's voice. She returns Nayeon's glare briefly, before her face erupts into a huge grin. "What? Are you telling me I won't be allowed to talk? Never heard that one from you before. Quite the shocker."

She winks at the Im heiress, before quickly bowing to the stewardess who silently comes by and hands them each a glass of Dom Perignon.

Nayeon decides not to comment on Chaeyoung's teasing – careful not to relive her last conversation – and instead watches as Chaeyoung takes a sip of the bubbly. The younger girl grimaces barely noticeable and places the drink onto the small desk between her and Nayeon.

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