(CH.27) risking, dealing and winning

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Nayeon could definitely get used to this.

Being woken up by tender kisses to her cheek and a gentle hand caressing her neck – it all feels too good to be true. But when Nayeon opens her eyes a crack and is met with the softest gaze, she's quick to believe.

Chaeyoung looks at her like she's something precious and it's then that Nayeon actually believes it. For the first time in her life she doesn't get that strange feeling in her tummy – the one she usually gets when she feels like someone is dishonest with her.

No. Not with Chaeyoung.

Not with Chaeyoung whose whole face lights up in joy as their eyes meet.

"Good morning, beautiful." the younger girl says – her voice merely a whisper.

Nayeon feels the heat rise to her cheeks with the way Chaeyoung keeps staring at her and even though she knows that it's not the first time they've woken up in the same bed together, she feels flustered by this intimate situation at hand.

It still is the first time for them since they've become something... more. Something real – and it makes Nayeon cover her face with her hands.

Chaeyoung chuckles audibly at that.

"Are you turning shy on me now, Ms. Im?"

Nayeon only squeals at that, not letting Chaeyoung remove her hands – moving to press her face into the pillow when the short one tries to do so.

"Come on, look at me."

"No." Nayeon mutters into the bedding – voice muffled.

"Come on, Nayeon." Chaeyoung tries again while poking the other girls' sides playfully.

Nayeon shrieks when Chaeyoung tickles her a little harder – rolling around and hands coming off her face as she tries to fend off Chaeyoung's attack.

As is almost always the case, Chaeyoung is stronger and wins the upper hand easily – positioning herself on top of Nayeon as she gets hold of both of her wrists, pushing her back into the mattress.

"There she is." the younger one mocks with a mischievous grin on her face and it's only then that Nayeon really takes her in for the first time.

How she's sitting on top of her in only one of Nayeon's oversized shirts.

Nothing more.

The realization almost makes Nayeon gasp for air and she's pretty sure that it's written all over her face, because Chaeyoung licks her lips and bends further down – pressing herself even harder into her, almost making her black out in the process.

With eyes as dark and hooded as it gets, Chaeyoung looks at her so intensely, Nayeon almost combusts right then and there.

But it's only when Chaeyoung breathes her next words into Nayeon's ear that she completely loses it:

"Tell me what you want me to do."

Yes, Nayeon could one hundred percent get used to this.


It's strange.

Loving someone is strange.

Nayeon had only ever really loved one thing in her life – and that's work.

She still does.

Love her work – that is. But now there was something else that vied for her attention, and it was strange to Nayeon that suddenly her life wasn't dictated by her job anymore.

No, there was something way bigger – something that made her break into a smile randomly throughout the day, something that made her check her phone even more than usual, something that made her skin glow and her eyes sparkle – something that made her chest ache, but in a good way.

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