(CH.6) clarifying

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Nayeon would never admit it – let alone say it out loud, but Chaeyoung was right. She really is that good in bed and it's not only because she actually follows through whatever Nayeon tells her to. No. That girl knows what she's doing.

The way her body moves, her tongue Arts and her fingers curl – she seems like a natural, even though there are some minor improvements Nayeon needs her to make, but she lets it slip this time around.

She's far too exhausted after Chaeyoung makes her come four times in a row and for a split-second Nayeon can't feel her legs anymore and her head is completely empty.

She lets her eyes fall shut – but only until she's able to think again and then there's the sudden realization that not a single person before had ever managed to climax her multiple times successively.

Nayeon shoots up – clenching her teeth because she's so darn angry at herself for even recognizing that. She inwardly yells at herself to stop thinking altogether immediately and instead turns her naked and worn-out body to the girl beside her – not so softly pushing at her shoulder.

Chaeyoung groans and buries her face further into a pillow, mumbling something Nayeon can't understand.

"Get up, Chaeyoung." Nayeon hears herself say in a grim tone, but all she gets in return is another incomprehensible babble, so she nudges the younger woman's upper arm again harder. This time Chaeyoung somewhat turns her head until she's able to pop open one eye – staring at Nayeon's hardened face.

"I'm exhausted. I need a minute before I can go again, I'm afraid."

"No." Nayeon shakes her head not even a blink later and points straight to her bedroom door. "You're leaving."

Chaeyoung follows the direction of her hand with her open eye, which then focuses back on Nayeon who lets her arm drop to her side and rises an eyebrow when the short girl doesn't get up right away.

"You can't be serious. It's like... the middle of the night right now." Chaeyoung complains – only to get a fake laugh in return from the Korean.

"So what?" Nayeon retorts in an emotionless voice. "This isn't a sleepover, Chaeyoung. We're done here, so get dressed and leave."

There's absolutely zero leeway and thankfully Chaeyoung seems to pick up on that rather quickly. She only closes her eyes for a short moment and Nayeon's almost sure that she can make out a slight shaking of her head – the head that had been between her legs not 15 minutes prior.

She knows that she probably should feel guilty – but her body's still coming down from its high and it's so hard to focus on anything else but her relaxed self right now, and besides, it's her who makes the rules – so Nayeon pushes on.

"Today, please."

"Fine." the girl in blonde bangs replies – failing miserably at trying to hide the annoyance in her voice as she pushes aside the bedsheets that were covering her.

She sits up – their two bodies closer together due to Chaeyoung's new position and Nayeon deliberately ignores the warmth that emanates from the other girl and focuses on keeping a straight face.

She can feel big brown eyes on her and Nayeon's not sure if she should be annoyed or curious – but Chaeyoung makes the decision easier for her when she murmurs "You're strange." under her breath.

Normally, Nayeon would've ignored that – she's been called way worse – but Chaeyoung was really testing her patience right now and that didn't help Nayeon's mood.

So she turns her whole body, until it's facing the younger girl completely – the quick move making Chaeyoung draw back a little. She holds Nayeon's sight though and the older one notices that that's another first – usually people backed down when they were met this type of fuming look on Nayeon's face.

Funnily enough, Chaeyoung's behavior only makes Nayeon angrier.

"What? Did you think we would cuddle a little afterwards?" she sneers and rolls her eyes just enough for the other girl to see.

Chaeyoung bites her lower lip and for a second Nayeon thinks that she's doing that on purpose – because she knows that she can probably distract almost anyone with those – but then she's met with a shrug and deer-like eyes looking at the ground.

"To be honest. I don't know what I thought."

"That's why I told you not to think at all." Nayeon replies – the feeling of sympathy somewhat returning into her body at the sight of Chaeyoung's lost state.

She knew this wasn't right. Of course she did. She wasn't a monster after all – but this was a business get-together and, as always, she had to act professionally. Especially in the beginning you have to set clear rules so that you are taken seriously.

And since Nayeon had learned to do just that from a very young age – it came almost naturally to her. Almost.

"No thinking. No talking... You should've gotten yourself a sex toy instead."

Nayeon hears the tension in Chaeyoung's voice – and if she was being honest, she could also feel it radiating from her vis-à-vis – and she shouldn't, but she feels the need to lighten the mood then – even though she's still a tad angry that she's not long asleep already.

And even if she can do what she pleases, she still doesn't want Chaeyoung to feel like a cheap floozy - because she isn't.

So Nayeon takes a breather and then reaches out to place a finger under the younger woman's chin. Chaeyoung's reluctant to look back up at her, but when she does eventually, there's still a glow on her that makes her eyes sparkle.

"If there's any sex toy on this planet that can do even a quarter of what you did tonight, sign me the fuck up, but I'm afraid you were right on the phone. I won't change my mind after tonight."

Chaeyoung's face is not readable for the better of 10 seconds and then a grin that's almost too big for her face takes over – making her look like some cartoon-character with her huge eyes and far too white teeth.

"I knew it." she cheers – mostly for herself, which Nayeon finds ridiculous. "I knew you wouldn't be able to resist my skills."

The older girl grabs her own head in despair when she realizes her own mistake.

"It's nice that we clarified that. Can you go now?"

Nayeon can see the insidiousness in Chaeyoung's eyes, before she even answers something.

"What's the magic word?" Chaeyoung almost sings as she sends her a wink.

"Immediately, Chaeyoung!"

Nayeon raises both of her eyebrows and gives a pointed look, which makes Chaeyoung finally give up – and the Korean has never been more relieved. She suddenly realizes how tired she is, and truth be told, if this would go on further then she might just actually fall asleep on the spot – no matter if Chaeyoung's still there or not. And she can't have that – so she suppresses the relief that spreads in her when the younger woman finally gets out of bed, collecting clothing items here and there on her way to the bedroom door.

Just before she reaches for the door handle, she glances back at Nayeon who's still sitting in the middle of here King-sized bed with the black linen – naked, just like herself.

"Miss Im." she then salutes – looking completely absurd, so much that Nayeon has to bite back a laugh real hard. "Always a pleasure."

Nayeon can hardly suppress the laugh that is hiding in her throat – so she disguises it by throwing a pillow at Chaeyoung, who dodges it and then sticks out her tongue to Nayeon before pulling the door shut behind her.

It's not long before Nayeon hears the door at the main entrance open and then close, and she can finally fall backwards into her mattress and then into the land of dreams where she meets full lips and brown eyes she won't remember in the morning.

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