(CH.26) wondering

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Nayeon wonders.

All night long she wonders.

Wonders how she could've ever made work the center of her attention when there were things like Chaeyoung's laugh existing in this universe. She wonders how it was humanly possible for other people to just walk by this gloomy person without falling head over heels by just looking at her once. She wonders what she could've possibly done right in her past life to have earned the privilege to share the same horizon as Chaeyoung in this.

Nayeon wonders.

She wonders about a lot of things. But most of all she wonders how she ended up right here at this moment - sharing a bowl of tiramisu and listening to Chaeyoung's silly anecdotes about her art students.

Her eyes are gleaming almost brighter as the candle sitting in between them and Nayeon wonders how she could've ever given up on this feeling. On love.

"You okay?" Chaeyoung nudges her slightly with her foot under the table and Nayeon realizes that she's been zooming out.

She straightens her body and averts her eyes – focusing back on the woman in front of her who's still smiling ever so brightly at her.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine." Nayeon confirms as she returns the facial expression easily. "Sorry."

Chaeyoung grins as her hand finds its way on top of the Korean's and squeezes it. The gesture sends a shiver down Nayeon's spine and for a second she thinks about how fucking ridiculous it is how this tiny touch makes all the hair on her arm stand up.

Chaeyoung studies her face for a good moment without talking and the older girl almost forgets to breathe due to this undivided attention.

It was funny, really. Nayeon had always smiled down at people who were so completely caught up in love that they didn't have any other thoughts – who were so affected by it. And now here she was... Joke's on her.

"Wanna get out of here? Go somewhere quieter?"

Chaeyoung's voice is not more than a whisper, but Nayeon hears her loud and clear. She also hears the hidden message – Chaeyoung's desire to be alone. Just the two of them.

A wish Nayeon shares, so she's quick to give her agreement.


It's not much later that they find themselves walking along the Han River – and even though there are other people around, Nayeon feels like they're the only two people on the face of earth when Chaeyoung's hand closes around hers and the younger woman slowly swings their arms between them.

They walk in silence for quite some time – Chaeyoung's thumb stroking Nayeon's fingers ever so often. It's a small gesture but it's big enough to heat up Nayeon's cheeks and solidify the smile on her face.

The Im heiress is pretty sure that she looks like a maniac because she hasn't stopped grinning for the entire evening now, but she just can't help it. This was totally and 100% Chaeyoung's fault.

If only her parents could see her now. They would probably think that she suffered a mental breakdown and have her put in an institution.

Nayeon looks up when she feels Chaeyoung tug at her arm – nodding towards a bench near the riverbank.

"Sure." the older one speaks without needing to hear Chaeyoung's suggestion.

As soon as they're seated – slightly hidden in the shadows of some cherry blossom trees – Chaeyoung places her head in Nayeon's lap and closes her eyes with a giant sight.

She breathes in and out deeply before opening her eyes again and staring up at the Korean woman expectantly.

When Nayeon only shrugs, Chaeyoung puckers her lips in a playful way as she makes grabby-hands. The Im heiress stays silent for a few seconds before she bursts out laughing – holding back tears as she watches Chaeyoung's facial expression change into one of excessive indignation.

"How dare you laugh at me right now, Im Nayeon." Chaeyoung shrieks – jolting up into a sitting position with a shocked look on her face.

"I'm sorry..." Nayeon snorts – reaching out for the other girl who's quick to push her away, shaking her head no.

"Don't you dare touch me now." Chaeyoung huffs. "The audacity."

Nayeon wipes at the tears in her eyes as her laughing fit reaches a new level when Chaeyoung crosses her arms in front of her chest and pouts like a little kid who's being denied some candy.

"Please Chaeyoung..." Nayeon whines while trying to pry open the short girl's arms. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me."

"Never." Chaeyoung grumbles.

"Never?" Nayeon asks as she shifts closer to Chaeyoung.

"Never." the younger one repeats steadfast – not sparing Nayeon so much as a glance.

"Really? Not even if I do this..." the Korean starts and wraps her arms around Chaeyoung's torso from behind her – squeezing as tight as she can.

"Nope." Chaeyoung remains iron.

"Even if I do this?"

Nayeon feels Chaeyoung catch her breath as soon as her mouth closes around the pulse point on the side of her neck, and she lets her teeth sink into the smooth skin there.

"Nooo......pe..." Chaeyoung gulps – the feeling of Nayeon's tongue licking over the spot where her teeth were only seconds ago making it hard for the short one to speak properly.

Nayeon grins as she feels the power of control heat up her chest. This was definitely the type of control she preferred over every other kind.

"You sure?" the dark-haired asks, as she slightly tilts Chaeyoung's head with her index finger and crashes her lips on already awaiting plump ones.

Chaeyoung' stifled hum is the only answer Nayeon gets and needs – and she doesn't have to wonder whether she's ever heard a better sound in her life.

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