(CH.5) setting about

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When Chaeyoung arrives – Nayeon's prepared. Like she would for a meeting with the board or an investor or anyone in her work environment really, she's made some notes – even though this time they're only mental ones. Still – she's made them, and she knows exactly what she wants from this meet-up and she's determined not to settle for less. As she never did.

However, it's still somewhat funny to her, how submitting this meeting in a purely business-like manner soothes her nerves tremendously. In any other situation, Nayeon would've maybe wasted some thoughts about consequences – but thankfully there's the contract that exempts her from any possible pressure whatsoever. She just has to enjoy – and let go.

Loose up, Nayeon.

She's done it before. She can do it again – even if she may have to practice it a little more –

and something about Chaeyoung's resolute demeanor when she steps inside Nayeon's apartment lets her believe that maybe this girl is exactly the person to help her with that.

Nayeon pushes the envelope into the shorter girl's jacket pocket, before pulling off said piece of clothing in a quick and almost greedy act.

"The amount is correct. You can count later." she mentions almost casually – while her hands are busying themselves with the zipper on Chaeyoung's pants.

"Woah." Nayeon hears the other girl say stunned and the Korean knows that she probably overwhelmed her new employee – with her only being there for 10 seconds and Nayeon already all over her.

"Hello to you too." Chaeyoung snarls – but she shuts right up when Nayeon's tongue licks over the pulse point on her neck and when she starts sucking the spot, there are two strong arms pushing Nayeon's tiny body away until she's at arm-length.

"Okay, I think you need a breather, Miss Im."

The addressed puts on a sinister expression as she swats away the long arms that try to put her at bay.

"Rule number one: no thinking. Rule number two: no talking. I tell you what to do and you do that. Do you understand?"

The shorter girl remains silent and Nayeon raises an eyebrow at her – the suppressed anger from this day slowly gaining the upper hand.

"Chaeyoung? Answer me."

"Sorry, you said no talking."

The grin on her vis-à-vis' face makes Nayeon exhale in annoyance. Chaeyoung very obviously had no idea how to behave on a business mission.

"Funny." Nayeon breathes with no emotions visible on her face whatsoever – her eyes slightly squinted. The blank expression she portrays wipes the grin off Chaeyoung's bright face.

"So... no foreplay then. I get it. You're missing out though... Just saying."

She meets Nayeon's stern look and it lets Chaeyoung's hands shoot up in a defensive way.

"Are you done now?" the older one asks slightly impatient. All she gets in return is a nod and then Chaeyoung silently locks her mouth with an invisible key, which she then throws away.

"Good." Nayeon states and takes two steps forward – pushing the other girl into the wall behind her. She points at Chaeyoung's hoodie and does a swift motion with her head towards the side.

"Off." she commands – leaning back a little to watch the girl in front of her follow her orders, leaving her in a baggy shirt at which Nayeon repeats her gesture.

The shirt comes off as well and the Korean is slightly taken aback by the fact that Chaeyoung's way of taking off her t-shirt, in one swift motion like a guy, makes her knees go weak.

Or maybe it's her defined abs and smooth skin – Nayeon's not too sure – but the need to have Chaeyoung on top of her definitely intensifies a tremendous amount.

She can feel the other girl's eyes on her and she knows that she's been caught staring, but Nayeon doesn't mind. She can do whatever she desires. After all, she has a contract that says exactly that. A contract Chaeyoung's agreed to.

So Nayeon moves closer to the other girl again and kisses the point where Chaeyoung's jaw meets her neck again – eliciting an almost inaudible moan from the girl and it's like music to her ears, because Nayeon – like any Im – loves to be in control. No surprise there.

Her hands find their way to Chaeyoung's stomach where she lets her fingers brush down her abs and even though she doesn't want to, she can't resist to count the abdominal muscles. The girl has a fucking six pack – like for real, and Nayeon's surprised she hadn't noticed that the last time.

Chaeyoung eyes her attentively in the meantime – a smirk appearing on her face when she realizes what the shorter girl is doing.

"Art major." it slips out of her and Nayeon can't help but smile back. It's only short-lived though because her fingers are still dancing around on Chaeyoung's waistband and it brings her back to reality when the other girl's hands are suddenly on her own – pushing them further down.

It sets Nayeon's whole body on fire and the way Chaeyoung lifts one eyebrow seductively doesn't help at all. So she takes over control – like the leader she is – and lunges forward to kiss the shorter girl hard.

She didn't take it slow from the beginning, and Nayeon doesn't intend to start now – so she pushes her tongue into Chaeyoung's mouth without licking at the entrance first.

She feels greedy and by the way the other girl responds – the feeling is mutual.

They battle for dominance a little before Nayeon has to break their make-out session in order to breathe.

Chaeyoung looks a little like she's been hit over her head – her eyes approximately two shades darker and her attention focused solely on Nayeon. It's nice somehow, this feeling that someone is completely taken with you – but Nayeon has to shake off that thought immediately. This was not about feeling wanted or seen or any other stupid emotional need she might have been hiding in the depth of her being. This was about loosening up. About feeling satisfaction.

"Bedroom." she gasps – still not enough oxygen back in her lungs. "Now!"

Like on cue, the blonde-haired girl licks her lips before picking up Nayeon in a swift motion – long legs wrapping around Chaeyoung's waist for support.

Nayeon suppresses the shriek that almost passes her lips at that and instead busies herself with sucking on the other girl's neck again – knowing full well that she'll leave some marks and not minding that one tiny bit. On the contrary.

The thought of leaving a trace of herself and her dominance on another person felt somehow powerful. And Nayeon liked to be powerful. It somehow made her feel more relaxed than anything.

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