(CH.3) contracting

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Jihyo looks at her rather funny when she steps into the office and Nayeon feels the need to dust off her black pantsuit – knowing full well that there's not one little flaw with it, because duh, it's Chanel and brand-new – but her secretary's penetrating gaze still makes her somewhat uncomfortable so it's more a nervous gesture.

The younger Korean only grins at her then and it elicits a frown on Nayeon's face and she feels irritation form in her stomach which leads her to send Jihyo a death glare.

"What?" she spits as the other woman steps closer to help her boss out of her fur-coat.

"Nothing." Jihyo mumbles and tries to hide her smile – failing miserably. It only makes the frown on Nayeon's face increase. She lets it slip though, because she's already late for the board meeting and she doesn't have time for Jihyo's silly antics. This girl is irritating almost 24/7, so this doesn't really have to mean anything – she's probably just forgotten to take her daily pills or something.

But Jihyo isn't the only one who's strange that morning, Nayeon realizes – because the second she enters the meeting room, her father greets her with a smile too big and out of place for her to overlook it.

She sits down on the chair next to his and excuses her delay without looking at him again – because honestly, she's got other problems than him acting odd.

The meeting goes without any major incidents and Nayeon's relieved when the board is pleased with the positive numbers the company accomplished in the last quarter – all the overtime and sleepless nights having paid off. It puts a relieved smile on Nayeon's face, which only slightly wavers when she's being held back by board advisor Lee, who places his hand on her shoulder the moment she wants to exit the room. Nayeon sighs, because she really needs to use the bathroom quite urgently and also, she doesn't like these old men – never has and never will. But of course she doesn't show anything and turns to Mr. Lee with a polite expression on her face.

"Nayeon." he says gleefully and pats her shoulder. It takes a lot of self-control from Nayeon not to show the confusion she's feeling. "Mr. Jimin?" she retorts – sending him a small smile.

"I just wanted to say, you look good today, Nayeon. Very relaxed and well rested. Good for you."

His smile grows then, and he nods at her once, before turning to leave – while Nayeon bows to him rather dumbfounded, because how on earth is it possible that he – along with Jihyo and her father - picked up on something she was so determined to hide from the world.

Nayeon strides to the bathroom as fast as she can in her stupidly high stilettos and locks the door – making her way over to the sink to look at herself in the mirror.

She scans her face for any indications of last night but she doesn't for the life of her see anything out of the ordinary. She doesn't look any bit less tense or stressed like always and there are still bags under her eyes – even though she managed to cover them up with make-up today.

She shakes her head at her reflection - that bitch in the mirror mocking her by doing the same – and then there's a sudden laugh erupting from her throat, because yes, she's feeling more satisfied today than she has within the last year – and it's absurd that people picked up on it this fast – but the thought about the reason and how none of the others would ever assume that reason in their wildest dreams, sent Nayeon into a fit of giggles.

Flashbacks from last night pop into her mind and she feels the blush rise to her cheeks at the thought of clothes scattered on the floor, a naked body straddling her own, kisses up and down her stomach, tongues dancing and battling for dominance, the heat inside her swelling to the boiling point and then long and slender fingers...

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