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"Happy birthday" A chill ran down my spine, feeling a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist. Indeed, I know it's my husband. Who else can hold me like this and scare the hell out of me? Wait-

He's home...already!?


"Hmm," He nuzzled into the crook of my neck. It led me to shiver. H-his voice is...seducing. Damn seducing!

"You are finally here after killing my uncle!?" I raised my voice

"Won't you ask me if I'm tired or not? You're not gonna make me a glass full of warm water in this cold weather!?"

"How could you be normal!? YOU KILLED MY UNCLE!"

"What's the big deal after all I don't care he died like a pussy" Tears brimmed in my eyes after listening to his statement and the only sentence that came out of my mouth was

"I hate you" Though it was a whisper I could notice how he changed his expression and the next thing I knew was, him killing me the same way he killed my uncle!

"Say that again Mrs Siddharth" He clenched his jawline making me flinch but I was brave enough to face my death

"I. HATE. YOU" I said, pressurising each word. He smirked and I closed my eyes. Did I really love this guy? THIS GUY? He doesn't even give a shit about my family! I'm disgusted!
I faced my back to him and headed towards the other side of our room

"Aditi" And at the very next moment, I gasped as he held my wrist and pulled me closer. We were so...close. H-his hot breath fanning on my face. I frowned and started to wiggle meanwhile Mr Mafia smiled and gripped my wrists even tighter. The gap between our faces started vanishing whereas my heart was ready to explode!

"You are not allowed to hate me" Siddharth whispered. My hand which was on his broad muscular chest was now in both his hands. He moved my hand close to his face and softly pressed his lips on my knuckles. Specifically on my ring finger. Our engagement had an unusual shine. Unknowingly a soft smile broke on my lips meanwhile my eyes shut close at the sensation. I felt my cheeks heating up! How could a bitch react like this when the killer of her own uncle is romancing her! But I cannot help holy Jesus! Someone hide me!

"Open your eyes love, Look at me" Goosebumps spread across my skin as soon as his voice hit my eardrums. I nodded negatively meanwhile his grip tortured my wrist. He's fucking strong! He's surely gonna break my wrist! Suddenly, I trembled as something poked into my cheek. I opened my eyes and realized that he brushed his stubble cheek on my cheek and wiped my tears. Ok not gonna lie but his soft side makes me fall for him BUT HE KILLED MY UNCLE!

"I do have a better explanation princess" Is he a mind reader?

"I could never kill someone without any reason" He whispered and pulled his face back but still his nose was touching mine. A sob escaped my lips as tears made their way down my cheeks.

"Shh," He shushed several times and almost ate-sucked my cheeks I don't know what to say...

"I love you" He whispered meanwhile his fingers made their way to my nape. His fingers entangled in my hair and my eyes almost popped out as I felt his lips covering mine-

Here is something totally different and I hope you all will enjoy it please do drop your reviews and let me know how is it

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