Feels good isn't it?

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"Siddharth?" She climbed down the stairs and witnessed something she never expected. A swimming pool in a basement yet so beautiful?

"Wife" His voice hit her eardrums, spreading goosebumps across her skin

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"Wife" His voice hit her eardrums, spreading goosebumps across her skin.

"W-where are you? I'm able to see nothing but water everywhere-" Her voice echoed just when she felt fingers sliding on her bare waist from behind. She was pulled into a strong muscular figure which raised her heartbeats. She closed her eyes and clutched his shoulder.

"You were complaining about not being able to see me and now when I'm in front of you, you're not even opening your eyes, love what is this behaviour?"

"You're shirtless!"

"So what? Is it like you've NEVER seen me like this?" He whispered making her blush.

"Come on, look at me" He whispered while cupping her cheeks. Aditi nodded no when she flinched as she felt him closing the gap between them. His nose touched hers and his breath directly fell on her face.

"Please," Siddharth whispered against her lips. She slowly opened her eyes and met with his deep brown orbs staring at her. She smiled and lowered her eyelashes. Siddharth smiled back and tightened his grip on her waist, taking her lips in his. She was startled but still managed to match his energy. Her fingers trailed into his hair strands as she almost hung in the air, taking his support to match his height. His lips possessively moulded against hers meanwhile she released a few gasps between the kiss. Aditi tapped on his shoulder, getting breathless but instead of leaving her, he smooched her lips even harder. Well, this is what she wanted but was shy to ask for it. He knows her better uk? 

After a while, he left her lips and attached their foreheads.

"Leave me!" She said while pushing him away.

"I was here because I didn't get a concept!"

"Oh really?" He smirked


"So, you didn't like this at all?" He asked while taking his steps forward.

"I- Y-you are shameless!"

"Huh, you sure Mrs Siddharth? Ahem ahem, btw who was hanging just to kiss me? Ah, someone caressed my hair too and kissed me back so-"

"Shut up!" She blushed and was about to run away but he caught her wrist.

"You're not going anywhere," He said while slowly pulling her closer. Her back bumped into his chest and his other hand wrapped around her. He pecked her shoulder meanwhile she wriggled but he didn't let her go. He slowly brushed his lips on her cheekbone which made her lean to his touch. Siddharth moved further, kissing her jawline and neck. His kisses were a total sweet torture for her. Suddenly, she spun around and pushed him into the swimming pool but she forgot that he was already gripping her hand and as a result, she fell upon him. Both gasped and pulled themselves up the water. Siddharth stroked his hair and glanced at his wife just to freeze on the spot after witnessing the Greek Goddess standing before him.

"Wow," The whisper escaped his lips. She looked at him with her eyes squinted and eyebrows hugged together.

"Huh?" She asked meanwhile he swam towards her with a mischievous smile covering his lips.

"What?" She asked again when he stood before her with a wide grin. Siddharth pecked her nose tip and gripped her waist, attaching his lips to her jawline.

"Siddharth!" She pushed him away. He frowned and scrunched his nose.

"Drama queen!" Aditi chuckled and got out of the pool but he pulled her back and locked their lips again. Both fell into the water and the kiss got even hotter. Both swam up without breaking the kiss but Siddharth seemed to be more attracted to her collarbone. He left her lips and kissed her collarbone meanwhile she clutched his shoulder and lolled her head back. Siddharth's tongue lapped all over her neck giving her the feeling of utmost pleasure. He sucked her neck making her shiver. The water droplets travelling down her skin turned hotter and the room filled with steam due to their hot session. Siddharth dug his sharp teeth into her skin making her moan and later licked the area to soothe the pain.

"This marks you as mine" He whispered while tracing the hickey meanwhile she lowered her eyelashes and bit her lower lip.

"Feels good isn't it?" Siddharth whispered against her lips and picked her up in bridal style. He carried her to their bedroom and locked the door, placing her on her bed. Siddharth hovered over her and again caught her lips, sucking and biting it as if his life depends on it. Siddharth almost ate her lips and she never stopped moaning. Her back arched as his hands reached to the knot of her blouse. He opened the knot and unhooked her blouse, unclasping the bra within a second. Aditi gasped in his mouth and clutched his hair tightly as her heart started pounding inside her chest. Siddharth dropped her pallu and began kissing her jawline meanwhile his hands never left a chance to touch her.

"Look what you've made me, wife. I'm going crazy for you" He grunted against her ear as his erection pressed over her belly.  Siddharth let out a groan when Aditi shyly kissed his cheek and rested her head against his shoulder. His perfectly tanned muscles tightened as the tension increased between them still the moment stayed sweet. Siddharth smiled and placed his two fingers under her chin, making her look at him. His fingers trailed into her long wet hair as he sunk deeper into the crook of her neck. Aditi shivered as she felt him sliding down her blouse BUT before he could do anything, the phone ranged, pulling both of them out of their trance. Aditi quickly caught the duvet and pressed it against her chest meanwhile he rolled his eyes and picked up the call. She closed her eyes and tried to calm down when he came back and sat before her, cupping her cheek.

"I gotta go and maybe I'll return after 2-3 days. I can't tell you what's the exact reason but if I'd survive-" Before he could complete his sentence, she placed her palm over his mouth, nodding no. Siddharth chuckled softly and kissed her forehead.

"I'll definitely come back...just for you. You'll wait for me, won't you?" She nodded and he kissed her entire face. Siddharth went towards the clothes stand and got ready. He went near her with a towel and gently wiped her hair.

"Don't keep them wet you'll catch a cold. I don't have enough time to dry your hair I'd love to do so but maybe some other day? I have to go now" Siddharth turned to leave but she caught his wrist and hugged him tightly.

"You have to return as soon as possible" Aditi whispered. Siddharth smiled knowing that anything could happen but doesn't matter. He has to return for his wife. Siddharth wrapped her tiny figure and kissed her hair.

"Bye," He whispered meanwhile, she waved at him and he left


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