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"Janhavi" Siddharth entered his mansion. All got up and looked at him. Siddharth smiled slightly and moved to a side, revealing Shivansh carrying Aditi in his arms. 

"Aditi" Janhavi exclaimed when Shivansh put her on the couch. He looked at Siddharth and gave him a death glare meanwhile Siddharth smirked and stuck his tongue out. 

"Aditi...A-aditi? Siddharth what happened to her!?" Janhavi asked while patting Aditi's cheeks.

"She's dead" Siddharth whispered under his breath while scratching his nape whereas Shivansh nodded in disbelief and said.

"It's nothing, Janhavi. I saw her on the streets and some group of boys were teasing her so I called Siddharth and asked him to take the police with him but you know, Siddharth called the police but they didn't come on time so he just fought with those goons and she got scared so she just fainted there nothing else hehe"

"Oh god," Janhavi muttered, sprinkling some water on Aditi's face. Aditi didn't even move. Everyone panicked and started calling her name while trying different methods to wake her up. There was complete chaos in the entire house. Siddharth rolled his eyes.

"Well, wait a minute!" He yelled.

"What on the earth are you all doing!? She's fucking unconscious, not asleep that you all are trying to wake her up like this!" He said.

"Shivansh" Siddharth signalled Shivansh to pick her up. Shivansh went towards her and gently picked her in his arms. Shivansh headed upstairs and entered Siddharth's huge room. He gently tugged her into the bed and covered her with a duvet.

"Look at Shivansh, handling her with so much care suh, did you fall for her?" Janhavi mocked.

"My foot" Shivansh said and left. Half an hour later, everybody was present in Siddharth's room meanwhile dude was smoking his 3rd cigarette. Aditi moved a bit and Janhavi immediately held her hand. She crossed her fingers and Aditi opened her eyes. She saw Janhavi right in front of her face and screamed, getting scared. Hearing her scream, everyone screamed. Siddharth rolled his eyes and said.

"Drama drama drama" He went near Aditi and sat beside her at a SaFe DiStAnCe

"Y-you!?" Aditi fumbled.

"Yes, well why do you think I can't be here?" He asked while removing the cigarette from his mouth. The smoke hit her nostrils and she started coughing.

"Huh soft, weak cocoon" He muttered under his breath.

"Kaddu get lost!" Pooja said and pulled Siddharth back. 


"Aditi, are you okay baby?" Janhavi asked meanwhile Aditi hugged her and snuggled in the crook of her neck.

"Aditi, what happened? Is everything alright?" Janhavi asked meanwhile here Siddharth was cringing hard

"Sometimes I just feel like dumping every woman and pressing them under a hydraulic machine. Fucking cringe shit!" He greeted his teeth and went out. But came in back running as he remembered something.

"Okay, tell me what's the matter," Janhavi said while cupping Aditi's face. Aditi looked at Siddharth and following her, the entire family looked at him.

"W-why are you looking at me like that? Am I a gorilla who ran out of the zoo!? No right!? And we already told you that some goons were troubling her now what's the point in repeating the question!?" Siddharth said in his single breath.

"That's okay but why did a single question scare the fuck out of you?" Pooja asked.

"Are you a detective? No! Then shut your mouth! And please all you of leave this room I wanna have a conversation with this girl-" Janhavi interrupted Siddharth.

"Her name is Aditi!"

"Whatever so I wanna talk to 'Aditi' regarding that goon thing so please, get out!" He said.


"Pooja!" Siddharth just stared at them and they all left. Siddharth locked the door, taking his steps closer to her. Aditi flinched and moved backwards. Her back collided with the headboard of the bed and she hugged her knees, closing her eyes. Siddharth sat in front of her when she almost yelled.

"S-stay away! Don't even try to do the same thing you did with that girl or else I-" She gasped loudly and her eyes snapped open as he closed the gap between them.

"You what?" He whispered coldly.

"Y-you just stay away!" Aditi whispered and got up. She went towards the door but Siddharth gripped her wrist and pulled her towards himself. Her chest collided with his and her breaths got uneven. Siddharth pushed her against the wall and blocked her way by putting his hands at either of her sides. Aditi gasped and tried to avoid eye contact. She looked to the other side but Siddharth brought his face closer to her. He looked into her eyes and whispered huskily.

"I know I was the one who kidnapped you" His hands turned into fists as she noticed his expression changing. Suddenly, his jaw clenched and his eyes became dark.

"But don't you dare to tell anyone that I'm the one who kidnapped you understood!?" He said dangerously making her horrified. Siddharth walked away and opened the door. He glared at her before going out. Aditi gulped down and started thinking meanwhile Janhavi came inside and both sisters talked to each other. Aditi badly wanted to spill the beans but she kept silent.


Characters introduced in this chapter:-

Siddharth's 2nd eldest sister-in-law, Janhavi, works as a graphic designer

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Siddharth's 2nd eldest sister-in-law, Janhavi, works as a graphic designer

Siddharth's 3rd eldest sister-in-law but his childhood best friend, Pooja, an actress

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Siddharth's 3rd eldest sister-in-law but his childhood best friend, Pooja, an actress

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