Comforting her

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"Ah, we-we gotta go" Siddharth whispered meanwhile Aditi nodded. She got ready within a moment and Siddharth headed out of the room

"S-Siddharth-" She said hesitantly

"What?" He asked


"Pants what?" 

"You're not wearing your pants asshole!" Pooja said while entering the room. Siddharth gulped down and looked at his torso which was wrapped with a towel. He closed his eyes in embarrassment and mentally cursed himself

"I know! This is the new fashion huh!" He said

"Aight, go like this in the public and your 'fashion' will turn into 'faltugiri'!" Pooja mocked

"Okay, for the love of God, leave me alone goddammit!" Siddharth exclaimed

"Aight!" Pooja said and held Aditi's hand

"I wanted to talk to her, tho. So, sir, may I take your wife with me?"

"Do whatever you want just get the fuck out of here!" He replied meanwhile Pooja smirked and dragged Aditi with her.

"What's the matter?" Aditi asked

"Nothing, just take care and have this" Pooja said while passing a tiffin

"B-but he gives me a-"

"Doesn't matter what your diet is made by that donkey, you can cheat just like I do! Here are some chocolates, eat them whenever you want" Pooja said while cupping Aditi's cheek

"Thank you," Aditi whispered

"Come on, you're my friend no need of thanks and yeah tell me if he troubles you" Aditi chuckled and nodded

"Done with your stupid talks, ladies?" Siddharth asked while standing beside Aditi

"Yes, Mr Talks" Pooja replied

"Huh?" Siddharth asked

"You said the talks are stupid but in our entire house, you're the only one who's stupid so-"

"Aye! Don't!" Siddharth frowned and dragged Aditi with himself. Both sat in the old Black Vintage and left for the college.

"Two of my bodyguards, will be there with you don't worry and call me if you feel insecure I'll be there within a minute," Siddharth said meanwhile Aditi came out of the car


"What?" He asked

"I don't have any mobile-"

"What were you even living for? Anyways, leave it just take care of yourself and don't be a crybaby" He said and started the car

"I'm not a crybaby!" She stated meanwhile he smirked and left

"Ma'am, shall we leave?" Aditi looked at her right side and her eyes widened as there were other coconut trees as bodyguards in her life!

"This man hates short people I guess-" She whispered and went into her class.


"Wife-" Siddharth entered the room and saw a diary lying on the ground. His heart started beating louder and faster as her room was not as usual. It was kinda messy. All the books were on the bed, the bedsheet was messed and even there was a bad odour of blood in the entire room. He went to bed and picked up the diary. The diary fell from his hands when he saw Aditi coming out of the washroom. She looked half-dead💀He ran towards her and was about to touch her when she stepped back.

"Y-you- I- You okay!?" He asked meanwhile she sat on the bed without replying

"I'm dead thanks" She replied and took a book in her hands

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