A good deal

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So, these are his next targets

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So, these are his next targets. Great! 

I stuck my hand in my pocket to get my mobile but I forgot that they had kidnapped me and my mobile was with them. I wandered around the room to find a fucking camera but didn't find anything. I finally, jumped out the broken window and walked on the roofs of the houses when someone saw me. He came running towards me with a kind of sword in his hand. Another one came with an axe. I managed to bend down and they both bumped into each other. How stupid you can be on a scale of 1-10? Full 10/10 huh? Anyways, they both got up and tried to stab me but I was successful in kicking the first person's jaw. Unfortunately, the second one got me and hit-stabbed the axe in my shoulder. I groaned in pain and more people came to kill me. I pushed that man and took his axe, throwing it at the group. One of them got the axe on his head and he died. I had a late realization that I do have a fucking shotgun with bullets! I pulled out my shotgun and shot them dead but the group wasn't dead totally. More and more people were coming with weapons out of nowhere. I managed not to waste my bullets and kill them but suddenly, a bell rang and they all dropped their weapons, moving to a church. WTF can't this bell ring a fucking whole incident before? I got stabbed! Duhh

"What the fuck" I swore as I heard some dude's screams. So, I'm not the one who's captured. Without wasting a single moment, I ran in the direction to see a man tied on the cross and the people were chanting something while throwing some meat on the person. I frowned, feeling disgusted. I threw an axe in the other direction to divert their attention. All of them looked gaslighted or possessed or I don't know! They all went in that direction and I untied the old man. Unfortunately, they saw me saving that man and came running towards me while screaming. I dragged that man with me and we both entered a giant mansion or palace. We went to the top floor and again jumped out of the window. We both slid down the roof and found a small room on the ground. We entered the room and I found a camera. 

"Why are you here?" I asked.

"Karan, their lord wants my plot and he almost snatched my plot but when I registered a complaint against him, he threatened to kill my family and he almost snatched everything from me. I'm helpless I have nothing left with me and the worst part is, I'm stuck here in this weird city."

"This is a C.I.T.Y? You mean his OWN different city!? The fuck-"

"He has his slaves here who look possessed and this city is filled with magic. That's not actual magic but here is some extremely strong power. These people are equal to monsters. I gotta find a way out anyhow"

"And I'm gonna help you just follow me," I said and we both managed to get into the room where I saw that picture of the victims. I took the pictures as a piece of evidence and when we were about to leave, a girl appeared out of nowhere and jumped upon me. We both rolled on the floor and I tried to push her but she kept a knife on my throat. I gulped down and flipped our position. I had only one option left for me.


I put my thumb inside her mouth sensually and gripped her neck meanwhile she bit her lower lip and moved her fingers on my chest, opening my shirt buttons.

"Find me a way out" I whispered huskily meanwhile she nodded. I got up but she pulled me.

"I'll help you but I need my rewards" Here I'm 2 steps away from death and this woman-

"Aight" I smirked and noticed how she pressed her lips on my neck. Isn't she possessed? Or is it like even possessed people can have sex? Anyways, that girl took us to a room and locked that man in another room. She gripped my collars and pulled me, crashing her lips upon mine. Okay, I have to say but this girl is bold. She slid her hand down and opened my shirt, throwing it on the floor and her hands reached my shaft, teasing it already.


"Yes! Yes! That's the fucking right spot! I'm gonna cum! OH GOD" She came with a scream. I pulled out and put on my clothes.

"Now help me," I said meanwhile she got up and kissed my cheek.

"Sure, handsome" She winked. She got the man out of that room and we went out, the people attacked us but that girl gave me a gun and we both managed to kill everyone. We took a hexagonal piece attached to a necklace on someone's neck and smirked at each other, running across a lake. We sat in the boat and went to the other side of the lake. 

"Hurry up, put that piece in that gate" She pointed to a gate and I ran with that man. before going, I went towards her and thanked her meanwhile she pecked my lips and gave me her number.

"I'm stuck here too but they won't harm me," She said.

"Come with us instead,"

"Karan will kill me" She said and I thought for a while but feelings, and emotions are not my kinda thing but fucking her and helping myself out was a good deal though. I nodded and went towards that gate, putting the piece in the socket and opening the door. I saw hundreds of people running towards us but we crossed the border and the gate closed.

"We escaped anyways, but what about my property?" That man asked.

"Don't worry you'll get it back"


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