This is Siddharth

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Siddharth closed the door behind him and heard a thud sound. He thought it was the door but it wasn't. He opened the door swiftly, and the view in front of his eyes was enough for his heart to shatter. Sweat beads rolled down his temple as his face turned red and his veins popped up. 

"Shit" He muttered under his breath and ran towards Aditi, lying lifelessly on the floor. His world stopped there. Doesn't matter how rude he is to her, he can never see her getting hurt. The one who had some sort of feelings for Aditi was SIddharth and the one who suppressed the feelings was Parth. The one who fought with Aditi was Parth and the one who was dying for Aditi was Siddharth. The one who is shattered right now is SIDDHARTH. THIS IS SIDDHARTH

"Wife?" He whispered, putting his hand under her nape and lifting her head. His left arm snaked around her figure. He noticed blood on the floor which made his breaths uneven.

"Wife?" He whispered again, this time, patting her cheeks. She looked pale, her face was turning cold and white. Her lips were dry and her eyes seemed deep. He closed his eyes tightly, realizing that he made a mistake by hurting her again when she was already weak. He cursed himself a hundred times and lifted her in his arms. 

"Don't worry, you'll be fine" He whispered and pulled her into himself. Her head rested on his chest which calmed him a bit but he couldn't relax for the moment. He ran out of that building and carefully put her in his car. He got in the car and reached home within a few minutes. As soon as Siddharth entered his mansion, his servants opened the door. He went to Aditi's side and picked her up. He looked at the seats which had blood stains. He regretted it and stepped into the hall. 

"Aditi!?" Janhavi exclaimed and ran near him

"Aditi? ADITI!?" She cried

"What did you do to her!? Why she's not responding!? And-and what are those stains, bruises, wounds- no no no no! This can't be happ-"

"Shut the fuck up, Janhavi!" Siddharth exclaimed and went into his room, placing her on the bed. His servants went behind him. He stood straight, his back facing them

"Sir, should we call the doctors?" One of his servants asked

"IS THIS A QUESTION?" He roared and turned around. His servants got on their knees and bowed their heads

"Get the best team of doctors within a minute!" He said and they all got up, and left but not before bowing in front of him

"Siddharth," Shivansh arrived

"Not a word Shivansh. NOT A WORD" He said meanwhile Shivansh hung his head down

"WHY MY SISTER IS IN THIS STATE SIDDHARTH!? YOU PROMISED TO PROTECT HER!" Janhavi yelled while gripping his collars. He jerked her hands and said sternly

"Take them out, guards" The guards nodded and forcefully took all the members out. Siddharth closed the door of his room and sat beside her. He looked at her and brushed his fingers on her cheek, slowly cupping it. His eyes softened and the pupil enlarged as her imprint was captured in his iris forever. His eyes shone in the sunlight directly coming from the balcony

Siddharth caressed her bruised cheek with his thumb and leaned forward

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Siddharth caressed her bruised cheek with his thumb and leaned forward. His lips almost touched her forehead. He closed his eyes and wished to kiss her forehead but a knock interrupted him

"Come in," He said and the door opened, revealing doctors. They bowed down and went near Aditi.

"Proceed for the check-up," He mentioned and one of the female doctors held Aditi's wrist, checking her pulse.

"Sir, her pulse rate is low and it looks like she has lost a lot of blood we need to do surgery," The doctor said

"Do whatever you want!" He replied

"So, should we take her to the hospital?" One of the doctors asked

"No! I'll take her to my medical room, perform a surgery there" Siddharth said and picked up Aditi. He took her to his medical room and placed her on the couch. He snapped his fingers and the doctors went near her, cleaning the blood. After 2 or 3 hours, the doctor came out of that room and informed Siddharth that she was out of danger. He went inside where his two servants were keeping a wet cloth on her forehead. They noticed him and both got on their knees. They bowed down meanwhile he sat beside Aditi.

"Sir, ma'am is burning with fever," One of his servants said.

"Ada, you may leave," He said and both left. Siddharth took the cloth, dipped it in water and placed it on her forehead not before drenching it. He watched her bandaged head and somewhere he felt bad for her. She didn't deserve this. He leaned forward to kiss her forehead. Time skipped and she got back her consciousness at midnight. 

I heard a kinda familiar voice

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I heard a kinda familiar voice. I tried hard to open my eyes by putting some pressure which caused a headache but-

I don't care!

I opened my eyes and found myself in a completely comfy atmosphere. I blinked several times to clear my view and a pair of sap green pillars came into my view, a huge tv adding to the scene. I took the support and moaned in pain as the wound started throbbing.

"Ah, ouch ouch," I whispered and sat properly, taking the support of the pillows. I looked around and realized that this was my HuSbAnD's room. Oh, my husband, the dearest person! The one who fucks every woman alive how cuteeeee Wow!

Okay, who's talking like this!?

I got up somehow and realized that my leg was injured too. I pressed my palm to my mouth to suppress my scream and for the love of God, someone tell me how did I come here!?

I went near the balcony and overheard a conversation which did bishoom🔫

*shooting myself dramatically

Actually, I shouldn't be surprised as again a woman is leaning over my HuSbAnD and he is half naked arthat he is just in his boxers and I'm really NOT interested in watching all this because after all, this is gonna hurt me. I turned around to go back but a single sentence which left that woman's mouth stopped me


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