Red is hot(🔞)

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"We're getting late, jeez!" I grunted and landed a punch on the steering wheel

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"We're getting late, jeez!" I grunted and landed a punch on the steering wheel. The universe is tasting my patience every single time. And above that is Mumbai traffic. You never know how it's going to ruin your day. Or I'd say night. I arranged a huge party but at what cost? I'm stuck in a goddamn traffic!

"Relax" The most soothing voice brushed across my ears like rich velvet. She smells so good. Oh God.

"Hmm," I threw my head back on the seat and brushed my hand across my mouth. This isn't very pleasant. I checked my watch. 6:34 pm. Great. 

"Fuc-" Adrenaline kicked through my gut as her hand rested on my thigh and my jaw tightened. Nonononono. She shouldn't be doing this. I looked at her then I heard a loud horn. Fuck. The traffic- was clear? Why- I mean- Okay yeah whatever. I started driving again holding back my urge to pin her against the wall and fuck her brains out for what she did right now. But we can't be late. Fuck it! I could see her smirk through the corner of my eyes and I'm sure that smirk won't last any longer. Soon we were on the steps of the hall. No, it wasn't for my or Aru's birthday. This was a business event. And I was about to take over the most expensive industry. Pretty proud about that because why not? We entered the location and I met with every good friend of mine who had helped me to achieve my target. 300 crores turnover in a year is more than enough for me. 

"Now, would you care to explain to me why I am here?" Aditi whispered against my ear when I pulled out a chair and gestured for her to sit down. She settled and gulped down the...tequila. Yeah, she thought it was apple juice. Her expression said it all.

"It's fine. God won't kill you if you consume alcohol" I whispered with a smile when she gulped the entire liquid. My eyes widened. In our 15 years of marriage, she never even looked at alcohol and watching her gulping liquor was kind of a shock. But it was something else that caught my attention other than the liquor drops flowing down her chin. Her breasts. Okay call me shameless or anything but she's my wife, isn't she? I can- look at her breasts? I remember watching her in this kind of dress 15 years ago on her birthday. She is looking gorgeous as usual. My eyes scanned her soft skin which probably burned under my gase as the goosebumps sprouted up. I chuckled when she rubbed the curve of her neck. She did it whenever she was shy or embarrassed. I tucked her hair strand behind her ear and stared at her for a little longer. Her sharp jawline, flawless skin, pink rosy lips, dark brows, and curious hazel-brown orbs scanning the hall were enough to make a grown-up adult crawl up to her and beg for mercy. She looked heavenly gorgeous and I can't stop bragging about my wife. My eyes reached further at her collarbone which peaked out sharp whenever she moved her arm. Then, her cleavage-

Don't go there. 

But you can't stop me. The dress itself was the biggest turn-on for me. And about the woman wearing it-

"Ladies and gentlemen, give a big hand of applause for Dr Siddharth y'all!" Huh? What the hell happened? 

I looked at Stephen who eyed me to go on the stage. I nodded and climbed the stage. They handed me a trophy and it said 'best business tycoon of the decade'. Oh? Even though I was confused as hell, I didn't show it on my face. They handed me the mic and congratulated me. Another speech? Okay.

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