Mrs Sawant

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"What's the date?" Siddharth asked.

"1st May" Abhiman replied.

"Maharashtra day, an official holiday. Good choice," Siddharth smiled.

"Destination?" He added further.

"Hall," Shreerang said.

"Good," Siddharth said and went into his room. He sat on his bean bag and cranked his neck thinking about the shopping mall incident.

"I cannot leave her parents like this. They've dared to treat my wife like this. Now be ready Mr and Mrs Kadam to witness the hell," He smirked and lolled his head back, sighing.

"Siddharth" Pooja knocked on the door.

"Yes Boju, you may come in," She came in.

"Okay give me the details," He said.

"So, a typical Buddhist wedding which will end within 3 days with no bunch of extra rituals, Turmeric and Henna ceremony, Engagement and Wedding on the same day done, respecting our community, we've invited the relatives who are having good relations with our entire family and Aditi's parents are agreed to get the wedding done in the hall,"

"Okay, good and thank God you guys didn't plan a typical Indian wedding with a lot of rituals,"

"Duh, our community will send us into exile if we do this, anyways, Buddhist Monk has been appointed and no horoscope drama stuff,"

"Good, what about my sister?" Siddharth asked, suddenly, having a serious expression.

"Umm...okay we'll invite her,"

"NO! I was asking you because I didn't want her to come to my special occasion and ruin it. Anyways, pass me that bag," 

"Here," She passed him the bag and he pulled out a plain white kurta.

"This is my wedding outfit, as you know we, Buddhists marry in a simple hall with no heavy ornaments and stuff no gold in front of Mahatma Buddha so a simple white kurta with white pants and black shoes would be lying outside the temple of course," He said and gave her the kurta.

"My baby's gonna look gorgeous," She said with a mischievous expression meanwhile he rolled his eyes.

"Okay, what about the reception?" She asked.

"Here, this suit will be for reception," He passed a suit.

"Duh, it's awesome I mean no typical colour and elegant! Okay, what about her outfit?" She asked.

"Same, white saree and after the reception, a traditional dress which will be revealed on the same day as the dress is not completely ready and yeah, now, you guys may go for the shopping," He completed.

"Aight, thanks love," She said while hugging him.

"Cheating on your husband with me huh," He smirked meanwhile she hit on his head lightly while murmuring 'idiot'. He laughed and relaxed for a while.

~2 weeks later

Aditi's Henna ceremony was done in the morning and in the evening, Siddharth sat on the stool with his plain white vest and a dhoti. All the ladies applied the turmeric paste on his cheeks, arms and legs. Meanwhile, at Aditi's side, she was sitting on the stool with her plain white saree and all were waiting for the groom's used turmeric paste just when Shivansh arrived with the paste. He smiled and went towards her.

"Bhabhi ji" He whispered and touched her feet meanwhile she pulled her legs back and said.

"You're older than me. Please, don't touch my feet like that,"

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