Back from London

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Scott sneaks into Allison's room before school.

Scott - Good morning... (kisses her)

Allison - (kisses him back) Good morning Scotty...

Everyone hears a crash

Scott - (listening) What the.... What was that?

Chris - (opens your door shocked) What is the matter with you? Are you mentally deficient?

Y/N - (smirks turning around) If I was mentally deficient I would have missed... (smiles proud) Check that out... Bullseye...

Chris - (sighs) You can't just go around throwing knives Y/N...

Y/N - (grabs bag and starts heading down the stairs) No... But I take after you dad... Not my fault...

Chris - Y/N... Get back here!

You run out of the house before he can give you a lecture.

Scott - (looking out the window) Who was that?

Allison - (chuckling) That was my sister... She just got back from boarding school in London...

You arrive at school and it feels like there are eyes roaming all over you. Everywhere you turn there are more staring eyes. You get your class schedule from the office and set off to your first class.

Mr. Harris - Ok students we have a new student... Y/N Argent the sister of Allison Argent...

Lydia - (looks at Stiles) I didn't know Allison had a sister...

Stiles - (looks shocked) I didn't either... She never mentioned it...

Y/N - (walks in like a baddie and sits in front of Stiles) I'm Y/N Argent... Hello everyone...

Stiles - (gulps and whispers) Holy hot...

Mr. Harris - Why don't you tell us something about yourself Y/N so our students get to know you.

Y/N - (leans back in chair and winks at the teacher) I'm a troublemaker... Yeah troubles with my middle name...

Mr. Harris - (rolls eyes) Great another sarcastic student... We will be having a pop quiz but I don't expect you to take it today.

Y/N - (scoffs) And why not?

Mr. Harris - Excuse me?

Y/N - I am very serious about my education Mr. Harris.

Mr. Harris - Well if you want to fail your first grade then be my guest take the quiz. (hands you a paper)

Y/N - (smiles) For your information I was the smartest kid in my class in London. Top of the class and was in all AP classes. I have already learned this lesson and I am confident I will pass.

Mr. Harris - (looking at your past report cards) Well it seems you were the top of your class... Let's just hope you can prove it... Everyone pencils up and voices off.

Lydia - (whispering to Stiles) What was that?

Stiles - I don't know but it seems she has a temper... Let's just focus on the test.

Lydia - I like her already...

Stiles - Yeah... But she seems like she is in trouble, like she said...

Y/N - (turns) You're exactly right... Now can you please stop talking about me and so I can focus...

Lydia - (smiles) Sorry hun... We should talk about it after class... I like you...

Y/N - (smiles) Yeah we should...

After about 20 minutes

You walk up to the front of the classroom and place your paper on his desk.

Y/N - (smirks) All done... I can tell you already I didn't miss a single one....

Mr. Harris - We'll see about that... Go sit down...

You take a book out of your bag and read for the rest of class. You make small talk with Lydia and Stiles because it turns out they are with you in all your classes.

Allison - (sits next to you for lunch) How is your first day going?

Y/N - (smiles) Good, just adjusting to the new school.

Lydia - (scoffs) That is a total understatement... She completely schooled Mr. Harris because he was rude.

Stiles - (eating his lunch) He totally deserved it, he basically called you stupid in front of everyone.

Y/N - (nervous because you don't want Allison to freak out) Yeah... Well he shouldn't treat people like that...

Allison - (looks between Stiles and Lydia) How bad was it?

Stiles - It wasn't bad at all, it was awesome! She put him in his place... With a couple of snarky comments along the way...

Allison - (nudges you) Dad isn't going to be happy about that if he hears about it... He wanted you to behave...

Y/N - (smiles) Well I guess he won't have to hear about it... I'm sure the egotistical maniac won't go blabbering about it to dad, he was in the wrong.

Mr. Harris - (comes up to you) I was very wrong about you Y/N... You we're correct, you didn't miss a single question. However, your attitude won't didn't go unnoticed. It was your first day and strike one... I will be making a phone call to your father...

Y/N - (stands up irritated) Yeah and what are you going to say? That you degraded a student on their first day and they defended themselves. There were 20 other students there that I am sure will defend me... So go ahead and call my father...

Mr. Harris - (falters) Don't test me Ms. Argent... You make a valid point, this is your first day. I will let it slide but do not make a habit out of this. I do not tolerate this attitude in my classroom. (walks away)

Allison - (chuckles) Well I guess we don't have to worry about dad finding out.

Y/N - Alright I am going to go find my next class, I will see you after school Ally. It was nice meeting all of you. (walks into  the school)

Erica - (standing in the hallway talking to Isaac and he walks away) Ugh! Boys...

Y/N - (chuckles) I understand where you're coming from, although with your looks you shouldn't be having problems.

Erica - Oh he isn't interested, more like a brother...

Y/N - Oh... Gotcha... I'm sure you'll work it out. My sister and I always do, it's actually quite funny.

Erica - (realizes) Your Allison's sister right?

Y/N - Yeah I'm Y/N nice to meet you.

Erica - I'm Erica... Not friends with your sister but we know of each other.

Y/N - (nods) Allison seems to click with the more popular crowds... However, you do seem like the popular type.

Erica - Not exactly...

Boyd - Erica class is going to start are you coming?

Erica - Boyd this is Y/N she is our new friend.

Y/N - (smiles and shakes his hand) Nice to meet you.

Boyd - Welcome to the friend group... You will meet Isaac later when he left school in a mood.

Y/N - (hears the bell) Shoot... Do you happen to know where this room is?

Boyd - Yes... You actually have the same schedule as Erica and I for the rest of the day. You can hang out with us.

Y/N - (starts skipping) GREAT LET'S GO!

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