Too late now

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Isaac - (tapping your leg) Y/N... Y/N... We are here, wake up...

Y/N - (groans) I wanna sleep more.... (Cuddles into him more)

Everyone smiles as they are just waiting for you two.

Isaac - (thinking) Come on the food is inside, aren't you hungry?

Y/N - (slightly asleep still ) Bring it back to the car...

Isaac - (sighs in defeat) Fine... Let's go... (picks you up bridal style)

Lydia - Well I guess she isn't a morning person...

Allison - Yeah... Once she is asleep it is hard to wake her up... She loves her sleep...

You walk into the office and Deaton looks at you with concern.

Isaac - She doesn't want to wake up... She is fine...

Deaton - Oh yes, changing does take a lot out of a person.

Y/N - (mumbles) No kidding...

Isaac - (sets you on the table and you slowly wake up) Get enough sleep?

Y/N - (yawns) I guess... Where is the food?

Everyone looks at you chuckling while Deaton is looking for some books.

Y/N - (looks confused) What?

Stiles - You were out cold not even two seconds ago... How are you wide awake and wanting food?

Y/N - (sheepishly) Well a girls gotta eat, right?

Isaac - (hands you food) Yes, now enjoy your lovely burger and fries...

Deaton - (flipping through a book) Some legends are told...

Derek - (comes in with another book) Some turn to dust or to gold...

Y/N - (eating the fries) Oh... I didn't know we were talking Shakespeare...

Deaton - (smiles) There is an old legend that when a supernatural creature impacts or changes another's life they are bonded. The bond is called a sire bond, linking you. Basically Malia looks to you as her alpha.

Lydia - So Stiles was right?

Deaton - Yes... There are ways to break it, however they are quite painful.

Malia - (looks at you) So you're my alpha?

Y/N - (looks at everyone) I...No I'm not your alpha, are you kidding me! No offense Deaton, I know I just met you. But are you well in the head? Because everything that you are telling me DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!

Deaton - I am 100% sure this is for Y/N... It normally happens when you bite another, but in some cases like Malias it happens differently.

Y/N - (gets off the table and starts pacing) No... I will be... I cannot be an alpha! In case you haven't noticed, I can't control myself!

Derek - But you will be able to, we will all help you...

Y/N - I can't do this... Deaton you have to figure out a way to reverse this!

Deaton - I am sorry Y/N... I really am, but there is no way to reverse it. You have to stay strong and push through this.

Y/N - (looks to Malia) Are you ok with this?

Malia - I... I am just shocked... I have to go... (leaves)

Lydia - I actually think this is perfect timing... We all know something big is coming.

Stiles - With the crows and the deer, everything is terrified.

Y/N - (putting pieces together) When did Ethan and Aidan show up?

Scott - (shrugs) About a week ago...

Y/N - This had all happened since they have been here?

Scott - (nods not following) Yeah?

Y/N - Ethan and Aidan are both alphas, I can feel it. They said they wanted me...

Allison - That is weird...

Derek - Maybe they just want to share you...

Y/N - (glares) Not like that! I don't know, look we should all get some rest and regroup.

Scott - (agrees) I agree see you all tomorrow...

Allison - (nudges you) Come on I will give you a ride, Scott and I didn't actually ride together.

Y/N - (gets in her car) Are you guys alright?

Allison - (sighs) No exactly...

Y/N - (continues to ask questions) What happened? Are you ok?

Allison - I caught him in a lie, Derek is technically a serial killer. He gets distracted because of the pack and it just gets complicated.

Y/N - I'm sorry Ally... But he knows your part of the pack too, I think maybe he was doing it to protect you.

Allison - I don't know, it just seems like he isn't always being honest and it is frustrating. This is why I don't want you to be a part of the pack.

Y/N - What? I thought you did want me a part of it, after all they can help me control my change?

Allison - I don't know... I just think maybe if we tell dad that we can help you, you don't have to be a part of the pack.

Y/N - (upset) Allison are you hearing yourself? Without Isaac and Scott's advice people could be dead! I could have hurt someone and your saying not to let them help me?

Allison - We are a family that hunts supernatural creatures and kills them Y/N. (parks the car) All I'm saying is if you join the pack, I don't know if I want to be involved with you.

Y/N - (your heart shatters) Allison... You don't mean that... You can't mean that...

Allison - (teary and looks like she is making a hard decision) I don't want to see you get hurt... Or worse Y/N... It is me or the pack...

Y/N - (tearing up) No... I don't know what has gotten into you, but my sister would NEVER make me choose between the pack and her.

Allison - I don't want you to become like Derek or worse...

Y/N - HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT! What about Scott, Isaac, and Erica! They aren't killers!

Allison - (crying now) I don't want to see you become a monster... The monster that killed mom...

Y/N - (tears start falling) That is really how you see me... Fine then you won't have to worry about me anymore! (starts walking towards the house)

Allison - I'm sorry... I don't want you getting hurt... I don't want to see you or anyone else hurt!

Y/N - To late for that now isn't it Allison... (walks into the house)

You both don't speak to each other the rest of the night. Chris and Kate notice but think it is best if you work it out yourselves. This leads to the next morning and you basically leave as soon as you wake up not wanting to talk to anyone.

At School

Ms. Blake - Good morning class today open your books to page 325 and read to page 375. You will have a quiz on this tomorrow, here is a study guide for you to follow.

Y/N - (whispers to Isaac) Where is Boyd and Erica?

Isaac - (shrugs) I haven't seen them for a couple of nights.

Y/N - (sighs) Great...

Ms. Blake - Y/N do you have something to share with the whole class?

Y/N - (stands up angry) No, that is the reason I was whispering!

Allison - (worried) Y/N... Please just calm down...

Y/N - (turns around) FUCK YOU! (walks out)

Ms. Blake - Y/N you go straight to the office, do you hear me?!?

Y/N - (glares) I do NOT take orders from you...

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