I will join

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You get prepared and try really letting Derek's words of wisdom soak in from this morning. You let your inner wolf take over and she actually lets you stay in human form. Your ears perk up at the sound of movement above you and you happen to see another werewolf. You instantly knew that he would be the first to attack you. And so the fight begins...

Y/N - (uses your banshee powers courtesy of Lydia and scream) BOOOOOOO!

This makes the whole building shake and throws the werewolf off balance that was jumping down to you.

Deucalion - (smiling) Well look at you actually using your werewolf senses for once... Kali why don't you have some fun?

Kali - (steps up with her long toe nails scraping on the ground) Don't mind if I do...

Y/N - (winces seeing her feet) You should really consider getting a pedicure...

Kali - I told you before little girl that you would be sorry for not joining right away... Now look what has to happen...

Y/N - Are you going to keep talking or are you actually going to make a move to fight me? (looking bored)

Kali - (goes to charge you but smells something) What is that?

Y/N - (smirks releasing more of the scent, this is the scent of the supernatural guard) You might regret making this decision?

Deucalion - (smells the familiar scent) Smells like citrus and cinnamon...

Kali - (realizes) Cinnamon... Cinnamon...

Deucalion - (realizes what you are and he loses a bit of confidence) A supernatural guard? I thought those didn't exist anymore...

Y/N - ( changes into your werewolf face but not fully into a wolf) Well guess what chameleon you are wrong and you are going to regret it.

You take the distraction to your advantage and use your super strength kicking Kali into the cement wall. This causes the pillar to shake and slightly crumble and this draws the alphas attention. Ennis then charges you along with the twins that are somehow now one body. You take Ennis by surprise, charging him back and grabbing his arm. You throw your own body to the right causing Ennis to flip and smack into the twins. A loud boom echoes across the abandoned building as the two fall to the floor.

Scott - (comes out from behind a wall) LEAVE HER ALONE!

Derek - (jumps from a higher spot) She isn't alone now, try taking all of us on!

Everyone starts fighting, you look seeing Derek fighting Ennis and Scott fighting the twins. This left you with Deucalion and Kali.

Y/N - (sees Kali starting to run at you, but out of the corner of your eye you see Allison and know Deucalion is going after her) DEUCALION!

Malia - (shows up and starts fighting Kali along with Isaac) GO! We have this under control!

Deucalion - (throws Allison into a wall) You should have known better than to have a human show up... Hunter or not she is pretty pathetic is she not?

Allison - (weakly shoots an arrow at him thrown off by being hurt) Stay away from her or the next arrow will be through your heart!

Deucalion - (wolf speeds over to her and steps on her throat) Looks like you can't save everyone Y/N especially your sister...

Allison - (choking) N...No...

Y/N - (uses your banshee power) LEAVE HER ALONE!

Deucalion - (lifts his foot off enough to let her breath but not enough to let her go) Do you have another option?

Y/N - (upset) I... I will join... I will join your pack...

Scott - (everyone stops hearing those words come out of your mouth including the alphas) Y/N NO!!!

Y/N - (getting teary) Scott... Get everyone out of her and keep them safe... NOW!

Deucalion - (let's your pack walk out without being killed) Looks like you made the right choice kid, you will like it here. I promise...

Ethan - (comes running into the room) The prisoners... They got away...

Y/N - (looks Deucalion in the eyes) You really should have more eyes on this place... Easy for people to slip in and out...

Kali - (pissed and nods to Aidan who tosses Erica's body on the ground) Well looks like your bestie didn't make it... Only the strong survive here, she was too weak!

Y/N - (tears up seeing her body) You...Will...Pay...For...THIS! One day I will make you regret your existence (looks at Erica's body) I will become your worst nightmare... (you quickly grab Kali by the throat with your claws) You are lucky... ALL OF YOU!

Deucalion - ENOUGH! Y/N the twins will show you where you are staying... Until I can trust you, you are on house arrest. The twins have already text your father on your phone letting him know you have a place to stay. We have also let the school know that you will be homeschooled until further notice.

Y/N - (before you leave you bend down to Erica) Je suis tellement desole meilleur ami. {French for: I am so sorry best friend}

Deucalion - I am sorry for your friend... But business is business, you have to understand that right?

Y/N - (chokes back tears) Yeah... I understand...

After the twin shows you where you are staying you take a long shower crying about how shitty your life has been. You end up going to bed that night not being able to sleep thinking about all the ways tonight could have gone wrong.

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