I am not your toy

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They moved you back to your house and you still haven't woken up. Deaton has explained that you're probably fighting with your conscience. It has been two days and everyone is on edge. About you waking up and the threat of the alpha pack.

In your head (conscience)

Right now you are between lives, your body is barely hanging on. Your mind is slowly fading and you can basically see the dead. You can see everyone and where you are but nobody is listening to you.

Erica - Y/N! (hugs you)

Y/N - I... Your here! How are you alive?

Erica - (sadly smiles) I'm not... Y/N you are dying, you need to fight this...

Y/N - No... I want to stay here with you! I miss you, I don't want to go back....

Erica - (hugs you tighter) I miss you too but look... They need you, Allison, your dad, Isaac, and your pack... It isn't your time to go Y/N...

Y/N - I can't do it... It is miserable... I can't keep living with the alpha pack...

Erica - Then don't prove to them you're more powerful... Prove to them that you are the ultimate predator... You can do it without killing...

Y/N - I just want you back with us...

Erica - (grabs your arm) Deep in your bones you can still hear me...

Y/N - (crying) Take me back to a time only we knew...

Erica - (smiles) Hideaway...

Y/N - (you grab her hand as your "world starts to shake") Erica what is happening?

Erica - (smiles) You're fighting back Y/N... You're waking up!

Y/N - (shakes head) No! I want more time with you!

Erica - (slowly fading away) Y/N I want you to take this, it is my necklace... I don't know if it will go through but take it!

End of your conscience

Y/N - (you sit up panting) ERICA!

Everyone is startled and looks at you seeing a gold shimmery light fade away from your body.

Derek - What was that?

Y/N - (hyperventilating) It... It was Erica... She... She helped me come back... (you grip your chest trying to breath and feel the cool metal) It... it worked...

Boyd - (confused) That... Isn't that Erica's necklace? It wasn't there before...

Y/N - (slowing your breathing) She...she gave it to me before I woke up... She didn't know if it would stay... But it did...(smiles)

Chris - (hugs you) I am so glad you're awake, we have been worried sick!

Y/N - (stiffens) I'm sorry... I'm so sorry...

Allison - (wraps around your other side) I'm so glad you're alive... I was so worried!

Y/N - (trying to get away from them) No! Don't touch me, I don't want to hurt you!

Chris - Y/N you won't hurt us sweetie please...

Y/N - (collapses to the ground crying) I... I am a monster... I... I am an animal... I'm a horrible being...

Isaac - (sighs not being able to take it anymore he sits behind you and forces you into a hug knowing it will eventually calm you down) Deep breath beautiful... Focus... Listen to my heart beat...

Y/N - (crying) I'm a monster... I should have died...

Chris and Allison sit next to Isaac who is still holding you and wait for you to calm down.

Y/N - (you look at them sighing) I...I have to go back... The alpha pack will kill you all...

Chris - (realizing) No! You're not going back to that alpha pack, you're coming home with us...

Lydia - Y/N they will kill you...

Y/N - (stands up groaning in pain) I have too... I have to go back or they will kill you all...

Isaac - (pulls you close again and whispers into your neck) Please don't go back... We all want you back... I want you back...

You don't realize but everyone is watching how you melt into Isaac's touch. The werewolves in the room can hear your heartbeat calming and notice the smell of affection.

Y/N - (hugs him back) I have too... I have to protect you guys and my family, I promise I will be back soon... (you look him in the eyes)

Isaac - Please just stay safe... I need you to come back to me...

Y/N - (kisses his cheek) I will be back, I promise...

You speed out of the building not wanting to explain anything else.

Deucalion - (hears you come in) Where have you been?

Kali - (grabs you with her claws by the shoulder tearing into it) You are such a dead kid, we wanted you!

Y/N - (grunts) I wouldn't do that if I were you Kalibear...

Deucalion - Lock her up, you lost our trust Y/N and you won't be given another chance. We will now have to brainwash you sadly you could have done this the easy way.

Y/N - (starts using powers and your skin catches fire burning Kali) I said you shouldn't do that... I did warn you...

Kali - (pulls away from you hissing in pain) What the hell?

Y/N - (flames engulf you and you smirk looking terrifying) Unlocked a new power, thanks to your training I can control myself now. Now, I am going to my room and my family will be left alone. I was kidnapped by my aunt and tortured for days, I'm sure you can smell that on me.

Deucalion - (sighs) She is right Kali, you know it too... You're free to do what you want Y/N, you haven't broken our trust.

Y/N - (the flames disappear) Good... See you in the morning big guy. (you walk to your room)

Time skip to the morning***

Y/N - (walks into school with Ethan and Aidan) I will see you guys later, stay out of trouble.

Allison - (at her locker whispering to Scott crying) I can't handle it Scott, it is my fault... She tricked me into everything.

Scott - What do you mean?

Allison - She found out about Y/N and threatened to tell my dad. She was blackmailing me...

Y/N - (hears everything and feels bad) Ally... I will make this right, I promise... (whispers before walking away)

Allison - (sees you walking away) Y/N?

You walk back to the alpha pack compound fed up with everything. You are fuming pissed with them taking you away from your family.

Deucalion - Y/N what are you doing back so soon?

Y/N - I am done being your toy Deucalion, I am going back to my family.

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