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You wake up in the morning tangled in the wires connected to the machine. You smirk seeing Isaac beside you, having a good nights sleep.

Allison - (looks up) Your awake, we came in early this morning to check on you.

You look to see Allison and Chris in the chairs beside your bed. A passed out Scott and Stiles sprawled out on the floor. Lydia was leaning against Malia slumped against the wall.

Y/N - (you smirk) You all came?

Allison - We couldn't wait anymore, we wanted to see you.

Y/N - (smiles) I am fine, I can see the worry in your face.

Melissa - (walks in and helps you untangle the wires) Your babies are still doing good and your wounds look good. They aren't infected and the stitches still look good.

Y/N - (looks confused) Why am I not healing faster? Isn't that what a werewolf is supposed to do?

Isaac - Love, when you killed Kate something happened. Deaton came in and did some test last night before we could see you. He said that you are no longer a werewolf.

Y/N - (you clench and unclench your hands) What?

Allison - (takes your hand) Y/N it will be ok...

Everyone is now awake due to the commotion.

Y/N - What, what about my pack? They need me I can't just leave them.

Isaac - We don't need to worry about that right now.

Y/N - (you feel burning in your arms) Ow, shit my arm really hurts!

Melissa looks confused and takes off your bandage. Everyone looks shocked seeing that your veins are a red orange color. Your wound is completely healed and the stitches disintegrated.

Y/N - I still have my other powers? My angel powers...

Isaac - Your still a guardian baby...

Y/N - I'm not an alpha anymore...

Scott - Y/N we will still look to you as our alpha, you are still such an important member of our pack.

Y/N - (you motion for Scott to come over to you) Scott I am about to have two babies in a couple months. Maybe this wasn't such a bad thing, Scott you are a true alpha. You have proven yourself more than once that you care about this pack. Scott you can now be the alpha, after all I will have my hands full.

Scott - (smiles) Thank you Y/N...

You all continue to talk, Derek ends up bringing everyone breakfast and you all talk in the hospital. You had to stay the night in the hospital one more night and then got released the next day.

First Trimester

Y/N - (in the car with Stiles, Scott, and Isaac) Stiles pull the car over please, I don't feel so good.

Stiles - Y/N I am in the middle of the road.

Y/N - (you start dry heaving) Stiles... NOW!

Stiles pulls over the car and you immediately get out of the car; barely making it into the ditch before hurling

Isaac - You alright baby?

Y/N - (wipes mouth) No, I don't feel good... My boobs hurt, I am puking my guts out every five seconds, and I am constantly tired.

Isaac - (rubs your back and picks you up) I am so sorry baby, it will get better soon I promise...

Stiles - (hands you a ginger ale and some saltine crackers) Here, please have some of this before you completely ruin my seats.

Y/N - (groans) Thanks Stiles...

Second Trimester

You are sitting on the couch with a blanket and some pistachio ice cream. Your legs continue to cramp and you sniffle wiping your nose for the five-thousandth time today. You feel a weird movement in your stomach.

Y/N - (gasp dropping the ice cream on the floor) ISAAC!

Isaac - (runs into the room sliding against the wooden floor) What is wrong, is the baby alright?

Chris and Allison both come running into the room too, after hearing you yell.

Allison - Is everything ok?

Y/N - I... I think the babies are kicking, or moving. I don't know something is wrong...

Chris places a hand on your stomach and feels the baby move.

Chris - (smiles) Sweetheart, that is a good thing... Your baby is moving around...

Isaac - (pushes Chris's hand out of the way placing both his hands against your stomach) Come on babies... Move for daddy...

You smile seeing Isaac's face light up as he felt the babies move. Everyone that day was over joyed feeling the babies move, you all were beaming seeing the babies continue to grow. You catch Isaac watching your belly all of the time and you can tell he is listening to their heartbeats. You can't help but think that he is going to be an amazing dad. One night you fell asleep early and Isaac was still awake. You woke up to him talking to the babies.

Isaac - (caressing your bump) I can't wait to meet you both... You guys have an amazing mommy and such a good support system. I hope you look more like your mom, she is absolutely gorgeous.

Y/N - (groggy) Isaac?

Isaac - Yes?

Y/N - What if they are both boys? They won't look like me you know...

Isaac - (chuckles) You caught me... I just want them to be good looking babies and healthy.

Y/N - (turns over and kisses Isaac) I love you Isaac..

Isaac - (kisses you back) I love you too princess... I love you so much...

Third Trimester

You are walking down the stairs of Derek's apartment with everyone either trailing in front of you or behind you. You are holding your belly literally waddling down the stairs.

Y/N - (whines) My feet hurt...

Isaac - Come on princess, once we get home you can sit on the couch and relax.

Y/N - (whining) But I can't relax, I look like a whale and feel like one too. My stomach is the size of two watermelons and my feet don't even fit into shoes anymore. (you tear up) Why are you even with me anymore?

Isaac - (takes your hands as you get to the end of the stairs) You are an amazing women who is caring our children. You are stunningly beautiful and protect everyone you love.

Y/N - Really?

Allison - Of course Y/N, you are going to be such a good mother.

Y/N - (grabs stomach) Ouch...

Isaac - What's wrong?

Y/N - Just stupid Braxton hicks again... At least I really hope...

You get to the car and feel like you peed your pants.

Y/N - Isaac... I... I think my water just broke...

Everyone looks at you shocked and rush you into the car. It all goes super fast, Stiles driving and very much speeding. You get to the hospital meeting Chris and Melissa at the door. They rush you to the labor and delivery ward. After 16 hours of labor and many near damaged werewolf ears. You welcomed 2 babies into the world. Everyone walks into the room after the babies were cleaned up.

Y/N - (smiles) Everyone, welcome Erika Lahey to the pack...

Everyone stares in awe and looks over to Isaac as he turns around.

Isaac - (holding another little girl) Meet Victoria Lahey...

Everyone stares in awe as they see the picture perfect family. A mother that would do anything for her family and a father that would do anything and everything for the love of his life.

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