It is up to her

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Chris - (pissed) Kate you heard her, put the gun down!

Kate - (upset) She's not leaving here alive Chris...

Y/N - (teary) After all you have put me through you're going to kill me... Kill Mr in front of my family?

Chris - (starts walking towards you) Kate is my daughter! Put it down...

Kate - (takes the safety off) She isn't your daughter anymore Chris... She is a monster, a killer, she is an animal!

Y/N - (fed up) THEN IF YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT, THEN SHOOT ME!!!! Because if you don't I have no problem taking you down!

Kate - (laughs) Do you really think that I came alone?

Gerard - (walks in with about 6 hunters) Hello... How is family disappointment?

Y/N - (you change into your werewolf human form and smirk) Do you really think that I came alone?

Malia - (jumps through a window and growls) Stay away from my alpha!

Boyd - (walks in) Y/N... (nods)

Isaac - (smiles at you) Let's take them down...

Kate - (chuckles) That is still four against 7, do you really think you'll survive this?

Y/N - (smirks spreading your wings) Oh... I know we will...

Gerard - (points a gun at your head) We can't have a monster like you in our family. It will ruin everything!

Kate - (starts moving closer to you) Sorry not sorry...

Allison - (runs in front of you) NOOOOO!

Kate - (throws her hand causing everyone to stop) Allison, move we don't want to hurt you!

Y/N - (a white light comes from you and surrounds Allison, Chris, Boyd, Isaac, Malia, and Derek) Leave them alone... Nobody else is getting hurt here! (the light was protecting them)

Allison - (slightly moved to your side) Y/N, we need to get out of here...

Gerard - FIRE! (everyone shoots there guns at you)

Y/N - (throws your wings around her and Allison to protect her) NOOOO!

Kate - (worried about Allison) Allison are you alright?

Y/N - (your wings spread out and they are covered in blood) Allison, are you ok?

Allison - (is shaking) I...I am fine... Scared...

Y/N - (nods and pushes Allison behind her, you wince in pain) You haven't done anything Kate! Look at me!!!! (flashes eyes)

Gerard - (slowly realizing that he can't take you down) Y/N... I...

Y/N - (a bright white light emits from you and the ground lightly rumbles) Your gonna wish you never had met me...

Kate - (shoots you in the chest) I don't think so Y/N... It ends tonight...

Chris - NO! (being held back by hunters)

Gerard - ALL OF MY PEOPLE OUT OF HERE! We are done here... (they all leave quickly)

Y/N - (gasp for air)'re going to regret that Kate...

Kate - (keeps shooting you) WHY CAN'T YOU JUST DIE ALREADY!

Y/N - (starts stumbling and rolls eyes) Shh... Pipe down!

Chris - (runs to you) Y/N! Y/N sweetie I need you to stay with me!

Y/N - (your wings disappear into your back and you are completely in human form) I...I couldn't do it..

Allison - (screams) Y/N!!!!

Peter - (runs towards Kate) You're going to pay for what you did to Derek...

Derek - (realizing what he is doing) PETER NO!

Peter - (rips out Kate's throat) She deserves it!

Y/N - (watches as Kate dies)


Y/N - (grabs Allison and Chris hands while choking on blood) I...I didn't want this... I don't... I don't want to be a monster... (you pass out)

Allison - NO! Y/N you're not dying so you hear me!

Scott - (runs in) HURRY GET HER IN THE JEEP!

They load you into the keep and you start heading to Deatons.

Deaton - (takes the bullets out of your chest) She is alive, she is losing a lot of blood someone give me a hand!

Scott immediately steps in starting to put pressure on your wounds. Deaton stitches you up and applies some bandages.

Deaton - Ok, there is nothing else I can do for her. She is alive and stable but it is up to her to wake up now.

Chris - (shaking) What do you mean? Why isn't she healing, isn't she supposed to be healing?

Allison - (crying) She has to wake up... She has too...

Deaton - She has been through some trauma the past couple of months... If she doesn't want to wake up, she will die... It is her choice she has to have the will to live...

Derek - (realizes) The alphas... They are going to notice her missing... They will kill her immediately...

Chris - What do you mean, what alphas?

Scott - The past month Y/N has been living with a pack of alphas... She did it willingly, if she didn't do it they would have killed us all...

Chris - Why didn't anyone tell me this!?! ALLISON!

Allison - (still crying) She...she doesn't want anyone knowing... She hated herself...

Stiles - She never wanted this in the first place... She even cut off her wings, somehow they are back... But that is besides the point, she was ashamed...

Chris - I...I didn't know...

Deaton - Of course you didn't and it isn't anyone's fault... But the alphas have earned their trust...

Chris - Wait, the alpha pack? The one that we have been tracking?

Allison - Yes... I led you in the wrong direction... Dad, I am sorry...

Chris - (mad but worried about you) I just... I want her to wake up, she needs to wake up... Forget about everything else right now...

Allison - (holds your hand) I'm so sorry... She... She did it to protect me and I couldn't even protect her...

Chris - (voice cracks) It wasn't your fault Allison... She will wake up alright, she is a fighter we both know that.

Allison - (crying) I can't lose her... She is my other half dad, she means everything to me... (holding your body)

Chris - (crying) She will wake up Ally... We have to hold onto that...

Isaac - (teary but pissed) We should have known to get to her sooner... I should have known...

Scott - (pats him on the back) I know you care for her but it isn't our fault...

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