She is gone

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Deucalion - (chuckles) Like hell you are Y/N I own you! I will kill you before you leave her!

Y/N - (you fly into the air using your powers) Legends never die...

Kali - (growls and climbs a wall quickly jumping onto you causing you to fall) You are going to regret every defying us!

Y/N - (coughs from having the wind knocked out of you but you stand up smirking) Fine, bring it on...

Deucalion - (picks up a slab of cement and throws it at you) You really think you're in control?

Y/N - (stops it mid air and it shatters to pieces) I am the only one in charge in this town and I am going to kick you out of it.

Kali - (realizing you are fully capable of controlling your powers) I think you're crazy...

Y/N - (you raise your arms realizing power and massive wind gusts come in, they can hear lightning outside) You don't want to mess with me, not today. NOT AFTER EVERYTHING I HAVE BEEN THROUGH!

Lydia - (her and the pack walk in) Where is she getting all of the power from?

Isaac - (concerned) I don't know, but Deaton said this is how her kind died.

Y/N - (looks Deucalion in the eyes) This is my town and this is my pack. Now back off before I really show you what I can do!

Deucalion - You're crazy if you think I will let you have Scott and Derek or any other werewolf in this town!

Boyd - (steps beside you) She's the alpha...

Ethan - (steps up) She's the leader...

Aidan - She's the one to trust...

Allison - (steps beside you placing her hand on your back) Together we do whatever it takes...

Isaac - Were in this pack for life...

Y/N - (howls causing the whole building to shake) I AM THE ALPHA NOW!

Deucalion - (has had enough and charges at you clawing your stomach) I will never give up my pack, not now and not ever!

Y/N - (coughs) Yes, yes you are!

Deucalion - (transforms) YOU WILL NOT!

Scott - (flashes his red eyes) STAY AWAY FROM HER!

You smile knowing your plan worked, as Deucalion takes in Scott's new powers he stays distracted. You tackle him and push him off a ledge causing you both to fall.

Allison - (screams) Y/N!!!!

Isaac - (rushes down the stairs) Y/N?!?

They notice Deucalion fell into a pole which impaled him and instantly killed him. You just fell flat into concrete.

Y/N - (gasp) Sho...shoot...

Allison - (sees you laying there barely moving)
Y/N? What's wrong?

Y/N - (you use your powers pushing everyone away from you and setting a ring of fire so nobody can get to you) I...I can't let... you see me die...

Isaac - (tearing up) NO! Y/N LET ME HELP YOU!

Y/N - (the pain starts becoming unbearable and you let out an earth shattering scream) AHHHHHHHHH!!!

Scott - (listening to your heartbeat) CALL DEATON, HER HEART STOPPED!

Allison - (crying into Lydia) No, we just got her back...

The fire goes out and your body is covered in soot leaving you looking worse than you are.

Derek - We have to get her to Deaton, NOW LET'S GO!

They rush you to the parking lot of the actual hospital where Deaton meets them with a gurney.

Allison - (holding you in her arms) Please, you have to fix her. She can't die on me, we just started talking again.

Deaton - (checks your pulse as Melissa comes running out) She, she is gone. She has no pulse and she isn't breathing.

Melissa - That might not be true, how long has she been like this?

Scott - (tearing up) She has been like that for about 15 minutes, we have tried everything mom.

Melissa - (sighs) I am afraid she is gone then, I am so sorry Allison.

Allison - (drops to her knees screaming hysterically) NOOOOO! She can't be, she can't be gone. Please come back Y/N PLEASE!

Malia - What are we going to do now, she... She was our alpha...

Isaac - (crying as he realizes he won't get to pursue his feelings for you) What's gonna be left of the world...

Deaton - (takes you inside the hospital) They will take care of her, you guys should go home. Allison, you should probably call your dad and tell him to come down here.

Chris - (walks up because Scott had already called him) What happened, where is Y/N?

Allison - (rushes into Chris's arms) The alpha pack, dad they killed her...

Chris - No, she can't be gone... Melissa do something to save my daughter please!

Melissa - (getting teary eyed) I am so sorry Chris there is nothing I can do... She is gone, her heart stopped a long time ago. Her brain is no longer viable and it would have caused damage to her other organs. She is dead.

Allison and Chris both collapse to the ground after hearing that because nobody has actually said it yet.

Allison - No...No...No... She can't be gone...

Chris - I... I don't... I don't know what to do...

Isaac - (crying) She is actually gone, she is gone...

Allison - (runs to your body inside and starts shaking you) PLEASE... PLEASE WAKE UP, I NEED YOU Y/N!

Lydia - (crying at the sight of the family being destroyed) Allison...

Scott - (crying) I couldn't save her... I...

Allison - She's gone, I can't live without her dad... I can't do this alone, not without her... She was my other half, she was my soulmate...

All the hospital staff left the room and left everyone to have privacy. The butterfly necklace that you are wearing releases a real butterfly. Everyone sees a beautiful butterfly with fiery wings land on Allison's shoulder. Everyone saw that and were shocked because they knew it was a sign from you. This really just set in the emotions and everyone went silent. Eventually everyone left and went home, starting the long process of grieving. Nobody really knows what to do next, as some people lost a loved one, some lost an alpha, some lost a best friend, and someone lost a lover. Everyone lost something that day and everyone knew that this was going to be a long time before anyone got over your death.

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