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I landed far enough away from Nehemiah careful not to hurt myself

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I landed far enough away from Nehemiah careful not to hurt myself. I'm about a foot away from him. I quickly swim towards his tired body. His movement have become slower and he isn't as frantic as before. He's still thrashing around using every will to survive he has left.

I start wading in the water keeping an arms length between us. "Calm down." I state trying to catch his attention.

If I where to grab him now while he's still struggling he would probably drag both of us down.

He doesn't listen to me and still keeps flailing his body in a panic. "You need to relax or you will drag us both down!" He still continues to move around.

"How the fuck are you supposed to save me?" He snaps still thrashing around.

Do it for Harlem.

Do it for Harlem.

Don't leave the man to die.

After thirty more seconds he finally stops due to exhaustion. Just before he sinks to the bottom I grab his large body using my strength to pull him up.

Wrapping one arm around his chest I use my free arm to stroke as I kick my feet. Luckily we are in salt water so he's lighter. If it where fresh water he would have died.

I continue swimming fighting through the exhaustion until I reach the bottom deck of the boat. Thankfully Logan and Thomas are standing there and pull Nehemiah out of the water for me.

"Is he okay?!" Elena cries as she rushes by his side.

"He's not breathing." Thomas says frantic.

Caleb joins the party finally and helps me get out of the water. "Oh My God! Oh My God!"

I really hate my fucking life. Saving the man who threatens everything I've worked for. God better give me a fucking ticket into them pearly gates.

Quickly I move the useless idiots out of the way and start compression on Nehemiah. I press down on his chest with all my body weight as I sing Staying Alive in my head.

After thirty seconds of piercing silence his body convulses and he coughs up the sea water.

"You saved him?" Caleb asked as if he It's the craziest thing in the world.

I stand walking away from a frantic Elena as she cradled her husband. "Don't even talk about it." I sigh walking upstairs. "I need a fucking nap.

Caleb laughs as he walks behind me following me into the room Logan showed us earlier.

Quickly I shower and change into the sun dress I bought. It's a white satin and has pink elegant flowers all over. It has spaghetti straps and a low neck line that shows off my breast. The dress goes to about my mid thigh giving it a slutty vibe.

When I walk into the bedroom both boys are already on the bed passed out. Caleb on the right. Harlem on the left and a small space for me in the middle.

I sigh fixing the towel on my head before grabbing the spare blanket, and squeezing my way into the spot. "I hate you idiots." I sigh just as Harlem lets out a loud ass snore.

I snap my head in his direction to see a smile on his face. I lightly tap him causing a laugh to escape his lips.

"I love you too big sis." He states scooting over to give me some space. I place a soft kiss on his check which he wipes off instantly.

Rolling my eyes and fixing the blanket I slowly drift into my Power Nap.

A Power Nap later I'm being shaken awake by a overly aggressive teenager. Fucking kids I tell you. I'm not having any of them. Harlem is already enough for me.

"Come on butt face dinners ready." I groan slapping him away. The mother fucker has the audacity to hit me back making me smack him again. That shit fucking hurt.

"Stop." I snap at him and he fucking hits me back again on my damn rib. A fucking annoyed ass look is on his face.

What the shit is he annoyed for I can hit him but he can't hit me. It's some simple shit. I slap him on the forehead and immediately run for the door.

He's not going to stop so I'm telling Caleb. Stupid mother fucker thinks he can hit me.

I can hear pitter patter as I rush down the hall telling me he is close, but luckily I'm still faster than that mother fucker.

I turn the corner entering the dining room. The crowd of people meet me, and I try to calm my breathing pretending I didn't just run here in a damn dress.

Caleb looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I just smile at him. I glide my way through the awkward stares to him. I shift myself so I'm behind him. He has now become my wall of defense.

Just then Harlem turns the corner a half annoyed half happy look.

Caleb scoffs and takes a hand through his hair. "You two are childish. Stop hitting your sister." I swear he would make a fucking perfect father one day. How did he know?

"But..." Harlem sulks.

"You hit your sister I hit you." Caleb states over this conversation already.

"You shouldn't hit ladies Harlem." Logan adds causing Harlem to snap his neck in his direction. A confused look as he raises his eye at Logan.

"She's not a lady she's my sister. I don't hit woman but I'll damn sure knock the fuck out of her." Harlem states in all seriousness. I can't even be offended.

He's only ever saw me as his sister. I never bothered to take a parental role with him. I didn't want to. I wanted my little brother to remain my little bother.

I was afraid that we would loose the connection we once had. Every adult in his life abandoned him at a young age. I didn't want him to see me as one of those adults.

He's my little brother and I'll wack the fuck out of him anytime I please. I'll fight with him even though he's twelve years younger than me. I don't care how childish we look. I'll do it just so he doesn't have to see me as a adult who might leave him.

"Harlem watch your mouth." Caleb says taking a seat at the dinning table. I follow after him taking a seat on the left side.

Caleb on the other hand. He's one of the only ones who will tell Harlem something and he will listen.

Harlem takes hit seat on the opposite side of Caleb muttering something under his breath.

Only now that my body parts are not in danger do I survey the scenery in front of me.

The table is beautiful decorated with a light beach theme. Seashells, sand dollars, and dried out starfish are across the table. The plates and napkins match the color of the sand and sea. The utensils are gold standing out against the white table cloth

Rich people really out do themselves with decorations.

The night sky shines the the ceiling to floor windows giving the room a gentle glow. It makes the whole world seem so peaceful.

Until my eyes lock with his. He's sitting right across with me staring at me intently. I don't give him my eye contact. Instead I look anywhere but him.

"Why did you save me?" He finally speaks up causing me to look at him.

Instead of tanking me he ask why. "Because I'm a nice person." I can hear a light giggle escape Harlem at my words. Thankful Caleb shuts him up some how.

The entire table is silent. Watching out interaction intently. "Thank... Thank you." I send him a half smile.

Shortly after dinner is served. Although the entire meal I can feel his eyes on me. Following my eatery move my as I try to enjoy my dinner.

What the fuck is wrong with him

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