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Staring at his damn jacket I contemplate if I should through it into the flames or give it back

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Staring at his damn jacket I contemplate if I should through it into the flames or give it back... or keep it.

I'm not keeping it.

Why can't I keep it. It's probably a thousand dollar suit jacket that could feed a couple starving kids. Rich people love to waste their money on shit they don't need; expensive ass cars, one too many houses, and expensive ass clothed. I'm rich but I get my shit from Forever 21, and Zara when I'm fancy.

I'm still living with the poor person mind set. I can live with a thousand dollars for five month and not stress over it. Harlem on the other hand has full accepted the rich life styles

"You're going to hurt yourself glaring at it." Caleb says from behind me. I hold out my hand and he set the glass of scotch in it.

I lied the one thing I will spend money on is liquor. I'm honestly bordering alcoholic.

"I'm just not sure what to do with it." He look at me then at the flames then back at me. "I thought about that, but it's expensive. He also did a nice thing by giving it to me." I sip down the malt to like with a hint of Smokey vanilla.

"So give it back."

"That seems like the right thing to do though." I pout turning to rest my legs across him. He begins rubbing my feet like the best man he is.

The fall air blows on my skin letting me know the New York Winter is not too far behind.

He sighs shaking his head as he laughs at me. "Then keep it. You seem like that's what you want to do." I glare at him and turn to the jacket.

I huff taking a sip of my drink before turning to him. "No I just..."

"You want to fucking keep the thing." I kick him on the thigh which is extremely close to his balls. He glares pushing my feet off his lap. I roll my eyes as I adjust myself on the couch.

"Shut up." I look at my phone checking the time. "You should really leave its past your bed time. The L.A Rams wait for no one."

He laughs as I begin to push him out the patio in the living room towards the door. "Are you starting to like him?" I stop pushing him and stop in my tracks.

"Don't say that now. I don't fucking like him he is infuriating." I march back into the patio and grab the jacket and throw it to him. "Keep the darn thing and don't ever say that shit with me again."

Again this fucking idiot laugh as he exits my damn house. "I love you!" He shouts as I close the door with a annoyed smile on my face.

"I hate that bitch." I sigh walking to my bedroom so I can sleep.


Today isn't my day. It's only seven in the morning but I can't already feel a storm brewing. Something doesn't feel right about today.

I'm blaming it on Caleb he gave me two glasses of scotch and pushed me off. I was really looking for a cuddle buddy but he was an asshole.

I can't cuddle when a man is being an asshole. I should have woken Harlem up and completely smushed him. That probably would have cleaned away my mereces. That fucking asshole always knows how to get on new ones.

Just as I'm about to escape the chilly fall air I hear my name being called. The voice sends a chill down my spine.

"Chicago." I turn around facing someone I thought would leave me alone for the rest of my life. Someone I thought had left me for the last time.

He hasn't aged it seems like. His eyes still filled with mischief and deceit. His black hair shaved down to a buzz cut with a medium length beard covering his face. Two slits are on his left eye brow and a nose piercing on his right with a silver hoop.

Even more tattoos cover his arms and neck. The show through his short sleeve V-neck t-shirts.

I bite the inside of my cheek trying not to let my nerves get the best of me. "Victor." I state stepping away from the door and closer to him but not too close.

"Is that anyway to greet your brother?" He ask tilting his head to the side as he steps closer to me bringing me into a hug. "We need to talk. In your office." I nod walking toward the building again.

Victor falls behind me earning himself a few looks as we walk through the lobby. With his appearance it's not hard to tell what he does for living.

The elevator dings Victor and I step inside along with a few others. The ride is silent as we rise to the second highest floor.

He's either here to kill me or to ask me for money. I'm not sure which one is worse. The father side of the family seems to be like a leech that just won't stay full.

He told me last time was the last time. Apparently the mother fucker doesn't know how to keep his word.

Once we reach our floor Victor and I step out. Prince is about to speak but his voice gets caught. I'm not sure if it's out of fear or attraction.

"Umm..." he clears his throat as his cheeks turn red. Attraction. "Hello Chicago and..."

"Victor." He says sending him a wink.

"Prince clear off my schedule for the morning I have personal matters, and make sure no one comes in my office." I state opening the door for Victor and he walks in. I close it behind us.

"Your place is bigger than it was before. Higher as well." I walk past him taking a seat at my chair. The worry of what mighty comes out his mouth hit me, but I keep a blank face.

"What do you want Victor?" He smiles walking around to takes a seat on my desk next to me.

"We need some money." I half scoff half laugh.

"You said it was the last time." I say crossing my arms leaning back in the chair. "The last time and now you need me again. For a organization that hates woman you sure lean on me, a woman a lot."

His jaw tick as he stares down at me. "Just a hundred thousand that's chump change to you now."

"No." I state holding my ground.

"No!" He yells standing from the desk to get in my face. He place both hand on the arm rest and pulls my closer to him as he leans down.

"No." I snap at him. "I owe you and him nothing what the fuck would I give you a cent." I raise an eyebrow leaning back in the seat.

"I could take the one thing you care about. I think our baby brother would make a good addition to the life." He smirks waiting for a reaction that I don't give him.

"You're not touching him.", I demand.

He kiss his teeth standing to his full height. "You don't have a choice Chicago.". He places a kiss on my forehead giving a small sentimental moment to a fucked up one. "Don't forget where you came from.".

He stands to his full height and scratch his beard. "I told you nicely he won't." Victor sighs looking at me then off to the distance. "I hope you do the right thing, because Harlem he has a good life. He doesn't deserve to have it ruined." He looks into the distance across the business New York streets.

"Why didn't you come with us?" I ask turning to the ceiling glass windows to look out at the city as well.

"He would have never stopped looking for us. He needs an heir... that has a penis of course. Which means we would have been running for the rest of our lives, or until he died. Which is something he doesn't know how to fucking do." He smiles at the last part before turning away from the window.

I'm about to speak before the door opens

Fucking Prince I'm going to fire him.

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