25: Protective

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Two bottles of wine on the Thursday night

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Two bottles of wine on the Thursday night. By the rate I'm going there is no way Im not waking up without a hangover. A hangover that will disturb my abilities to work. Although my pride would injure me to stay home.

There's no way I'm not walking through that door with my head held high. What is there to be ashamed of... scratch that. There is plenty room be ashamed of I slept with a married man, and I loved every minute of it.

I down my half full glass and stand to grab another. Before I can make it to the kitchen my phone rings. My heart practically beats in my throat as his name flashes on the screen.

I swipe the damn thing from the couch. "Fuck." With a heavy sigh I answer the fucking phone. Nothing to be ashamed of.

"Mr. Winter." I answer in my best I'm sober and haven't been drinking the last two hours voice.

He clears his throat as the sound of a bed creaking in the background. "We should talk."

"Mmmh." I grab another bottle of wine from the kitchen. "What do you want to speak about?" I almost stumble over my damn legs making my way back to the couch. Quickly I hurry my drunk ass to the coach so I don't bust my ass.

"I apologize." It's like someone to the wine bottle and smashed the shit over my head. "I am unsure what came over me, and I apologize.

"Youuuu apologizes?" I'm not sure if I slurred my words because I'm drunk or due to shock. I'm going to gaslight myself into believing it's due to the alcohol.

"I am a engaged man and am ashamed of my actions. I hope we can move pass this." I almost laugh at myself. What the shit did I expect? "I will still be aiming for CEO, and this event will do nothing to effect my drive. See in the office tomorrow Miss Evan."

"Mmmh." I hang up the phone without another word. Throwing my one to the other side of the couch. "Shit." I pop the cork of my wine glass and fill it to the top.

Taking my first sip I drink almost the whole damn thing. "You know better Chicago." I let out a sigh. Letting the liquor take effect. "Whatever it takes."

I was blindsided. I was stupidly blinded by anger and hate silly me. Tomorrow I'll establish my position.

There's no way I'm letting Nehemiah Winter corrupt my position. I am almost at the top. The power to never feel small again in my grasp.

A knock on the door catches my attention. It's almost midnight. Who the fuck? Victor.

I down the last of my wine and stand on wobbly feet. "Fuck me." I sigh brushing my hair back. It's been two weeks since he left my office that day. Time isn't on my hands.

He's asking for money I don't have. Just because I work for a billon dollar company doesn't mean I have a billion dollars. Fucking criminal aka my father my not have the mental capacity to understand that.

Even though I would like to wonder how he found my penthouse, or how he got through security. Criminal passes through my mind. The hours he spent training while I watched the later got my assed whopped for watching. Great times.

"Open the door sis. It's been two weeks you know the deal." With a heavy sigh I open the door. In all his glory my brother stands in front of me. The only difference between him and the last time I saw him is the big ass black eye.

"You look like shit." I chuckle.

"You look gorgeous as always." I roll my eyes and open the door wider.


I've never been late on a payment so Victor has never come to my front door. Harlem has never seen Victor. For all I know Victor has only seen Harlem for afar.

"Probably easy dropping in on the conversation." A second later Harlem appears from the hallway. He may be pissed at me but he's still a protective asshole.

I turn to Victor who eyes are filled with shock. "Who are you?" Harlem ask standing next to me.

"Just a friend." Victor states not taking his eyes off of Harlem.

"A friend with more tattoos than a stripper has ones?" Victor smiles as he glances as me. "What's with the face?"

"You remind me of someone." He chuckles before turning back to me.

"Go to bed. Got to actual bed not lingering in the hallway." I state catching the look Victor gives to me.

Harlem snaps his gaze to me. "Chicago?" I raise my eye brow god the are so alike and he barely knows it. He huffs and stomps off disappearing behind the hallway.

"Do it." I say taking in a deep breath.

"I'm not punching you. Go put on some makeup." I scoff pulling my hair into my ponytail.

"He will know the difference. Stop being a pussy and punch me in the face." He crosses his tattooed arms and gives me a stern look. God him and Harlem have the same damn look. Same brown eyes that are cold, but yet so warm.

"Victor..." I growl. "One visit is a warning. Second is painful. Third make it rain hell." I recite my father moto word for word when conducting business.

"Put some damn make up on." He snaps not moving a damn inch. We have come to a standstill neither of us budging. I guess our father stubbornness runs though out veins.

A pair of footsteps sound in the hallway causing both of us to break eyes contact. Mrs Watson appears in her pajamas. Hair wrapped in rollers and eyes tired.

"You two are very loud whisperers." She says in a whisper. "Your going to have your brother storming in here with a bat." Mrs Watson walks over to Victor and gives him a hug. "Nice seeing you again."

She turn to me and being to stretch. "No I'm old and not as strong as I once was."

"What?" Victor moves towards Mrs Watson, but stops himself remembering she's an old lady.

"Do you want your father to pay her a visit if you don't come with pictures?" Mrs Watson looks at him with a raised eyebrow. Victor grinds his teeth.

"Fine." He turns his back.

"The nose, lip, and mouth." She goes to take off her wedding ring, but I stop her. The rock the size of my eye will have more off an impact.

"I'm sorry." She apologizes before taking a swing at my nose. I can feel my eyes water instantly and a scratch go across my nose.

Shit for an older woman she packs one hell of a punch. Two more punches and then it's over. Victor turns around and cringes at the sight of me. He takes a picture of my face.

"Please get her some ice." He whines almost man he's a giant baby. "Pay the money Chicago. The next visit it's going to be him. I had to hold him back from coming tonight."

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