Chapter 25: Beesmas Explanation

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How do the beesmas decreations work? Well Robo Bear programmed the Stockings so they never run out of items. The rewards that you get from the Stockings is depending on how good you have treated The Robo Empire so far. If you treated it good, you will get Good Rewards. If you treated it bad, you will get Bad Rewards. If you treated it medicore, you will get Medicore Rewards. Gingerbread Bear House works like this. Robo Bear programmed it to summon 1 Gingerbread Bear every 2 hours of playtime. So everytime you collect it, its a reward for treating The Robo Empire good. Samovar works like this, Robo Bear made it so every use it the nectar drop increases by 5 minutes. He also programmed it to drop certain rewards at certain uses, and the drops get better each time you use it. Dinner Feast works like this, Robo Bear helps track you Polar Power, which decides the bond and treats you get each time you use it. Honey Wreath works like this, whenever you use it Robo Bear programs it to dupe your honey and give you more than what is currently in your backpack when you admire the Honey Wreath. Festive Memory Match works like this, there is secretly a program designed in the Festive Memory Match made by Spirit Bear which means you can't use it unless you got the pass from Spirit Bear. Robo Bear later hacked it so you can't use it unless you have 100 snowflakes. He did this so he can hack into your account and steal your snowflakes. You still get rewarded, so Robo Bear isn't trying to be mean. Honey Bee hacks the system whenever you complete his beesmas quest, he hacks the Honey Wreath to make it so you get more honey from it if you completed his quest. Lid Art works like this, Onett programmed it all by himself to drop rewards and a Guiding Star. He stole some of Robo Bears tech. We already talked about Snowbear in another section.

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