Chapter 26: Beesmas Explanation the 2nd

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This is how Snow Machine works, Robo Bear worked on and it and programmed it to work and summon snowflakes, but couldn't fit the parts in on time. So we had to find the parts and repair the machine for it to work and function properly. This is how Honeyday Candles works, you summon the flames in the quests and you transfer the energy to the Honeyday Candles, Robo Bear didn't make the Honeyday Candles whatso ever. This is how Beesmas Lights work, when you turn on the switch, Robo Bear programmed it so it falls at a random time. The longer that it doesn't spawn, the more likely it will. Science was the one who came up with this idea. Then Robo Bear programmed it to give inspire if it falls onto your head and hits you. Gummy Siege and Beacon was all created by Gummy Bear himself. It was first used to track Robo Bear, but it is also now used to cover the map in goo. The reason why the beacon does this is so it can take away power from Robo Bear and makes it hard to clean up all the goo, and they can also spy on Robo Bear at the same time.

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