chapter 9,372 😰😰😰😰

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Puff was never the same since Benashitianstyles smacked his ass. IT WAS ONLY FUNNY WHEN HE DID IT. But still, there he was, locked in his room, crying his eyes out with MCR faintly playing to help him cope, but to no avail. He sobbed without ceasing, every sound that came out of his mouth woven by raw dispair. His throat hurt, heck, everything hurt. His eyes were pink as gumballs, and his cheeks were as wet as-.. nevermind. But soon, he was ripped out of his blackened sea of depression by a gentle knock on the noor.


It was Bartender. The person who had the complete gall to smack Pisspuddle's ass.

"Go away," the emœ muttered.

"Puof, pleez jus... hearh mea owt. Oepen na noorh."


Pissery then got up, slowly, and drowsily made his way to the door. Who knew crying could take so much out of someone. A click and a creak later, he was then face to face with the brit.


"Oim soe sorræ, Puof. Ie haed noe idea tha' wuld maek yew soe gutted," Birmingham said, his voice barely over a whisper. Piffard's eyes looked to the side, paired with a small sigh. Breakfast then places his hand on Puddle of Shart's cheek, gently guiding his head to look up at him. Caressing the shorter's cheek with his thumb, he then spoke.

"Ie wehnt too farh. Ie shuldve gone eeasee on yew. Yew obviuslee haev.. sumfing goieng on."

Tears welled up in Partyhorn's eyes, and they were let out. He then began to sob, not as hard as last time, and rest his forehead on Beanshart's chest. Banryard shushed him gently and rubbed his back. 

"S'alroight, Puffy. Ie wonte dew et agaein."

Just then, Umberto's Spotify playlist then conveniently starteded playing a sad song.


Pufferduffer then tightened his arms around the lanky man.

"Please... don't let go..."

Benashartafartatar then smiled.

"Ie wonte."


Pisshead had no idea how this happened. He went from being the straightest man on earth to sitting wrapped up in blankets with a british twink. As much as he was embarrassed, he had to admit, it was nice. He was still crying a bit, however, every time he sniffled or let out a sob, Boonfootatoot comforted him by whispering sweet nothings into his ear, rubbing his back, or sometimes even a kiss on the cheek or forehead. Puffo responded to these small acts of affection by a small smile, or occasionally even a kiss back. In Benahafa's point of view, Pneumonia was far more affectionate than expected in this situation. He definitely changed, and Beanburritofromtacobell didn't know what to think about it. He had to find out how to make him normal again, whether it costed them these moments or not. It was better for the both of them.

(how tf did i do this without dying)

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