chapter 927 😰😰😰😰

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(its 4am and ima try to write this chapter rlly well this is such a good idea)

Though time marches at a consistent speed, it seems that the past month has slowed to nothing. It was rammed to the rafters with unsuccessful attempts to get Pufferpuff to watch Dominos. To cure the emœ curse that has corrupted his very being. Every failure sucked hope out of Benashit, and the brit was on the brink of loosing it completely. He loathed it with every cell of his weakening body. He was desperate for Porfle to know that he wanted to help. But nothing worked. What went wrong? What did he do? What could he have done to prevent it? So many questions swam through his head, fighting against the currents of a whirlpool of guilt.

And that's when he woke up.

There he lay, on the couch, sprawled out in a fairly awkward position. He shot up and looked at his hand, and there, in his palm with his fingers wrapped around it, was an empty beer can. And that mere sight was what settled it. He had to figure something out before this takes more of a toll on him than on Pufflehuff. Giving up was no longer an option. Benafart pushes himself up to a normal sitting position with one arm, and thought hard on a different approach on his nagging predicament. Benavides took into account about what his previous attempts had in common. After a moment, it hit him. They were all forceful. From dragging Pancake out of his room to sneak attacking him, all of which were completely inhumane.

Barnyard felt completely idiotic about his previous mindset. He had to coax Piss. Despite the shorter man's edgy persona, deep down, he was probably scared too. And sometimes it showed. But the brit was too oblivious to notice. He decided to end his thoughts there before they made him any more faulty. He had to talk to Popcorn.

Walking up to his room, Beanshart then quietly knocked. As the blonde half expected, there was no answer. But the presence of Pancake was obviously imminent, as small shuffles and breaths could be heard from outside the noor.

"Puof... oim nawt gunna drag yew doewnstairs. Ie jus' wont tew talk to yew."

"No. You're probably gonna shove a phone in my face with that damned show playing.

"Ie promiss ie wonte."

Truth be told, Cheese Puff knew that Benazir wasn't the type to break a promise. Seeing how serious he sounded, Piss supposed that aggression wasn't the brit's intentions this time.

"...Fine." And just like that, the noor was open. Looking up at the man before him, Pofumbat swallowed, hoping that he wouldn't regret giving Beanshart a chance. Speaking of, the blonde kneeled down a bit and softly placed a hand on Piss's cheek. The affectionate gesture mildly surprised Umberto, but he wasn't opposed to it.

"Oim sorraye."


Bean Soup then looked down to the floor, readying himself and planning what to say. 

"I said I'm sorry. I'm sorry I was so forceful. I'm sorry it was getting too far. I didn't know that.. you're probably just as scared as I am about this. I hate this, and... I have a hunch that you hate it too. Listen... I've probably said this before, but... I miss you. I bloody hate the fact that you look like you're in pain, and I can't help you, even if I'm trying my damnedest. I hate that it's starting to affect me more than it's affecting you.... and I hate that I might never hear your voice again. It hurts like hell seeing someone once so full of life so distraught and lonely. I miss how your bright red hoodie used to perfectly compliment your skin, the fluffiness of your chocolate brown hair, and how you occasionally loosened up your tough, but still endearing, persona and showed affection. It breaks my heart at the thought that I might never see it again. However... if this is what you want so bad... I can push through and adapt." 

(i wrote this normally bc writing (and probably reading) in british is harder than you think)

Pneumatic was at a lost for words, as he just stood there, slightly leaning into Benastat's touch. Now, he usually wasn't into sappy things like this, but this hit him. Without even realizing, he started to tear up.

"Ben... I'm sorry too... you were right.. you were only trying to help me.."

The brit in question started to tear up a bit himself and slowly caress Pac-Man's cheek.

"If it's.. truly... for the better... I'll do it."

"..Dew wot?"

"I'll watch Dominos."

IT'S NOT A PHASE, BENATAR || A Crappy Benapuff StoryWhere stories live. Discover now