chapter 420 🥳🥳🥳🥳

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Benabean's eyes immediately widened. Half of him couldn't believe what he was hearing, the other half knew his desperation would pay off eventually.

"...Relee?" Beastburger faltered. Parsley simply nodded in response, grabbed the blonde's hand, and started to walk downstairs. Benashit did nothing against it. He was too busy being stunned that Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning was willingly going to watch Dominos, and that no violence was involved to make this moment happen. Once the two finally got to the living room, Polio sat down next to Bacterial Vaginosis.

And no, they weren't five feet apart.

Bladderwort then gingerly grabbed the remote, the disbelief finally wearing off. He then looked over at the rainbow-haired emœ, giving a look that says "Are you ready?". Partypack got the message, and nodded with a determined look on his face. Barnyard knew not to hesitate too much. He wanted to free Penile Cancer before he went through another emœ relapse, which could happen at any time. He then turned on the cure to everything. South Park.

In mere seconds, a harsh reaction could be seen from Paget's Disease of the Nipple. He was writhing in obvious discomfort. It seemed that the phrase "pain is weakness leaving the body" has become "pain is emœness leaving the body", because the poor thing was fighting himself to not get up and run away. This made Binge Eating anxious, so he grabbed onto Puff's forearms, just in case he needed to restrain him, and squeezed his eyes shut. After about 30 seconds, Pelvic Organ Prolapse stopped moving. Benasock wanted to open his eyes. Really, he did. But he was scared of what he would see. Did Dominos change his physical appearance too? Or just his mental state? So many questions were running through his head. 

And that's when he felt Parkinson's Disease fell over onto his side, the opposite way from where Beanbot was sitting. Once Bile Duct Cancer finally gathered enough courage, he opened his eyes. And there, laying exhausted from all the stress, was Puff.

And he was free. Hair brunette and only brunette, his solid bright red hoodie that stood out immediately, and his natural face, not bombarded with shitty makeup. Part of Benafart was worried that it wouldn't work, therefore his eyes widened at the sight. Not being able to control himself from tearing up, he raised one hand to cover his mouth, and the other to touch Pancreas's hand to ensure he wasn't dreaming. Once their hands made contact, the brunette's eyes fluttered open and landed on the brit. They stared at each other in silence, but not for too long. One of them spoke up, not breaking eye contact.

"You 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬𝘪𝘯' homosexual," Piss said with a chuckle, a bit of amazment lacing his tone, as he stared at Benavides with slightly wide eyes and a smile.

He heard it. After all these horrible months, Bone Cancer finally heard his real voice. Not being able to hold back, he sobbed and tackled the shorter with a hug, his smile untameable.

 Not being able to hold back, he sobbed and tackled the shorter with a hug, his smile untameable

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(i had way too much fun with the names on this one)

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