Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 In the middle of the night, Chen Shuli was raped by...

    In the middle of the night, Chen Shuli was awakened by the earth-shattering noise outside. That movement is enough to make a person who died of sleep wake up from sleepy within a second.

    Instinctively, he sat up like a spring, and flew close to the window. After a few steps, he had already put on his pants, and even half put on his coat.

    It was pitch black outside the window, only sporadic and dancing fires in the distance. Chen Shuli blinked, and his pupils reflected a green light like a nocturnal beast in the night.

    Numerous fuzzy shadows, big and small, ran chaotically in the base, and the howling and hissing were endless. Chen Shuli can be sure that not long ago, this place was peaceful, but now it seems that the gates of hell have been opened. Taking advantage of the night, the monsters and monsters, with their huge bodies, stir up gusts of wind and play a song together with their prey. Ghostly mourning.

    Chen Shuli's pupils shrank, and he felt that the hairs all over his body were standing on end.

    A wave of mutant beasts! How could there be a wave of mutant beasts here!

    Mutant beasts more or less retain the instincts of wild animals, and often have their own hunting territories. The area where there were no traces of large wild animals before became a relatively safe area after the catastrophe of species began. And this base happened to be in the very center of a safe area.

    Even mutated beasts are rare, let alone gather together to form a beast tide. But tonight's disaster came suddenly, without any warning at all, as if the group of low-level creatures defined by the world as ignorant and primitive suddenly evolved intelligence, and a large group of wild beasts ganged up and ran for hundreds of miles, carrying out a well-planned battle. raid.

    In a trance, Chen Shuli inexplicably remembered Chaser's indifferent words: Since you are obsessed with obsession, then bear the consequences yourself.

    One sentence was like thunder, and Chen Shuli's temples thumped: Could it be that the "consequence" that guy was referring to was this. His

    calm and indifferent black eyes could not help but appear in his mind, as if with the determination to see through everything, the calm expression and tone, inadvertently said that it was the final judgment on the fate of this base.

    These thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, but soon he didn't have the energy to think about it. The most important thing right now is to escape, not to engage in conspiracies or conjectures of human beings using mutant beasts to retaliate.

    But at the very first step, Chen Shuli was stumped—whether the door is going out or not.

    The base here was originally an abandoned factory building in the mining area. Although the houses are adequate, many of them are made of mud walls and adobe bricks, which will not be very strong after a long time. As far as Chen Shuli's room is concerned, usually if the power mutants living in the room are in a bad mood, they can perform a show of tearing down bricks with bare hands and punching through the wall. Its strength does not require a power mutant to attack.

    Now, going out is basically the same as serving food to the other party, but if you don't go out, it's no different from waiting for the other party to come to pick up the food.

    Good guy, are you going to die here? I don't know if it tastes crunchy or not. Chen Shuli was having fun thinking about it.

    While fantasizing about whether he smelled like chicken or beef, trying to divert his attention to distract himself from the tension, he wrapped a piece of armguard he made from a thick steel plate tightly around his left arm. Before going out, Chen Shuli patted himself on the shoulder, forced a stiff smile on his face, and said to himself: "Little handsome guy, I wish you good luck.

    " . Someone was bitten and beaten by the mutated beast from the half of the ruined wall, except for the twitching nerve reaction, he had already lost his breath. Chen Shuli bent his back and tried to concentrate on the edge, paying attention to the movement around him while walking. Just at the foot of a stone wall, he suddenly kicked something round. Looking down, he saw that the dirty long hair mixed with blood and brains was tangled into a ponytail on a section of this thing—it turned out to be white. The guy who blackmailed him during the day.     The expression on Chen Shuli's face didn't change, but he couldn't help but think in his heart: Even the perception enhancers didn't find any clues, which means that this group of mutant beasts really didn't pass by by accident, but sneaked in with a plan.     However, even realizing this was useless, he stabilized his body and temporarily hid under the corner of the wall, looking for opportunities to escape from this area.

    In such an environment, every step was a torment, and he was even prepared to be attacked by mutant beasts in the next second. He can't think of any other way except to die, at least let's give it a go without reservation before dying.

    Suddenly he felt a tightness in his chest, and a low humming sounded in his ears. Chen Shuli wasn't sure what the sound was, but it didn't seem like it was made by a mutant beast.

    The sound was like a signal, and all the mutant beasts stopped biting at the same time.

    The strange sound sounded again, even repeated several times rhythmically. Those mutated beasts seemed to have been summoned, and they all gathered in one direction.

    Chen Shuli was so shocked that he didn't dare to move his body. The hope of survival was rekindled, but he became even more nervous. At this moment, the emotion of fear became more and more obvious.

    Seeing the mutated beasts leaving in the same direction, Chen Shuli froze in the corner, almost losing the ability to move.

    Just as the ecstasy of the rest of his life was about to come to his mind, he was interrupted by an intuition of imminent disaster. He suddenly turned around, and was shocked to realize that there was a mutant beast that looked like a leopard about to attack less than ten meters behind him.

    The moment Chen Shuli realized it, the mutated beast rushed towards him. The opponent's speed was as fast as lightning, and at a distance of ten meters, there was no chance for Chen Shuli to dodge.


    A man's fighting passion is often accompanied by foul language, Chen Shuli shouted angrily and wanted to fight back, but was thrown to the ground by the inertia of the opponent's impact.

    There was no other way, Chen Shuli had no choice but to use his left arm, which was tied with a steel plate, to firmly jam the opponent's mouth, so that the mutant beast could not bite the more fragile and deadly parts of the body. But this posture is very restrained, even if he mobilizes his abilities to strengthen his body, it is difficult to exert his strength. What's worse is that his ability can't last, and if he keeps sticking like this, he will soon lose his strength and become the opponent's meal.

    The mutated beast bit Chen Shuli's arm fiercely, and kept swinging it back and forth, trying to tear the human under its claws into pieces.

    During the confrontation, Chen Shuli felt that his consciousness gradually became blurred, and all his actions came from the body's survival instinct. Although he has not given up yet, the reality is already very clear - he has completely lost the room to fight back.

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