Chapter 45

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Chapter 45 Should have become stiff...

    The corpse that should have become stiff struggled and twisted in front of everyone, the dehydrated skin on the outer layer was squeezed, and it burst from the middle to the sides overwhelmed. It seems that something terrible is waking up from the flesh and blood of human beings, like a demon seed rooted in flesh and blood, sucking the blood of human beings, struggling to bloom evil flowers from the flesh.

    The dry shell peeled off, revealing the fresh and distorted flesh inside. The aponeurosis wrapped on the surface of the flesh and blood flowed with slippery mucus, and the smooth surface was constantly beating, showing the ferocious and strange vitality of these unknown species.

    The light in the room was very dim, and no one except Xing Lan could judge the scene in front of him at first glance.

    Whether it was the severely injured companion who was injured by corrosive substances, and was dying after sensing support, or the mutant took root in the companion's body cavity and developed into a new individual.

    The team members who couldn't figure out the situation retreated step by step. After breaking free from the shackles of the leather shell, the strange thing that was twisting slowly sped up suddenly. The end was like the sharp mouthpart of an insect, waving like a sickle, and launched an attack in the direction of Xing Lan and the team members with lightning speed.     At the same time, a "tongue" several feet long was ejected from the center of the split mouthparts. The top of this thing was covered with a circle of sharp jagged bony structures. A player on Lan's right stands on the shoulder of the forward player.     The injured team member uttered a scream, and Xing Lan cut the tongue in half with a knife in an instant, and the injured monster backed away convulsively, it seemed that it could also feel the pain.     The monster's blood splashed on Xing Lan's face, she wiped it on her face casually, raised her knife and pressed towards the changeable creature.     The other two corpses completed the transformation at the same time, and they launched an attack on Xing Lan after breaking away from their skins.     Xing Lan was flanked back and forth, and seemed to be in a dilemma.

    The team members who came out this time had just completed their team training, so they lacked experience and willpower. They just wanted to follow the master to increase their knowledge, but they didn't expect to encounter such unimaginable mutant creatures at the beginning of the game. They watched two monsters approaching from behind Xing Lan, but no one had the courage to rush forward to stop them.

    "Captain! Be careful behind you!"

    Xing Lan's eyes turned, and he cut off a fleshy lump with mouthparts on the top of a monster with a backhand.

    After the part that seemed to be the head was separated from the body, they didn't delay each other, but the jumping became more and more joyous.

    Xing Lan kicked one of them almost into the wall with a side kick, and when he retracted his legs, he kicked down and trampled the meat ball that had been chopped off just a second ago.

    Yellow, yellow, red, and a little white slurry sprayed on her combat uniform. The team members on the side could clearly see that the monster's body seemed to be obviously corrosive, and the surface of Xing Lan's combat uniform instantly cracked.

    She didn't care, and there was no hesitation in her actions. Soon those strange creatures that crawled out of the human body cavity were easily taken care of by her.

    "Captain!" The team members who witnessed all this cast admiring gazes at her.

    "Captain! You are so handsome..."

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