Chapter 28

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Chapter 28 The playful expression on Xing Lan's face...

    The lukewarm expression on Xing Lan's face was fleeting, and his dark pupils were extremely deep, and he suddenly stared intently at Chen Shuli.

    Although alpha and omega are criticized by betas with a large population base due to certain "flaws", their genes also predestined these populations to be more attractive in appearance.

    Xing Lan himself is impeccable in terms of appearance alone, but after blending with his own temperament, it highlights a different kind of coolness.

    Her facial features are three-dimensional, and her lines are slightly tough. When she stares at a certain place without expression, she often looks serious and focused. In this way, her original cool facial features reveal an uncontrollable sternness. With a strong sense of oppression, it seems to be examining, and it seems to be ridiculed.

    Chen Shuli's eyes exchanged a few times with the other party, and finally he was defeated nervously.

    Just looking at her face, you can read the subtext of "this matter is not negotiable".

    Originally, he just had the mentality of trying, but at this time Chen Shuli felt an unspeakable loss in his heart. He thought dejectedly and annoyed: It turns out that

    he is not just a stopgap measure for this plan, not only has expectations, but even a little A little bit more than expected.

    And the other party seemed to have no such plan.

    The words have come to this point, and it is impossible to take them back. It seems that the matter of finding a resettlement place must be arranged on the schedule.

    Even so, he, Chen Shuli, couldn't lose his reputation too much, at least he should save some face before parting. There is no benevolence and righteousness in buying and selling. In the future, everyone will be in the North Continent. Maybe they will meet again and have the opportunity to hug each other's thighs again.

    "Why are you looking at me like that? This is a win-win proposal! Of course, this kind of thing requires the cooperation of both parties, so let it be if you don't like it." Chen Shuli tried to find a reasonable explanation, but also pretended to be frank and indifferent.

    After all, being rejected for such a shameful "cooperation" is enough to make people die if they think about it a little bit.

    After finishing speaking, I felt like I was burying my head and turning sideways, and I was about to slip away when I took a step forward. He felt that the air around him was as thick as glue, and he couldn't stay in this sticky atmosphere for a second.

    As soon as he turned around, the neckline suddenly tightened, and he almost stuck out his tongue.

    "Can you talk about this kind of thing casually?" Xing Lan's tone was cold, and he could feel a chill without looking at his face.

    "Eh? I... I didn't! Cough cough cough... What the hell! Let me go first!"

    Chen Shuli was stunned when he was suddenly labeled as "casual" by the other party.

    "Didn't you always make up your mind to escape, why is this a second-hand preparation today?" Xing Lan's voice came from the back of his head, passed through the back of his head sullenly, and penetrated into Chen Shuli's brain like an electric current.

    "Ahem, what nonsense are you talking about!" Chen Shuli retorted and shouted, but cold sweat broke out in his heart.

    Xing Lan's eyes were deep, staring at the back of the opponent's constantly struggling and shaking head, and cleverly lifted Chen Shuli's face back.

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