Chapter 15

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Chapter 15 Lightning accompanied Xing Lan at the beginning...

    Lightning accompanied Xing Lan at the beginning, like a shadow of a loyal guard, so close that Xing Lan, who was exhausted, almost tripped over several times. But soon it noticed that Chen Shuli was following, turned its fluffy head back, and then rushed to Chen Shuli's side in a bouncing jump. He shook stiffly a few times.

    This guy is really a "dog". Of course, this is just the literal meaning, and there are no other bad extensions.

    Chen Shuli, who was a bit uncomfortable at first, was directly amused by its hospitality. He couldn't help imitating Xing Lan's appearance, and raised his hand to smooth the hair on Lightning's neck. Well, this feels really good. Although it is not as soft as it looks, it is fluffy. Is there any Omega that can refuse.

    Now that he found the touch, Chen Shuli wished he could rub it a few more times, but Lightning was not happy, and grinned his teeth and warned Chen Shuli to stop.

    Chen Shuli's fur-tweezing behavior had cast a shadow on it before, and Lightning didn't want to be bald early in life.

    "Lightning, what are you still dawdling about!" With an order, Lightning immediately jumped back.

    Chen Shuli stood where he was, watching Xing Lan yelling lightning, but his eyes were staring at him. He didn't turn around until he saw that he was taking steps to keep up. He couldn't help but find it funny, and couldn't help slandering: Is it because I'm worried that I'm really leaving, young master? Unexpectedly, he was still a duplicity guy.

    Xing Lan walked forward with her head buried, her consciousness still immersed in the shocking aftertaste of the mutation. Not so long ago, she almost lost herself.

    Until...that man appeared.

    She didn't know whether it was because someone appeared and called her name, pulling her lost mind back to the right track, or because that person happened to be Chen Shuli.

    And he didn't seem to realize at all, she had never introduced herself, but she could clearly call out his name.

    In that cold underground laboratory, wearing a mask with only his eyes exposed, the slender man in a white coat reached out to her again and again, and the bright red birthmark on his wrist took root in her eyes.

    On the nameplate on the chest were clearly written three characters: Chen Shuli. What a gentle name, but now, like her, she has been reduced to a flying canopy that is blown by the wind in the last days.

    Xing Lan deliberately slowed down, and Chen Shuli quickly caught up with her. He walked briskly, and it seemed that the excessively exhausted energy had recovered after two nights of rest.

    "What kind of reward do you get for the mission? Is it worth working so hard?" Although he was out of words, Chen Shuli was curious about it from the bottom of his heart.

    "If there is a mission instruction, you need to bring back the crystal nucleus of the mission target and the designated location for data research. The base will only provide equipment and supplies, and there is no reward. The base can provide hunters with a good survival shelter, so the extra mission It must be fulfilled.

    As for other voluntary behaviors during free time, the prey resources obtained can be freely allocated and processed by the hunter himself.” Xing Lan’s answer is factual and factual, and it does not play a role in solving doubts at all.     "This is too common." Chen Shuli was puzzled, such conditions did not attract him at all. A large base with a complete supporting system and a complete system was not within the scope of his choice. He completely lost interest when he heard that being accepted by the base was "remuneration" and all the tasks performed were obligations.     The expression on Xing Lan's face was tired and indifferent, probably because he was not interested in the facts he stated.     This made Chen Shuli even more curious, because she belonged there and didn't belong there. Xing Lan, who is hunting around, has almost no fixed place, and rarely returns to the base to stand by. Since she is not interested in the stable life of Venus, why is she so self-consciously desperate.     Could it be that it was a brainwashing slogan compiled by the leaders of the base who asked their subordinates and secretaries to search their guts during the emergency mobilization meeting?     Everything is for the hope and glory of mankind. This is indeed a moral truth that belongs to mankind. It has been upheld all the time, but it cannot change the future of this planet.

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