Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 is probably re-touching after escaping from the dead...

    Rose's state is not stable, she seems inexplicably excited and talkative because of the stimulation. She tried to communicate with Chen Shuli, but the other party didn't even have the mood to perfunctory her.

    Xing Lan returned to the unconscious man's side again, she knelt down on one knee, stretched out her hand in front of the man's forehead and did something mysteriously, like some kind of weird prayer ceremony. Chen Shuli was curious about her, so he also went up to her. He saw Xing Lan touching the man's forehead with his fingertips, and at the same time, the power fluctuations on his body suddenly became obvious, and even the evolutionary who had no perception power could be affected.

    She was actually using supernatural powers to try to awaken the other party... Chen Shuli became more and more convinced that Xing Lan was a spiritual evolutionary.

    It wasn't long before the unconscious man began to respond. His eyelashes are very light but very thick, fluttering slightly with the signs of waking up like feathers blown by the wind, compared with the dry bloodstains on his face, there is a kind of fragile beauty. It seemed that everyone's eyes were attracted by him, and they stared at him for a moment, until he opened his eyes, revealing a pair of gray-blue pupils, with an inherent elegance and indifference in the hollow, With just one look, the impression others have of him is completely separated from his image of being in a state of distress.

    Xing Lan didn't seem to be very interested in this person. After waking him up, he stepped aside and continued to look around. Chen Shuli was very curious, so he leaned forward and went straight to the point: "We saved you, do you remember what happened before?" The

    man stood up and looked at the three people present, with a blank expression on his face. He shook his head slowly, stretched out his hand to support his forehead, his handsome features were wrinkled together, showing a very painful expression.     "My... head... hurts... and... who are you?" His voice was dry and harsh, with a very strange accent, and the cadence was out of tune, intermittent, as if he hadn't spoken for a long time have spoken.     Facing his question, Xing Lan pretended not to hear it, and Chen Shuli patiently explained in a humanitarian spirit: "We are members of a nearby base, but no one has seen you, so you should answer my question first."

    The gray-haired man hugged his head tightly, and the expression on his face became more and more painful: " hurts so much?" After speaking, his body tilted to the side and began to retch continuously.     Seeing this, Chen Shuli felt something was wrong, so he looked at Xing Lan inquiringly. I just heard the other party say in a calm tone: "His spirit has been shaken by energy waves, these are normal phenomena."     Chen Shuli: "He doesn't look very well."     Xing Lan said concisely: "I can't die."     The three light words summed up the behavior of tossing the injured so naturally. Chen Shuli looked at Xing Lan with a calm expression, and didn't feel how unreliable this kind of behavior was at all. He suddenly realized that Xing Lan's so-called wake-up call was actually using energy waves to attack the opponent's brain.     The parties disagree, but is this something that humans can do? Thinking that he woke up naturally last night and this morning, Chen Shuli realized that Xing Lan was really kind to him.     The gray-haired man's body curled up, his shoulders trembled slightly, and he looked much worse than when he was unconscious.     There was no response to Chen Shuli's inquiry, and the other party could not disclose any valuable information. Chen Shuli didn't know what to do with the guy on the ground.     "Don't pretend to be dead, follow if you can." After Xing Lan inspected the surroundings, he found that there was no sign of mutant beasts. Her face darkened instantly, and she looked impatiently at the other people.     The gray-haired man got used to it for a while, and finally got better.     He swallowed with difficulty, and uttered a word very weakly: "Okay."     Chen Shuli silently praised the other party in his heart, such a real man who can bend and stretch must not be easy.     Rose also silently followed them. Under such circumstances, it is an instinct to follow the same kind. As long as they are not rejected, there is a possibility of joining.

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