Chapter 14

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Chapter 14 Those Mutant Beasts Have Similar Spirits...

    Those mutant beasts have primate-like torsos and limbs, but the skin is covered with feathers or scales, some have sharp beaks and barbed toes, and some have reptile-like bone plates. head. At the moment of death, they would open their mouths and scream in despair. The sharp sound made Xing Lan's head buzz, as if sending a signal of despair.

    Do these cold-blooded beasts also feel afraid? Even a mutant beast like Lightning, who can communicate with her in a simple way, can't erase his bloodthirsty nature. The blood and pain will only inspire the belief of the mutant beasts to fight. They will bite and fight desperately, and will never stop dying. It is impossible to give up resistance and pray for survival.

    Mutant beasts are more ferocious than wild beasts, and all the ones she has met before are not afraid of pain and tireless. Even if he could escape, it was definitely not because of fear, it was just the survival instinct engraved in his genes.

    But this time, Xing Lan felt fear and despair from the broken roar. Those ugly lives that were crushed and destroyed by her, their eyes before they died were like fragile mirrors, which were instantly shattered by someone's light touch. This kind of sound disturbed her, and even more stimulated the power in her body that was about to move.

    She felt that she was going to lose control, her eyes were red, and she couldn't stop at all...

    This battle probably didn't deserve the word "battle" at all, it was completely a one-sided massacre. Those monsters that looked tall and strong were unexpectedly bloated and clumsy. In front of Xing Lan's abilities and fighting skills, let alone resistance, it was impossible to even escape.

    Within the scope of Xing Lan's perception of mental fluctuations, all heresies have nowhere to hide, and soon turned into piles of lifeless rotten meat, silent in this peaceful village surrounded by mountains and rivers.     The gushing blood spattered her eyes, a little astringent and a little painful, dyeing her eyes crimson. Xing Lan opened his eyes wide, feeling that his line of sight was distorted a little bit, the lines on the edge of the field of vision changed their curvature, the angle of view was expanding, and the front and back scenes were almost connected together.     What about the crystal nucleus? Why do these wastes have no crystal nuclei!

    Her heart seemed to be full of dynamite, a small mass that was crushed as hard as iron, and the splashed blood was like meteors and sparks, which would soon start a blaze if it stuck to her skin.

    Why is there no crystal nucleus...

    The courageous and excited huntress seemed to suddenly lose her strength, and knelt down on the ground with a plop. The trembling hands could no longer grasp the cold weapon, and the unstoppable movement made her feel so painful.

    Damn it... Is this the only way to go...

    Xing Lan knelt on the ground, hugging herself tightly with her hands, her face was twisted, her expression looked ferocious and struggling with madness. With her raised head facing the direction of the sun, her vision was instantly blurred by the stimulation of the strong light. Those eyes, which were originally like obsidian, now showed a brownish-red deep amber color, and the pupils shrank strangely like needles. of two vertical lines.

    Just when her consciousness was about to be burned into ashes, someone suddenly called her name from a distance.

    "Xing Lan! Xing Lan!"

    The voice approached quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was close at hand. Xing Lan felt a gust of wind blowing towards her face, as if instantly diluting a lot of the bloody smell that choked her.

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