Chapter 37

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Chapter 37 North June's...

    The temperature at night in June in the north was not high, but Chen Shuli, who was sleeping on the upper bunk, felt his whole body was continuously heating up. Half-dream and half-awake, as if in an airtight steam box, wrapped in scorching hot and stuffy steam from beginning to end.

    He closed his eyes tightly, but his eyeballs couldn't stop trembling, his chapped lips moved and wanted to call out, but found that there was no sound at all.

    The temperature of the blood kept rising, as if it was about to evaporate and boil, the body trembled with excitement, but the consciousness seemed to fall into the abyss.

    This was an unbearable nightmare, and Chen Shuli fell into it and couldn't extricate himself.

    The steel bed frame made a shaking sound, which was harsh and obvious in the middle of the night. Xing Lan opened her eyes and got up from her bare lower bunk, her feet landed lightly, and she straightened her upper body and approached Chen Shuli on the upper bunk.

    In the dark room, there is only a little blue light emitted by the power supply on the wall, reflecting Xing Lan's deep eyebrows and eyes.

    She reached out and touched Chen Shuli's face, the temperature of the tentacles surprised her.

    "Wake up."

    Xing Lan pushed Chen Shuli's shoulder, and the other party woke up as if from a nightmare.

    "Are you okay?"

    When Chen Shuli opened his mouth, he could only make the sound of teeth clinking, and his whole body was so tense that he lost control of his vocal cords.

    Three full months have passed since the last temporary marking. During this period, Chen Shuli's pheromone has been very stable, and there has never been an abnormal fluctuation.

    Xing Lan was a little uncertain what happened to the other party.

    In terms of time, her mark has decayed and expired. Chen Shuli is a mature omega, and pheromone reactions may occur at any time after the label expires.

    But the other party's strong reaction was more like a sickness than a pheromone fluctuation.

    It's just that there are almost no viruses that can infect supernatural beings, so they seldom get sick. Facing Chen Shuli's special situation, Xing Lan suddenly lost his mind.

    So, she had no choice but to pour him a cup of hot water first.

    Xing Lan held Chen Shuli's head and brought hot water to his mouth.

    "Have a drink."

    The water flowed down from the corner of Chen Shuli's mouth and down his neck, instantly soaking a large area of ​​the pillow.

    Xing Lan quickly put down the quilt, and said in an almost helpless tone: "Why can't I even drink water, I can't really be sick." It's so late at night, and I don't know if there is a

    doctor on duty.

    Probably scalded to the neck by the half-boiled hot water, Chen Shuli, who was unconscious, shivered, and finally regained consciousness. The heinously familiar feeling in his body made his body tremble uncontrollably, but he never expected that this time the pheromone fluctuation would come so suddenly and abnormally.

    He has experienced this kind of thing countless times, but the reaction is different according to the state of the body at that time. Sometimes it is not serious, and a little cold bath can relieve it. When it gets serious, he will find a place where there is no one to endure it. But at those times, it will not affect my consciousness. Although the body is uncomfortable, it will not lose control. Doing more is just a little softer.     In his impression, the strongest reaction was three months ago. I don't know if it was the first time he encountered alpha during the pheromone reaction period. The pheromone in his body that had not been comforted for many years seemed to be Jiang Chao at that moment. The embankment burst, and the surge made people completely mad.     But this time, Chen Shuli could feel that it was more serious than last time.     He doesn't even have the strength to get up from the bed now, but he's not completely exhausted. On the contrary, the muscles all over his body are trembling tensely. He can even feel that if Xing Lan gets close to him again, his body will automatically be like eight claws. Wrapped up like a fish, the other party who is twisted cannot move.     God, why is this happening!     Chen Shuli wailed in his heart, he obviously didn't want to do such a shameful thing, but his instinct made him even more eager to let the other party get closer.

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