Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 Xing Lan...

    Just as Xing Lan wanted to explain, she suddenly felt something strange coming from her body. The hot touch swept the whole body, making people feel like being in a sea of ​​flames, but this was not the most unbearable. The mental torture made Xing Lan's eyes turn red instantly.

    The crazily bloodthirsty impulse awakened in her body like an instinct, and her spirit wandered on the verge of losing control, but she refused to give up rationally, struggling to fight against the awakened beast in her body.

    The white wolf raised his head and focused on Xing Lan closely. He saw her eyes were scarlet and her fists were clenched tightly. Her impeccable facial features were twisted together, as if she was suppressing the outbreak of some crazy seeds in her body.

    Is the crystal nucleus not found?

    Naturally, the white wolf couldn't speak, and didn't even open his mouth to make any sound, but Xing Lan could hear his "language". It turns out that the power of the dreaded mutant beast hunter is not combat-type, but spiritual-type. She can communicate with any other intelligent creatures through brain waves.

    Xing Lan nodded, with a painful expression on his face, unable to speak at all.

    White Wolf: How long can you hold on?

    Xing Lan suppressed the seething and turbulent changes in his heart, and took a deep breath: It's not a problem to endure it for a few more days.

    Seeing that her head was covered in cold sweat, the white wolf approached her and gently touched Xing Lan's cheek with a wolf kiss, silently comforting her.

    White Wolf: I will find it, I will accompany you.

    After going through a turbulent night, Chen Shuli slept peacefully for the first time. I fell asleep until I woke up naturally, and when I opened my eyes, my whole body was soft.

    The sun shines through the layers of overlapping branches, reflecting countless mottled and sporadic bright spots on the wet ground and soil covered with fallen leaves. Between the high and low levels, there are dancing silver-white rays of light, bright and gentle, as if the beauty is within reach. and. Chen Shuli, who had just woken up, looked at everything in front of him, and suddenly had the illusion of being merged with the natural world. In the confusion of his consciousness, he stretched out his hand blankly, trying to catch the light and shadow elves transformed by the Tyndall phenomenon.

    However, this illusion of tranquility and beauty was broken by something that hit the face head-on in an instant.

    "Tsk... so hot."

    A hot air with the fragrance of plants rushed to his nose. Although he was hit in the face, Chen Shuli immediately realized that what the other party threw was not some "hidden weapon", but heated food.

    Chen Shuli propped up his body, feeling a little heavy, and immediately picked up the thing that fell aside. It turned out to be food wrapped in leaves of some kind of huge plant. After they were separated, it was steaming inside. It was some kind of small fruit, some like glutinous rice, but the color was very dark. You can fully feel the stickiness of starchy food after being heated and gelatinized by just touching it. It looks far less than last night. The barbecue is tempting, but it should be a very good carbohydrate supplement.     Xing Lan ate breakfast silently at the side, and did not appear to be talking nonsense with him at all, so Chen Shuli lost the interest of making jokes. He is a very adaptable person. He has been in various small and medium-sized bases and gathering points all year round. His ability to deal with people is not to mention polished, but he can at least deal with people with various personalities calmly, and he does not teach himself to eat. Big loss.     However, after one night, Chen Shuli's state was no different from the slightly reserved one before. Seeing that the other party was not interested in ignoring him, he directly crossed his legs into a comfortable position, picked up the food and ate it unceremoniously—what should he do to a guy like Xing Lan who doesn't talk too much harshly? What is right.     Chen Shuli took a big bite, but he didn't expect that some dried meat that had been cut into pieces was wrapped in it. The aroma of the leaves and the waxy aroma of the fruit mixed with the smell of the meat. The original breakfast suddenly rose to prominence. As he ate, he thought, if this woman is not a mutant beast hunter, maybe it would be good to find a base to be a chef. This skill is almost as good as those who were in charge of cooking before.     Perhaps it was because of prostitution of the other party's food, Chen Shuli felt that the woman in front of her who called herself Xing Lan was different from the rumored ruthless chaser. Even though he seemed taciturn and accompanied by a suspicious creature, the fact that the other party was able to do this for a stranger in distress showed that this guy at least had a humanitarian spirit in his heart.     Chen Shuli compared his heart to his heart, feeling that if it was him, it would be impossible to be so "thoughtful" to this extent.     "Thank you." Chen Shuli said suddenly and solemnly.

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