Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 All passing tests...

    All personnel who have obtained the official Venus ID through the assessment will be arranged to work according to their specialties.

    Professor Alva invited Chen Shuli to be his assistant again, and Chen Shuli did not refuse this time.

    Alva did not arrange for Chen Shuli to enter the laboratory, but only asked him to deal with some life-related matters.

    Since the professor came to Venus, he has been working almost day and night. As an assistant, Chen Shuli is just the opposite, almost doing nothing all day long.

    Chen Shuli suspected that Alva just wanted to return him a favor.

    After a long period of idle life, Chen Shuli was a little disappointed at first, but gradually became content with the status quo.

    Suddenly one day, Alva, who rarely returned to his accommodation, revealed a piece of news to Chen Shuli.

    Venus' research team will collect the genes of all personnel in the base in batches.

    The results of genetic collection will reveal his true gender, but according to observations these days, the omega of Venus is also rare, but he has not received any special treatment. Therefore, Chen Shuli no longer worried about this problem.

    But what Alva reveals next fills him with worry.

    Some experts suspect that Xing Lan's ability comes from the genetic pollution of the year, and even suspect that Xing Lan's changes are similar to the samples brought back by Andrew. They plan to isolate the person forcibly first, and then use the reason of "cooperating with the experiment" to conduct research on Xing Lan's body.

    After hearing this, Chen Shuli was both shocked and full of doubts.

    As a participant in this research project, Alva has no position to disclose these contents to him.

    Alva: "You don't understand why I want to disclose these contents to you?"

    Chen Shuli: "I really want to know."

    Alva smiled, looking very elegant: "As a scientific researcher in this field, I Of course, I also want to find out the truth. In fact, my lifelong pursuit is to create a more perfect new 'seed'.

    But the key to unraveling this secret can lie in anyone, but Xing Lan cannot.

    She is an alpha, essentially very different from a beta. For her, it is just good guidance and stimulation, but it may be fatal for Beta. "

    As Alva said, the large-scale evolution of human beings occurred more than 20 years ago, and the "seed" was popularized in a very short period of time. In

    fact, the guiding effect of the "seed" did not meet expectations. Perhaps it was originally to reduce the risk , causing it to be relatively stable, and the mutations that can be stimulated are very limited.

    With the large-scale outbreak of mutated creatures, the evolution of human beings is gradually becoming less and less impressive in the face of these rapidly changing life forms. The research of

    major bases over the years The core can be said to be looking for more efficient "seeds".

    Perhaps human beings need stronger genes and more complex and diverse abilities to fight against difficulties.

    Chen Shuli: "You are an outsider, why would you say this to me? Since you think alpha is special, can't others see it? Moreover, we have not received any news about your statement of 'cooperating with the experiment'. "

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