Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


Octavia's pov,

"Seriously you two, it is only the first day back and you have already caused problems!" Professor Telier lectures me and Sirius. He is my defense against the dark arts professor and I find him quite annoying and he reminds me slightly of Lily Evans.

It is our first day of our fifth year and in our first class of the day Sirius and I made it rain in the class room. We also set the teachers desk on fire but that was kind an accident, James helped but I covered for him so he wouldn't get in trouble even though it was all three of us who did it. I wouldn't have done it but he covered for Sirius last time and Sirius covered for me the time before, we have a great system going.

"Professor you have no proof that Sirius and I did that, it is so rude of you to just assume thing. So we pulled a few pranks over the year and you just assume it is us. Have you ever heard the phrase innocent until proven guilty." I say with an innocent look on my face and I batted my eyelashes. "I have, I'm sorry but I just assumed." He says softly, looking down at his desk.

"It is ok, besides you were right, it was us," Sirius and I say at the same time. We could have gotten out of trouble but the constipated look that just showed up on his face is so worth it. "agh, detention both of you," he says, glaring at both of us intensely, "you are dismissed," he says while crossing his arms and looking away. Sirius and I leave the office and once we were out we high five, smiling like crazy.

"We should get to next class," Sirius says leaning against the wall. "Nah, I've done enough learning today, lets take the passage to the Gryffindor common room." I say not wanting to go to next class, it was ancient Runes and I was taught how to read all of them at a young age so it was easy for me. "I guess, we already have detention so it won't make a difference." He says pushing himself off the wall. Sirius and I walk down the stairs, I look around to make sure no one was patrolling, looking for students skipping class, it was completely empty. I went under the stairs and push in a small grey stone at the top of the wall. The wall slides open and we walk in and it closes behind us.

I pull my wand out, "Lumos," I say and my wand lights up. "So what do you think is our detention I hope it is something interesting." Sirius says, tracing his hand along the wall like always. "Maybe Mr. Filch will finally come through with his threat and hang us by our thumbs in the dungeon." I say laughing wondering how painful it would be, it wouldn't matter I'm sure I've experienced worse.

"Yes the perfect reason not to do homework, we haven't any thumbs!" Sirius exclaimed gleefully. "Like we do homework anyway," I scoff, "true Octavia, true." Sirius says then his face changes. "James better treat us like royalty for not turning him in," Sirius jokes then slightly cursing as he cuts his finger on a rock. I laugh, "he does the same for us," I say. "Yeah and last time he threatened to report me if I didn't bow down and treat him like royalty." Sirius says looking as if he was going back to when it happened.

We came to the end of the passage way and I couldn't reach the ceiling where we get out because I'm short. "Give me a leg up, please," I wine as I jump and miss, "what can shorty not reach the hole," Sirius jokes. "Shut it snuffles," I say smiling because I knew he didn't like that name, I came up with it because his laugh sounds like a dog barking.

He fake growls at me while laughing and puts his hands together and bent down so I could get my foot on his hands. I step onto it and he raises it and I push up the floor board. I had got strong over the years from pulling myself out of holes (don't ask, more story's later).

I step on Sirius's face because why not and then I grabbed the floor and pull myself up as Sirius groans. Someone grabs my arm and helps me up I look up to see the familiar hazel eyes. "Thanks James," I say taking my hands off him, "help," we hear someone call.

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