Chapter Four

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Chapter Four


A week later,

They finally let me out of the infirmary, because a werewolf cut my leg it wasn't healing well. It took long to heal and it was like a muggle injury and I had to go around in crutches and not put weight on my leg, it's miserable. James felt the need to skip class everyday to hangout with me. I have to say it was entertaining just hanging out with him.

He was overprotective about me, all the marauders were, I was like the little one in the group. Which is funny because I'm the oldest one. Remus got let out of the hospital the day after but stayed by my side the next day then left and hasn't been back, he was feeling really bad about it.

James keep saying, he had dark circles under his eyes because he hasn't been sleeping well, the guilt was eating him up and I felt really bad for him, it's not like I blamed him. I had forgave him but I don't think he forgave himself. He hasn't been back to see me and it was really bothersome.

I walk on my crutches next to James on the way out of the infirmary. The only reason I got out is because Madam Pomfrey was mad at James for skipping classes, the teachers were blaming her for his absence. He said he wouldn't go back to class unless I was with him.

The crutches were frustrating I could never use them right, not even a genius could use these. I kept falling with them and they with slip and slide everywhere. James was laughing at me struggle as we started the stairs and we we were on flight one of a lot.

"You are so bad with those," James says pointing out the obvious, "you, are, so freaking annoying!" I exclaim a bit short on temper, "calm you tits I didn't mean to offend you and your horrible crutch skills." He says laughing, I scream in annoyance and I through a crutch at his head and drop the other one. He ducks out of the way lucky, for now.

"Now look what you did," James says, "you will never get up he stairs without those, in fact you probably couldn't get up them with crutches either." He says. "Shut it!" I yell and start hopping on one foot up the stairs, James following next to me with an amused look on his face.

I was getting tired by the fifth flight, James sighs and picks me up bridal style. "So when are you going to tell me how you really got that," he says referring to my leg that was all bandaged up. "I told you, Remus and I fell down a hill and I hit a sharp rock." I say.

"You and I both know that isn't true, Remus hasn't been the same since, he hasn't been sleeping and has been avoiding everyone and he said has even been doing bad in school." James says, "so what, he got a concussion, that can mess with your brain." I say, trying to think of anything but the truth to explain what happened.

He gives me a look, "then why isn't your leg healing quickly like it would if you just cut it on a rock." He says with a frown, "you and I both know the only way it wouldn't heal correctly is if it was dark magic the did it to you." He says. "Maybe the rock a dark magical powers," I say sarcastically avoiding what he was trying to ask.

"Octavia you avoiding my question, what really happened to you, if some death eater is black mailing you two not to say anything you can trust me." he says genuinely putting me down as we reach the portrait. He looked straight into my eyes and I wanted to tell him everything but I couldn't do that to Remus.

"I told you," I say breaking eye contact and I start hopping into the common room once I said the password to the fat lady, "and I told you I don't believe you." James says following me. "Do you know where Remy is?" I ask, "I don't know, try the library." James says and walks away angrily.

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