Chapter six

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Chapter Six


A couple weeks later,

I haven't talked to James, I didn't want to, I was annoyed. I really liked him but he just goes on dating my enemy, how dare he, it isn't like he didn't know that I hate Lily. It was hard to ovoid him with us making the potion to become animgus and being captains of the quidditch team together, Merlin why is life so cruel.

Me and Sirius walk into Slughorn's classroom I already had it mapped out in my head, it was after the last class of the day. "Hello there Professor," Sirius says and gets his attention, he was going to distract him while I steal the ingredients for the potion, why else would we be at class after we had to be there. "Ah, Black, Eyre what do I owe this pleasure." He says surprised.

"Well professor," Sirius started slowly and I slowly moved across the room to the ingredient shelf. "I had a question on the homework," Sirius says, I grab a bottle from the shelf and quietly put in my bag. Slughorn looks back at me and I pretend to examine desk next to me. "This a lovely.... quill," I say awkwardly and I see Sirius face-Palm behind me, I make this face trying not to laugh at his red forehead.

"You two actually doing homework, I think I might faint," Slughorn says with a bemused look on his face and he turns back to Sirius. "Please don't, people will think we pranked you," Sirius says and Slughorn laughs thinking we were joking. I quickly grab three more things from the shelf and shove it in my bag and close it and I give Sirius a thumbs up and move over next him.

"So what was the question," Slughorn asks walking behind his desk, "um, your right professor," I say, "we don't do homework so there is not point in asking the question. Come on Sirius, let's go. Sorry for wasting your time." I say as we walk out the door.

When we get to the end of the hall we burst out laughing. "I like your quill what type of cover is that!" Sirius exclaims while bark laughing, "hey I'm not the one who asks about homework that everyone knows we don't do." I say and we both laugh even more.

"Come on we can finish the potion now that we have everything," Sirius says, still smiling, "we need to get to the shrieking shack," I say grabbing his arm and pulling him.

We go out side to the whomping willow and Sirius and I stand back. "Immobulus," I say with my wand pointed at the tree, it stops moving violently and sways calmly back and forth. I put my wand back in my boot and we go down the secret passage. "Lumos," I say and my wand lights the way and we were in the shrieking shack in a couple minutes.

We run up the stairs to where the rest of the marauders were, inside a small bedroom. "Got it," I say throwing my bag at Remus. He adds in the last few ingredients and then stirs it until the potion turns this unappealing shade of green.

He pours it into four glasses and hands them to us, "its ready," he says and we all smile softly, trying to ignore the foul smell. I look at Sirius and we say in sync, "Bottoms up," and then we drink the potion and I had to force it down my throat. It was so gross then James and Peter drank theirs, "that is vile!" I exclaim dropping my glass and it shatters.

"So what now," James asks in a slightly gross tone, "now just concentrate on being an animal." Remus says like it was the most simple thing in the world, I'd like to see him try.

An image popped through my head it was a white doe. I picture myself as the white doe running through the woods. Then I got even shorter then usual but was still almost my height. I look around and I saw a black dog, a stag, and a rat.

We transform back, "ok so James is a stag, Octavia is a white doe, Sirius is a black dog and Peter is a rat." Remus says. "Sirius I'm finally taller then you" I say laughing, Sirius frowns and me.

"We need nicknames," Peter squeaks. we sit down. "I know Remus is Moony," I says," it is perfect," Sirius says. "So we all agree," I ask, "but Moony sounds like I'm going to moon someone." He complains. "Good, nobody will think to much of it." I say. "That means you have to be Snowball," he says, "fine Moony," I say. "Great Snowball," he says back.

"James should be Prongs," Sirius says, "that works," Remus says and I didn't say anything. "What about Sirius," I ask. "What about black coat," James asks, "no, um I know Snuffles! It is perfect and we already call him that so it is perfect!" I exclaim. "No!" He exclaims.

"Fine, how about.... Padfoot." I say, "that not actually that bad," Remus says. "So Padfoot it is," I say. "What about me," Peter asks. "Wormtail," James says right away, "ok that works," I say.

"So now that we all have nicknames, now what?" Sirius asks. "Well I have been working on this I was waiting till later to show you but now works." I say. "Show it," Sirius says. "It isn't completely done though," I say say and pull out a folded piece of paper.

I unfold it and you could see everyone, moving around. "Woah, where did you get this?" Remus asks. "I made it, I'm smarter then you all think," I say, "does this show-" "every person in Hogwart, what they are are doing, every minute of every day." I say.

"It is amazing," Sirius exclaims, "I need to make a cover page and now that we have nick names I know what to put.


A couple hours later I show it to them and they read it out loud, "Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Snowball, Padfoot & Prongs are proud to present the Marauders Map." He said, the Marauders map was in Hogwarts (picture above).

"I love it," Remus says, "mischief manage," I say and it fades away. "What did you do!" Sirius exclaims, "just watch," I say, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." I say and reappears, "Octavia you are a genius!" Sirius exclaims, "so remember the two phrases, "Mischief manage, other wise anyone could read it." I say.

"I'll hold on to it for now," I say. "Why should you," James asks, "because I made it," I say bitterly. "But I am more powerful I have one of the deathly Hallows." He brags bringing it up for no reason. "I do to!" I exclaim, "no you don't, you don't have the elder wand!" James yells at me, "I don't don't have the stupid wand, I have the resurrection stone!" I yell back and I open my locker necklace and inside was a small black rock with the deathly Hallows symbol on it.

"Where did you get that!" James asks, "I've had it since birth!" I yell. He reaches over to touch it but goes flying backwards, "protection spell," I say grabbing the Marauders map and walking out of the room and back through the passage way.

I could hear someone following me and I knew it was Sirius, I turned into my doe and ran as fast as I could. I emerge from the tree and there stood Snivellus I look at him and he looked confused. A black dog came up beside me and I glare at it to then I run for the forest.

I was clearly faster then Sirius and I run around trees confusing him. Then I ran down a hill and tripped and fell, when I reached the bottom I was feeling so great and to make it worse I stood up and Sirius came piling into me.

He tackled me to the ground and we both transformed back and he was laying on top of me and we both burst out laughing. "God, I am so mad at James," I say. "It isn't his fault he is so full of himself, why didn't you tell us about your necklace." He says and reach out to touch it and he went flying backwards.

"I'm the only one who can touch it," I say, "so why didn't you tell us?" He asks again and lays down on the ground next to me and we look up at the colourful sky that was setting. "I don't feel the need to brag about everything," I says and he laughs at me.

"I'm going to leave the black family forever," he says and I look over at him, "I'm going to live with James, I'm doing it when I we leave for the winter holiday's." He says looking at me, "it is about time," I say and he laughs at me.

"I wish you could be there, you really are like a sister to me." He says.


Hello muggles,

So Octavia and James are fighting, next chapter will be a bit of a time skip so I'm sorry if you don't like that. You are going to learn Octavia's biggest secret, and all about her family and why she doesn't talk about them. Sorry if that was a spoiler, anyway I hope you liked the chapter it was kinda short but I got it done fast so I guess it is ok. I will try to update soon but no promises. Luv ya,


(Because I felt like it⬆️)

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