Chapter Fifteen

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A loud screeching sound, woke me from my sleep making me tumble off the bed pulling James with me. It has been a week now and the cuffs stool haven't come off, whatever Remus did was strong and the only thing that was going to unlock this was the key. All the teachers had tried even professor Dumbledore, he found it funny at first but then when he realized he couldn't get them off he got frustrated.

James and I groan and the screeching sound continues, everyone in the dorm was up by now and drowsily looking around for the source. It was coming from outside out dorm door, James and I slowly walk over to the door and open it. The noise was coming from downstairs, the other boys were up by now to.

Sirius slams the door shut so the sound gets louder, Remus puts a silence charm on our room and the noise fades away. We all sink back into our beds feeling the relief of being but in bed, it was Saturday no way are we waking up early. Sirius was already snoring and just as I'm about to fall back asleep the door goes flying open and there was a 7th year.

"There is a fire we need to get out of the castle for safety precautions," he says in his snobby 7th year type of way. We all groan then follow him, I get of James back and rest my head as we run down the stairs and to the main stairway. The stairs were full of smoke and it made it hard to breathe. The 7th year because the coward he is disapperated leaving us.

"James let me down," I say and he puts me down, I lift both of my hands and it starts pouring inside. It took around five minutes before the fire was out completely. Remus and Sirius found out about me being a elementist after the whole fist fireball incident. "Want to go back to bed?" I ask the three of them, "yes," they all reply and we walk back up the stairs and into our dorm.


Later that day,

"I already told you James, no means no!" I exclaim while I walk around the library trying to get away from him, which is hard to do when you are cuffed to him. "Come on Octavia, Lily and I haven't been on a date in like a month." James whines, "I refuse to go on a date with You and Lily," I say making another turn which was getting me nowhere.

"Octavia, I'll do anything!" He exclaims, "fine but you owe me," I say giving him the evil eye. "Thank you, thank you, thank you! Come on let's go find Lily," James says dragging me out of the library. I walk as slow as I can and finally we reach the common room, we walk through the the portrait hole.

Alice sits at a table reading a book but Lily was nowhere in site. We walk over to her and she looks up from the book and stares at us. "Where's Lily," James demands, "he means to say, do you know where Lily is?" I ask politely unlike James. "Yeah, she is highly contagious with a stomach virus, she is down at the infirmary." Alice says, James face saddens a bit. "Thanks Alice," I say trying to be polite.

We walk away and the look on James's face was just pitiful, "I can go to Hogsmeade with you if you want." I say quickly before I even realize what I just said. After last time I didn't think I would ever go to Hogsmeade with him again. "That would be great!" He exclaims immediately smiling, he drags me out of the common room and we make our way down to the courtyard.

When we get down there Minnie is standing there watching everyone who walks by. "G'afternoon Minnie," James and I say in sync, "Mr. Potter and Ms. Eyre it is rude to call a teacher by there first name!" Minnie says strictly, "and it is rude to yell at us everyday in class but you still do it." I say and Minnie turns red, "Bye Minnie," James and I say again and we walk by her to the path to Hogsmeade.

It takes us a little bit to get down there when when we do we head straight for The Three Broomsticks. James and I go to the counter together because we really couldn't split up. We get our butterbeers and sit down, after the first few days with the hand cuffs we have got a lot better at moving around.

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