Chapter Five

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Chapter Five


"There is nothing!" James exclaims and falls backwards into the pile of book we had thrown of the shelfs. Sirius and I laugh at him while Remus and Peter stay glued to books. I know what your thinking, what is Sirius, James, and me doing in a library, especially when we could be pranking or drinking.

We decided to research what we can do to help Remus with his furry little problem, as we call it. I climb up a ladder to the very top shelf.

It was currently two in the morning and we had just snuck into the restricted section because there was nothing in the main library. I held my wand up lighting the shelf so I could see. I scan the shelf and stopped when I came across a book called Animagus.

I remember learning about this in class one day, I wonder how I didn't think of it sooner. "I think I found something," I says, "what is it," James asks coming over to my ladder and he bumped it making me fall, and I wasn't low to the ground. I landed on Sirius and we both end up tangled together on the ground, "oww," we groan, for a moment I saw stars but then I felt fine.

"What was that for," Sirius asks, "it isn't my fault James is the one who pushed the ladder." I say standing up and then helping Sirius up. "Anyway what did you find," Remus asks setting his book down in the pile of useless books, I open my book. "So werewolves don't hurt other animals unless threatened right?" I ask rhetorically, "yeah so," Remus says trying to understand what I was getting at.

"Well we should become animagus's then we could help you." I says showing them the book. "And look here is the potion, it is complicated but we could do it." James says running his hand over the pages. "Then let's do it," I say happy we finally found something.

We put all the books back (much to my complaint) and then I take the Animagus book with me. "So I say we start this tomorrow lets have a little fun. We can play spin the bottle and invite Lily and her friends." James says, "really," I ask with a disgusted face, I had no interest in interacting with Lily.

"Yes and I am forcing you along." He says, "we can go wake up them," Sirius says.


I walk into the girls dorm to see the three girls on the floor playing wizards chest, honestly they had nothing better to do with their time. When I walk in they glare at me, "what are you doing here Eyre," Lily ask me bitterly. "Trust me I don't want to be here I'm just passing on a message. James wants you to play spin the bottle with us." I says.

"No way," Alice her friend says, "you both are invited to," I say in a singsong voice. "No," Marlene says, "fine be chickens," I say slowly walking away. "Wait, we will do it," Lily says, "that's what I thought," I say and we go down to the common room to meet the guys.

"They are in," I say, "Great," James says. We go up stairs to the guys common room and we all sit in a circle. I was next to Lily and Sirius, and James set the empty bottle from our last never have I ever game in the middle.

"Ok who spins first," I ask, "I spin to see," James says. He spins the bottle and it lands on Marlene, "first things first, when the bottle lands on someone you have to kiss the person for at least 5 seconds." Sirius says.

Marlene spins the bottle and it lands on Remus, we move out of the way and they stand up and they kiss but don't make out you could tell they weren't into it. After five seconds they broke away and then sat down and Sirius bursted out laughing at the awkwardness.

"Ok my turn," Sirius says because he was next to Marlene. He spins it and it goes quickly at first then then when it slows down I hold my breath as it goes by Lily and then lands on me. We look at each other awkwardly, "I refuse," me and Sirius say at the same time, "he is like my brother," I say at the same time he says, "she is like my sister."

"Fine but that means we get to pick who you kiss and you can't back out and this is for Octavia not you Sirius." Lily says grinning, "fine," I say as long as it wasn't Sirius.

"Kiss...." Lily started thinking it over, "James," Marlene butted in. She and Alice were grinning like crazy they obviously wanted to annoy me and make me made for I did the reasonable thing.

Sirius moved out of the way and I leaned over and started snogging James and he did it back. We did this for around 30 seconds and then I pulled back and smirked at the three of them and everyone's mouth was dropped open, even James.

"I think I just kissed an angel, did I say that out loud," James say and everyone laughs. Lily glared at me, I could tell she was jealous without her little puppy following her around. Leaned over and kissed James.

I felt like I had just got punched in the stomach, I felt like I was going to be sick, I've never felt this before what is happening. I felt angry what was happening to me, "James will you go out with me?" Lily asks in a slutty voice that made me want to vomit, "yes," and like that he was wrapped around her finger again.

I felt awful so I ran out of the common room and all the way to the black lake not even looking out for Filch and his patrols. When I got down there I leaned over one hand on a tree I was out of breath and I felt annoyed but I don't know what from I had this stupid feeling inside me and I just wanted it to go away.

I sat down and buried my head in my legs and rapped my arms around my legs. Then it started pouring, I felt someone sit down next to me and put there arm around me. I look up to see Sirius, we were both soaking wet.

"What is happening to me Sirius, I feel awful," I ask confused. "I think you might be jealous," he said and with those words I knew exactly what I was feeling. I hated it, I'm never Jealous, I'm a Veela for Merlin's sake, I get who I want. I buried my head in Sirius's chest and cried, "I think I might love him, Sirius," I say, my voice muffled by his shirt, "I have for a while I'm just realizing it now." I say.

"It is ok," he hugging me, "lets go get out of the rain." he says, "I don't want to go back there," I say. "Lily has gone back to the common room so you can come." He said. "I don't want to talk to James," I say clinging to him, "then you can sleep in the common room." Sirius says.

"Fine," he says and we go back inside, I lay down on the common room couch my head was spinning and I didn't feel great. Then I passed out.


Hello muggles,

Short chapter but it is still important. I will update soon, I hope you liked it, and I don't have much to say but I hate running and stay in school. Luv ya

-Grangergal out-

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