Chapter Eighteen

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"Octavia!" James yells making me run the other way down the hall, James tried to bring up the kiss during class and from now on I've been on full on avoiding mode. I turn down another corridor then hide behind a stone statue.

James runs by looking around, I breathe a sigh of relief and then step out from behind the statue. "Hiding from James again?" Someone says from behind me making me jump, I turn to see Sirius and I cross my arms, "I was not, I just lost my earring," I say lying terribly. "Octavia your ears aren't even pierced!" Sirius exclaims.

"Oh right, that probably why my earring isn't in my ear, well bye Serial," I say quickly and try to make a quick runaway in the other direction but he stops me. "What's going on between you and James, you've been avoiding him for I while now." Sirius asks me. "Nothing, nothing is going on between us," I say and try to walk away but he stops me.

"Octavia even a stranger would notice something is going on between you two," he says. "I said it was nothing," I say, and run away before he can stop me. I decide to ditch dinner and I go down to the lake and sit down where Lily usually does in our Lily Doe sessions.

I couldn't help but wonder if James liked me back I mean he wouldn't have kissed me if he hadn't. It's just he is still going out with Lily which is kinda a problem but it was just a kiss. I try to say it was just a kiss but I keep thinking it was more then a kiss.

Someone touched my shoulder making me jump out of my state of thinking. I up to see James, I start to stand up but he makes me sit back down and he sits next to me. "We need to talk," he says and I don't look at him, "yeah I guess we do," I say. "So about the whole kiss thing, you haven't told anyone, have you?" He asks, "no I haven't told anyone." I say looking at him.

"Good, people can't know, the whole kiss meant nothing, I had a moment of weakness and in my defense you were in a bra and underwear. I just can't have it getting out because I'm going out with Lily and she comes first." He says and I could feel (and hear) my heart shatter into a million pieces.

"Like I said the kiss didn't mean anything, I had firewhiskey before and I didn't know what I was doing." He says explaining himself, "yeah whatever." I say. James stands up and then looks back down at me, "and by the way, Lily doesn't like the fact that we are friends so, I don't want to upset her. You understand," he says then walks away.

I started balling, he said the kiss didn't mean anything and that we weren't friends anymore and it was all because of Lily. I'm glad James was gone, I didn't want him to know that's I cared about I word he just said. I black dog comes running out of the forest then sees me and stood dead in his tracks.

The black dog changes back to Sirius and he runs over to me, "what's wrong!" He exclaims in his big brotherly way, I decide to come clean. I tell him everything about the kiss and the fact like he said it didn't matter and how he just ended our friendship because Lily didn't really like me.

By then end of the story I was crying harder and Sirius looked furious. He stood up and stormed towards the castle with me in tow, I run after him asking him what he was doing, he didn't answer. He kept running and once we were in the castle he stormed into the great hall where everyone say eating dinner.

Everyone turned there heads toward us as we ran in. I start to process what Sirius was about to do, my eyes widen and I run after him faster. We get to James where he was sitting talking to Remus.


Sirius punched James out of his seat, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU MATE!!! YOUR GIRLFRIEND DOES COME BEFORE YOUR BESTFRIEND!" He yells trying to take another swing at James but people got up and held him back.

"Calm down mate," Gideon one of the twins says holding Sirius back, "NO!" Sirius yells breaking free and punching James in the face again then walks out of the great hall. I felt frozen but I force myself to run out of the great hall. I could feel people staring at me as I ran out and I ignore it all anyone else who was in the hall and might have heard I ignore as well,

I don't stop until I reach Hogsmeade, I don't know why I went there I just wanted to. I go into the the three broomsticks and sit at the bar, Xander a boy who graduated last year worked as the bartender. I had tears going down my face but I didn't care, I ignore them like the rest of my problems, one day I'm going to explode from holding so much in. (Just another terrible Monday.)

"What can I get you?" Xander asks me coming over, I was the only one here, the sun had already set and nobody was suppose to be here during the week but I honestly didn't care. "A tall firewhiskey please," I say and I pull out my ID to prove in old enough for it. "Coming right up, and Happy Birthday Octavia," he says reading off my ID. It didn't feel very happy.

He puts the fire whiskey in front of me and I take a large drink of it. It burns my throat but I don't care, "I'm guess it isn't your first time?" He says grinning, "you went here once you can answer that for yourself I say," I finish the large bottle in less then a minute, "do you have anything stronger?" I ask him with large eyes, he smiles at me and pulls out muggle drinks and pours them into shot cups.

"So what made a lovely girl like you cry on her birthday, if you want I can beat them up," Xander says grinning at me, I sigh and take the shot and force it down my throat. "I choose to fall in love with a dick," I say resting my head on my elbow down on my hand. Xander pours me another shot, I take it and down it as fast as I can and he looks at me with curiosity.

"In what way is he a dick?" He asks while pour two shots, then he takes one for himself, I pick up mine and drink it at the same time he does. "I've been best friends with him since day one at Hogwarts and I've always loved him but then he starts dating this girl, and it crushed my heart and that isn't even the bad part, we accidentally kissed and he forced me to not tell anyone then declared that we are no longer friends because his girlfriend said so." I rant.

I don't want for him to answer I just take the shot he pour while I was talking and cram it down my throat. "He doesn't deserve you, anyone who wouldn't want to be friends with someone as beautiful as you is a complete idiot!" Xander exclaims and I smile at him, "Monday's are like that, I've been dating this girl for a year now and I caught her cheating on me today." Xander says and pours two shots for the both of us, I pick mine up and clang it against his glass making some of the drink spill.

"Here's to the Monday's," I say.

Then we both down our shots and we do more and more but I make him stop when I hear a song play in the back round. Xander turns up the song and I smile at him, "dance with me!" I exclaim drunkly, "of course fair lady!" Xander yells loudly back at me and jumps (no so gracefully over the bar) and to me.

We dance to the song and I sing to random parts

"Not a dollar in my pocket but I rock it like I ain't broke!"

We laugh at each other.....

"Here's to never winning first place, Here's to crying on your birthday,
Here's to every single heartbreak,"

Xander spin me in circles and we danced around...

"Here's to us!
Here's to us!
Here's to
Here's to the Monday's."

It finishes....


Hello muggles,

So I've had this chapter as a draft for like a week now wondering if I should post it. I decided to and I would just like to say don't get made at me and it is kind all over the place like I said I debated posting this chapter, anyway comment what you think, what do you think of Xander? Okay so I'm kinda suffering from writers block but now that it's break for me I should have some new stuff up by the end of the holidays, luv ya,

-Grangergal Out-

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